from pandas import options
options.display.max_rows = 8

Getting started with

computer aided metabolic engineering and optimization

cameo reuses and extends model data structures defined by cobrapy (COnstraints-Based Reconstruction and Analysis tool for Python). So, in addition to following this quick start guide and other cameo tutorials, we encourage you to explore cobrapy’s documentation as well.

Step 1: Load a model

Loading a model is easy. Just import the load_model function.

from cameo import load_model

For example, load the most current genome-scale metabolic reconstruction of Escherichia coli.

model = load_model("iJO1366")

Models, reactions, metabolites, etc., provide return HTML when evaluated in Jupyter notebooks and can thus be easily inspected.

Name iJO1366
Number of metabolites 1805
Number of reactions 2583
4crsol_c -->
5drib_c -->
aacald_c -->
amob_c -->
mththf_c -->
oxam_c -->
0.000248 4fe4s_c + 0.024732 pe161_p + 5.5e-05 udcpdp_c + 0.03327 ptrc_c + 0.000223 10fthf_c + 0.000658 mn2_c + 0.000223 gthrd_c + 48.752916 h2o_c + 0.012747 pe181_p + 0.025612 dgtp_c + 0.129799 ctp_c + 0.000674 cu2_c + 0.000116 bmocogdp_c + 0.18569 k_c + 2e-06 btn_c + 0.002288 pg181_c + 0.006388 fe2_c + 0.000223 chor_c + 0.007428 fe3_c + 0.003805 pg161_p + 7e-06 mococdp_c + 0.000223 adocbl_c + 0.012366 pe160_c + 0.000324 zn2_c + 4.5e-05 nadh_c + 0.595297 gly_c + 0.149336 met_dsh_L_c + 7e-06 mobd_c + 0.000168 coa_c + 0.004892 pg160_p + 0.000112 nadp_c + 0.088988 cys_dsh_L_c + 0.000223 sheme_c + 0.209121 gtp_c + 0.000335 nadph_c + 0.008253 mg2_c + 0.000223 enter_c + 0.012379 nh4_c + 0.000279 accoa_c + 0.000307 ni2_c + 0.004952 cl_c + 0.000223 mlthf_c + 0.005707 pg160_c + 0.154187 glycogen_c + 0.004439 pg161_c + 0.000223 q8h2_c + 0.000605 murein3px4p_p + 0.000223 fad_c + 0.000223 pheme_c + 0.055234 trp_dsh_L_c + 0.005381 murein4p4p_p + 0.000223 pydx5p_c + 0.001787 nad_c + 0.024805 datp_c + 0.004126 so4_c + 0.000223 amet_c + 0.005448 murein4px4p_p + 0.246506 thr_dsh_L_c + 0.28742 arg_dsh_L_c + 0.140101 utp_c + 0.006744 spmd_c + 0.133993 tyr_dsh_L_c + 0.024805 dttp_c + 0.255712 gln_dsh_L_c + 3e-06 lipopb_c + 0.000223 thmpp_c + 0.000223 ribflv_c + 0.234232 asn_dsh_L_c + 0.411184 val_dsh_L_c + 0.214798 pro_dsh_L_c + 0.009618 pe161_c + 0.180021 phe_dsh_L_c + 0.000223 hemeO_c + 0.437778 leu_dsh_L_c + 0.234232 asp_dsh_L_c + 7e-06 mocogdp_c + 0.001961 pg181_p + 0.000223 5mthf_c + 0.282306 ile_dsh_L_c + 3.1e-05 malcoa_c + 0.004952 ca2_c + 0.000223 2dmmql8_c + 54.119975 atp_c + 0.000223 