
Setting up a virtual environment first

We highly recommended installing cameo inside a virtual environment (virtualenv). virtualenvwrapper tremendously simplifies using virtualenv and can easily be installed using virtualenv-burrito. Once you installed virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper, run

$ mkvirtualenv cameo  # or whatever you'd like to call your virtual environment
$ workon cameo

and then continue with the installation instructions described below.

Non-python dependencies

cameo relies on optlang to solve optimization problems. Currently, optlang supports either glpk (open source) or cplex (academic licenses available), which are not python tools. At least one of them has to be installed before one can proceed with the cameo installation.


Using cameo with glpk also requires swig to be installed (in order to generate python bindings). On ubuntu (or other similar linux platforms) we recommend using apt-get:

$ sudo apt-get install libglpk-dev glpk-utils swig

On macs we recommend using homebrew.

$ brew install swig
$ brew install glpk


The cplex contains a python directory (similar to IBM/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio1251/cplex/python/x86-64_osx). Inside this directory run

$ python install

to install the python bindings.

Normal installation


cameo is still under heavy development. We recommend installing the development version (see below) if you would like to stay up-to-date with the latest changes.

cameo can be installed using pip.

$ pip install cameo

Development setup

pip can also be used to install cameo directly from the github repository.

$ pip install -e git+

Alternatively, you can clone the repository (or your fork) and then run

$ python install

From withing the cameo directory.