mql8_c + 0.008151 colipa_e + 0.000673 murein4px4px4p_p + 0.333448 lys_dsh_L_c + 0.002944 clpn160_p + 0.000223 thf_c + 0.00118 clpn181_p + 9.8e-05 succoa_c + 0.209684 ser_dsh_L_c + 0.092056 his_dsh_L_c + 2.5e-05 2fe2s_c + 0.004957 pe181_c + 0.025612 dctp_c + 0.255712 glu_dsh_L_c + 0.499149 ala_dsh_L_c + 0.031798 pe160_p + 0.001345 murein3p3p_p + 0.00229 clpn161_p + 2.4e-05 cobalt2_c --> 53.95 adp_c + 0.749831 ppi_c + 53.95 h_c + 53.945874 pi_c
0.000691 mn2_c + 54.124831 atp_c + 0.02106 pe161_p + 0.006715 fe2_c + 5.5e-05 udcpdp_c + 0.019456 kdo2lipid4_e + 0.000576 coa_c + 0.000447 nadp_c + 0.612638 gly_c + 0.026166 datp_c + 0.027017 dgtp_c + 0.133508 ctp_c + 0.004338 so4_c + 0.000709 cu2_c + 2.6e-05 2fe2s_c + 0.013013 nh4_c + 0.26316 gln_dsh_L_c + 0.241055 asn_dsh_L_c + 0.241055 asp_dsh_L_c + 0.195193 k_c + 0.295792 arg_dsh_L_c + 0.144104 utp_c + 2e-06 btn_c + 0.513689 ala_dsh_L_c + 0.00026 4fe4s_c + 0.137896 tyr_dsh_L_c + 0.007808 fe3_c + 0.000122 bmocogdp_c + 0.343161 lys_dsh_L_c + 2.5e-05 cobalt2_c + 7e-06 mobd_c + 0.005205 cl_c + 0.26316 glu_dsh_L_c + 0.221055 pro_dsh_L_c + 0.153686 met_dsh_L_c + 0.185265 phe_dsh_L_c + 0.000223 pheme_c + 0.001831 nad_c + 0.253687 thr_dsh_L_c + 0.000223 thmpp_c + 0.054154 pe161_c + 0.423162 val_dsh_L_c + 0.000223 10fthf_c + 0.056843 trp_dsh_L_c + 0.000223 2ohph_c + 0.027017 dctp_c + 0.017868 pe160_c + 0.026166 dttp_c + 0.09158 cys_dsh_L_c + 0.215792 ser_dsh_L_c + 0.000223 mlthf_c + 0.013894 murein5px4p_p + 0.000223 sheme_c + 0.215096 gtp_c + 0.008675 mg2_c + 0.000223 thf_c + 0.094738 his_dsh_L_c + 0.290529 ile_dsh_L_c + 0.000223 fad_c + 0.000223 pydx5p_c + 0.000223 amet_c + 0.000323 ni2_c + 48.601527 h2o_c + 0.005205 ca2_c + 0.045946 pe160_p + 0.000341 zn2_c + 0.000223 ribflv_c + 0.450531 leu_dsh_L_c --> 53.95 adp_c + 53.95 h_c + 0.773903 ppi_c + 53.945662 pi_c
12ppd_dsh_R_e -->
12ppd_dsh_S_e -->
14glucan_e -->
15dap_e -->
23camp_e -->
23ccmp_e -->
23cgmp_e -->
23cump_e -->
23dappa_e -->
26dap_dsh_M_e -->
2ddglcn_e -->
34dhpac_e -->
3amp_e -->
3cmp_e -->
3gmp_e -->
3hcinnm_e -->
3hpp_e -->
3hpppn_e -->
3ump_e -->
4abut_e -->
4hoxpacd_e -->
5dglcn_e -->
5mtr_e -->
LalaDglu_e -->
LalaDgluMdap_e -->
LalaDgluMdapDala_e -->
LalaLglu_e -->
ac_e -->
acac_e -->
acald_e -->
acgal_e -->
acgal1p_e -->
acgam_e -->
acgam1p_e -->
acmana_e -->
acmum_e -->
acnam_e -->
acolipa_e -->
acser_e -->
ade_e -->
adn_e -->
adocbl_e -->
ag_e -->
agm_e -->
akg_e -->
ala_dsh_B_e -->
ala_dsh_D_e -->
ala_dsh_L_e -->
alaala_e -->
all_dsh_D_e -->
alltn_e -->
amp_e -->
anhgm_e -->
arab_dsh_L_e -->
arbt_e -->
arbtn_e -->
arbtn_dsh_fe3_e -->
arg_dsh_L_e -->
ascb_dsh_L_e -->
asn_dsh_L_e -->
aso3_e -->
asp_dsh_L_e -->
btn_e -->
but_e -->
butso3_e -->
ca2_e <=>
cbi_e -->
cbl1_e <=>
cd2_e -->
cgly_e -->
chol_e -->
chtbs_e -->
cit_e -->
cl_e <=>
cm_e -->
cmp_e -->
co2_e <=>
cobalt2_e <=>
colipa_e -->
colipap_e -->
cpgn_e -->
cpgn_dsh_un_e -->
crn_e -->
crn_dsh_D_e -->
csn_e -->
cu_e -->
cu2_e <=>
cyan_e -->
cynt_e -->
cys_dsh_D_e -->
cys_dsh_L_e -->
cytd_e -->
dad_dsh_2_e -->
damp_e -->
dca_e -->
dcmp_e -->
dcyt_e -->
ddca_e -->
dgmp_e -->
dgsn_e -->
dha_e -->
dimp_e -->
din_e -->
dms_e -->
dmso_e -->
dopa_e -->
doxrbcn_e -->
dtmp_e -->
dump_e -->
duri_e -->
eca4colipa_e -->
enlipa_e -->
enter_e -->
etha_e -->
ethso3_e -->
etoh_e -->
f6p_e -->
fald_e -->
fe2_e <=>
fe3_e <=>
fe3dcit_e -->
fe3dhbzs_e -->
fe3hox_e -->
fe3hox_dsh_un_e -->
fecrm_e -->
fecrm_dsh_un_e -->
feenter_e -->
feoxam_e -->
feoxam_dsh_un_e -->
for_e -->
fru_e -->
frulys_e -->
fruur_e -->
fuc_dsh_L_e -->
fum_e -->
fusa_e -->
g1p_e -->
g3pc_e -->
g3pe_e -->
g3pg_e -->
g3pi_e -->
g3ps_e -->
g6p_e -->
gal_e -->
gal_dsh_bD_e -->
gal1p_e -->
galct_dsh_D_e -->
galctn_dsh_D_e -->
galctn_dsh_L_e -->
galt_e -->
galur_e -->
gam_e -->
gam6p_e -->
gbbtn_e -->
gdp_e -->
glc_dsh_D_e <=>
glcn_e -->
glcr_e -->
glcur_e -->
glcur1p_e -->
gln_dsh_L_e -->
glu_dsh_L_e -->
gly_e -->
glyald_e -->
glyb_e -->
glyc_e -->
glyc_dsh_R_e -->
glyc2p_e -->
glyc3p_e -->
glyclt_e -->
gmp_e -->
gsn_e -->
gthox_e -->
gthrd_e -->
gtp_e -->
gua_e -->
h_e <=>
h2_e -->
h2o_e <=>
h2o2_e -->
h2s_e -->
hacolipa_e -->
halipa_e -->
hdca_e -->
hdcea_e -->
hg2_e -->
his_dsh_L_e -->
hom_dsh_L_e -->
hxa_e -->
hxan_e -->
idon_dsh_L_e -->
ile_dsh_L_e -->
imp_e -->
indole_e -->
inost_e -->
ins_e -->
isetac_e -->
k_e <=>
kdo2lipid4_e -->
lac_dsh_D_e -->
lac_dsh_L_e -->
lcts_e -->
leu_dsh_L_e -->
lipa_e -->
lipa_cold_e -->
lipoate_e -->
lys_dsh_L_e -->
lyx_dsh_L_e -->
mal_dsh_D_e -->
mal_dsh_L_e -->
malt_e -->
malthx_e -->
maltpt_e -->
malttr_e -->
maltttr_e -->
man_e -->
man6p_e -->
manglyc_e -->
melib_e -->
meoh_e -->
met_dsh_D_e -->
met_dsh_L_e -->
metsox_dsh_R_dsh_L_e -->
metsox_dsh_S_dsh_L_e -->
mg2_e <=>
mincyc_e -->
minohp_e -->
mmet_e -->
mn2_e <=>
mnl_e -->
mobd_e <=>
mso3_e -->
n2o_e -->
na1_e <=>
nac_e -->
nh4_e <=>
ni2_e <=>
nmn_e -->
no_e -->
no2_e -->
no3_e -->
novbcn_e -->
o16a4colipa_e -->
o2_e <=>
o2s_e -->
ocdca_e -->
ocdcea_e -->
octa_e -->
orn_e -->
orot_e -->
pacald_e -->
peamn_e -->
phe_dsh_L_e -->
pheme_e -->
pi_e <=>
pnto_dsh_R_e -->
ppa_e -->
ppal_e -->
pppn_e -->
ppt_e -->
pro_dsh_L_e -->
progly_e -->
psclys_e -->
pser_dsh_L_e -->
ptrc_e -->
pydam_e -->
pydx_e -->
pydxn_e -->
pyr_e -->
quin_e -->
r5p_e -->
rfamp_e -->
rib_dsh_D_e -->
rmn_e -->
sbt_dsh_D_e -->
sel_e <=>
ser_dsh_D_e -->
ser_dsh_L_e -->
skm_e -->
slnt_e <=>
so2_e -->
so3_e -->
so4_e <=>
spmd_e -->
succ_e -->
sucr_e -->
sulfac_e -->
tartr_dsh_D_e -->
tartr_dsh_L_e -->
taur_e -->
tcynt_e -->
thm_e -->
thr_dsh_L_e -->
thrp_e -->
thym_e -->
thymd_e -->
tma_e -->
tmao_e -->
tre_e -->
trp_dsh_L_e -->
tsul_e -->
ttdca_e -->
ttdcea_e -->
ttrcyc_e -->
tungs_e <=>
tym_e -->
tyr_dsh_L_e -->
tyrp_e -->
uacgam_e -->
udpacgal_e -->
udpg_e -->
udpgal_e -->
udpglcur_e -->
ump_e -->
ura_e -->
urea_e -->
uri_e -->
val_dsh_L_e -->
xan_e -->
xmp_e -->
xtsn_e -->
xyl_dsh_D_e -->
xylu_dsh_L_e -->
zn2_e <=>
12dgr120_p --> 12dgr120_c
12dgr140_p --> 12dgr140_c
12dgr141_p --> 12dgr141_c
12dgr160_p --> 12dgr160_c
12dgr161_p --> 12dgr161_c
12dgr180_p --> 12dgr180_c
12dgr181_p --> 12dgr181_c
12ppd_dsh_R_e <=> 12ppd_dsh_R_p
12ppd_dsh_R_p <=> 12ppd_dsh_R_c
12ppd_dsh_S_e <=> 12ppd_dsh_S_p
12ppd_dsh_S_p <=> 12ppd_dsh_S_c
h2o_c + 14glucan_p + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + 14glucan_c
14glucan_e --> 14glucan_p
23camp_e <=> 23camp_p
23ccmp_e <=> 23ccmp_p
23cgmp_e <=> 23cgmp_p
23cump_e <=> 23cump_p
23dappa_p + h_p --> 23dappa_c + h_c
23dappa_e <=> 23dappa_p
h2o_p + 23cump_p --> h_p + 3ump_p
23ccmp_p + h2o_p --> 3cmp_p + h_p
h2o_p + 23camp_p --> 3amp_p + h_p
h2o_p + 23cgmp_p --> 3gmp_p + h_p
26dap_dsh_M_e <=> 26dap_dsh_M_p
2ddecg3p_p --> 2ddecg3p_c
2tdecg3p_p --> 2tdecg3p_c
2tdec7eg3p_p --> 2tdec7eg3p_c
2hdecg3p_p --> 2hdecg3p_c
2hdec9eg3p_p --> 2hdec9eg3p_c
2odecg3p_p --> 2odecg3p_c
2odec11eg3p_p --> 2odec11eg3p_c
2agpe120_p --> 2agpe120_c
2agpe140_p --> 2agpe140_c
2agpe141_p --> 2agpe141_c
2agpe160_p --> 2agpe160_c
2agpe161_p --> 2agpe161_c
2agpe180_p --> 2agpe180_c
2agpe181_p --> 2agpe181_c
ddca_c + 2agpe120_c + atp_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + pe120_c
atp_c + 2agpe140_c + ttdca_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + pe140_c
ttdcea_c + atp_c + 2agpe141_c --> pe141_c + amp_c + ppi_c
hdca_c + atp_c + 2agpe160_c --> ppi_c + pe160_c + amp_c
2agpe161_c + hdcea_c + atp_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + pe161_c
ocdca_c + 2agpe180_c + atp_c --> pe180_c + amp_c + ppi_c
ocdcea_c + 2agpe181_c + atp_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + pe181_c
2agpg120_p --> 2agpg120_c
2agpg140_p --> 2agpg140_c
2agpg141_p --> 2agpg141_c
2agpg160_p --> 2agpg160_c
2agpg161_p --> 2agpg161_c
2agpg180_p --> 2agpg180_c
2agpg181_p --> 2agpg181_c
ddca_c + atp_c + 2agpg120_c --> amp_c + pg120_c + ppi_c
2agpg140_c + ttdca_c + atp_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + pg140_c
2agpg141_c + ttdcea_c + atp_c --> ppi_c + pg141_c + amp_c
atp_c + hdca_c + 2agpg160_c --> ppi_c + amp_c + pg160_c
hdcea_c + atp_c + 2agpg161_c --> pg161_c + amp_c + ppi_c
ocdca_c + 2agpg180_c + atp_c --> amp_c + pg180_c + ppi_c
2agpg181_c + atp_c + ocdcea_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + pg181_c
nadh_c + h_c + 2dhguln_c --> glcn_c + nad_c
h_c + nadph_c + 2dhguln_c --> glcn_c + nadp_c
nadh_c + h_c + 2dhguln_c --> idon_dsh_L_c + nad_c
h_c + nadph_c + 2dhguln_c --> nadp_c + idon_dsh_L_c
2mahmp_c + h2o_c --> pi_c + h_c + 4ampm_c
34dhpac_e <=> 34dhpac_p
h2o_c + 3amac_c + h_c --> msa_c + nh4_c
3amp_e <=> 3amp_p
3cmp_e <=> 3cmp_p
3gmp_e <=> 3gmp_p
3hdecACP_c --> h2o_c + tdec2eACP_c
3hddecACP_c --> h2o_c + tddec2eACP_c
3hcddec5eACP_c --> h2o_c + t3c5ddeceACP_c
3hmrsACP_c --> h2o_c + tmrs2eACP_c
3hcmrs7eACP_c --> h2o_c + t3c7mrseACP_c
3hpalmACP_c --> h2o_c + tpalm2eACP_c
3hcpalm9eACP_c --> h2o_c + t3c9palmeACP_c
3hoctaACP_c --> h2o_c + toctd2eACP_c
3hcvac11eACP_c --> h2o_c + t3c11vaceACP_c
3haACP_c --> but2eACP_c + h2o_c
3hhexACP_c --> h2o_c + thex2eACP_c
3hoctACP_c --> h2o_c + toct2eACP_c
nadh_c + 3hcinnm_c + o2_c + h_c --> h2o_c + nad_c + dhcinnm_c
nadh_c + 3hpppn_c + h_c + o2_c --> nad_c + h2o_c + dhpppn_c
3hpp_e <=> 3hpp_p
h_c + 3hpp_c --> 3hpp_p + h_p
atp_c + 3dhguln_c --> adp_c + h_c + 3dhgulnp_c
h2o_p + 3ump_p --> pi_p + uri_p
3cmp_p + h2o_p --> pi_p + cytd_p
h2o_p + 3amp_p --> adn_p + pi_p
h2o_p + 3gmp_p --> pi_p + gsn_p
h_c + nadph_c + 3odecACP_c <=> nadp_c + 3hdecACP_c
3oddecACP_c + h_c + nadph_c <=> nadp_c + 3hddecACP_c
3ocddec5eACP_c + h_c + nadph_c --> 3hcddec5eACP_c + nadp_c
3omrsACP_c + nadph_c + h_c <=> nadp_c + 3hmrsACP_c
3ocmrs7eACP_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + 3hcmrs7eACP_c
h_c + nadph_c + 3opalmACP_c <=> nadp_c + 3hpalmACP_c
3ocpalm9eACP_c + nadph_c + h_c --> nadp_c + 3hcpalm9eACP_c
3ooctdACP_c + h_c + nadph_c <=> nadp_c + 3hoctaACP_c
3ocvac11eACP_c + nadph_c + h_c --> nadp_c + 3hcvac11eACP_c
actACP_c + h_c + nadph_c <=> nadp_c + 3haACP_c
3ohexACP_c + h_c + nadph_c <=> nadp_c + 3hhexACP_c
3ooctACP_c + h_c + nadph_c <=> 3hoctACP_c + nadp_c
h_c + malACP_c + ocACP_c --> co2_c + ACP_c + 3odecACP_c
h_c + malACP_c + dcaACP_c --> co2_c + ACP_c + 3oddecACP_c
h_c + cdec3eACP_c + malACP_c --> 3ocddec5eACP_c + co2_c + ACP_c
malACP_c + h_c + ddcaACP_c --> co2_c + ACP_c + 3omrsACP_c
cddec5eACP_c + h_c + malACP_c --> co2_c + ACP_c + 3ocmrs7eACP_c
h_c + malACP_c + myrsACP_c --> co2_c + ACP_c + 3opalmACP_c
malACP_c + h_c + tdeACP_c --> co2_c + ACP_c + 3ocpalm9eACP_c
h_c + malACP_c + palmACP_c --> 3ooctdACP_c + co2_c + ACP_c
h_c + malACP_c + hdeACP_c --> co2_c + ACP_c + 3ocvac11eACP_c
butACP_c + malACP_c + h_c --> 3ohexACP_c + ACP_c + co2_c
hexACP_c + h_c + malACP_c --> co2_c + ACP_c + 3ooctACP_c
oxadpcoa_c + coa_c --> succoa_c + accoa_c
h2o_c + LalaDgluMdap_p + atp_c --> LalaDgluMdap_c + pi_c + h_c + adp_c
LalaDgluMdap_e <=> LalaDgluMdap_p
3ump_e <=> 3ump_p
o2_p + dopa_p + h2o_p --> 34dhpac_p + nh4_p + h2o2_p
4hoxpacd_e <=> 4hoxpacd_p
h2o_c + phthr_c --> 4hthr_c + pi_c
h2o_c + LalaDgluMdapDala_c --> LalaDgluMdap_c + ala_dsh_D_c
h2o_p + LalaDgluMdapDala_p --> LalaDgluMdap_p + ala_dsh_D_p
h2o_c + atp_c + LalaDgluMdapDala_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + LalaDgluMdapDala_c
LalaDgluMdapDala_e <=> LalaDgluMdapDala_p
5dglcn_c + h_c + nadph_c <=> glcn_c + nadp_c
h_p + 5dglcn_p <=> 5dglcn_c + h_c
5dglcn_e <=> 5dglcn_p
dad_dsh_5_c + h2o_c --> 5drib_c + ade_c
5mtr_e <=> 5mtr_p
5mtr_c + h_c --> h_p + 5mtr_p
ru5p_dsh_D_c <=> ara5p_c
ttdca_c + ACP_c + atp_c --> myrsACP_c + ppi_c + amp_c
ACP_c + ttdcea_c + atp_c --> ppi_c + amp_c + tdeACP_c
ACP_c + hdca_c + atp_c --> ppi_c + amp_c + palmACP_c
ACP_c + hdcea_c + atp_c --> ppi_c + amp_c + hdeACP_c
ocdcea_c + ACP_c + atp_c --> octeACP_c + amp_c + ppi_c
ocdca_c + atp_c + ACP_c --> ocdcaACP_c + ppi_c + amp_c
ACP_c + ddca_c + atp_c --> ppi_c + amp_c + ddcaACP_c
dca_c + ACP_c + atp_c --> ppi_c + amp_c + dcaACP_c
octa_c + ACP_c + atp_c --> ocACP_c + ppi_c + amp_c
o2_c + h2o_c + aact_c --> h2o2_c + mthgxl_c + nh4_c
dtdp4aaddg_c + unagamu_c --> h_c + dtdp_c + unagamuf_c
14glucan_c --> malthx_c
14glucan_p --> malthx_p
h2o_c + arbt6p_c --> g6p_c + hqn_c
4abut_c + akg_c --> sucsal_c + glu_dsh_L_c
nad_c + h2o_c + 4abutn_c --> nadh_c + 4abut_c + 2.0 h_c
4abut_p + h_p --> 4abut_c + h_c
4abut_e <=> 4abut_p
accoa_c + acac_c --> ac_c + aacoa_c
2.0 accoa_c <=> aacoa_c + coa_c
btcoa_c + accoa_c <=> 3ohcoa_c + coa_c
hxcoa_c + accoa_c <=> 3oocoa_c + coa_c
occoa_c + accoa_c <=> 3odcoa_c + coa_c
accoa_c + dcacoa_c <=> 3oddcoa_c + coa_c
ddcacoa_c + accoa_c <=> 3otdcoa_c + coa_c
tdcoa_c + accoa_c <=> coa_c + 3ohdcoa_c
3oodcoa_c + coa_c <=> pmtcoa_c + accoa_c
h_p + acac_p <=> acac_c + h_c
acac_e <=> acac_p
nad_c + acald_c + coa_c <=> nadh_c + h_c + accoa_c
acald_e <=> acald_p
acald_p <=> acald_c
anth_c + accoa_c --> acanth_c + coa_c
gtp_c + adocbip_c + h_c --> agdpcbi_c + ppi_c
atp_c + hco3_c + accoa_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + malcoa_c
atp_c + ppa_c + coa_c --> adp_c + pi_c + ppcoa_c
acgal1p_p + h2o_p --> pi_p + acgal_p
acgal1p_e <=> acgal1p_p
acgal_e <=> acgal_p
h2o_p + acgam1p_p --> pi_p + acgam_p
acgam1p_e <=> acgam1p_p
acgam_c + atp_c --> acgam6p_c + adp_c + h_c
uacgam_c + udcpp_c --> unaga_c + ump_c
pep_c + acgam_p --> acgam6p_c + pyr_c
acgam_e <=> acgam_p
atp_c + acglu_c --> adp_c + acg5p_c
glu_dsh_L_c + accoa_c --> acglu_c + coa_c + h_c
2obut_c + h_c + pyr_c --> co2_c + 2ahbut_c
ac_c + atp_c <=> adp_c + actp_c
2.0 pyr_c + h_c --> alac_dsh_S_c + co2_c
h2o_c + acmum6p_c --> acgam6p_c + lac_dsh_D_c
unaga_c + uacmamu_c --> udp_c + unagamu_c + h_c
pep_c + acmana_p --> pyr_c + acmanap_c
acmana_e <=> acmana_p
acmum_p + pep_c --> pyr_c + acmum6p_c
acmum_e --> acmum_p
h_p + acnam_p --> h_c + acnam_c
acnam_e <=> acnam_p
acnam_c --> pyr_c + acmana_c
btcoa_c + fad_c <=> fadh2_c + b2coa_c
hxcoa_c + fad_c <=> fadh2_c + hx2coa_c
occoa_c + fad_c <=> fadh2_c + oc2coa_c
fad_c + dcacoa_c <=> dc2coa_c + fadh2_c
fad_c + ddcacoa_c <=> fadh2_c + dd2coa_c
tdcoa_c + fad_c <=> fadh2_c + td2coa_c
pmtcoa_c + fad_c <=> hdd2coa_c + fadh2_c
stcoa_c + fad_c <=> fadh2_c + od2coa_c
ACP_c + accoa_c <=> acACP_c + coa_c
h2o_c + acorn_c --> ac_c + orn_c
acolipa_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + acolipa_e
acon_dsh_T_c <=> acon_dsh_C_c
acon_dsh_T_c + amet_c --> aconm_c + ahcys_c
cit_c <=> acon_dsh_C_c + h2o_c
acon_dsh_C_c + h2o_c <=> icit_c
acorn_c + akg_c <=> acg5sa_c + glu_dsh_L_c
pi_c + h_c + ddcaACP_c --> ddcap_c + ACP_c
myrsACP_c + pi_c + h_c --> ttdcap_c + ACP_c
pi_c + h_c + tdeACP_c --> ACP_c + ttdceap_c
pi_c + h_c + palmACP_c --> ACP_c + hdcap_c
pi_c + hdeACP_c + h_c --> hdceap_c + ACP_c
ocdcaACP_c + pi_c + h_c --> ocdcap_c + ACP_c
pi_c + octeACP_c + h_c --> ACP_c + ocdceap_c
apoACP_c + coa_c --> pap_c + ACP_c + h_c
ac_c + atp_c + coa_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + accoa_c
acser_e <=> acser_p
acser_c --> acser_p
ac_p + h_p <=> ac_c + h_c
ac_p + na1_p --> na1_c + ac_c
ac_e <=> ac_p
h2o_c + adn_c + h_c --> nh4_c + ins_c
4adcho_c --> pyr_c + h_c + 4abz_c
chor_c + gln_dsh_L_c --> glu_dsh_L_c + 4adcho_c
ade_c + h2o_c + h_c --> nh4_c + hxan_c
ade_p + h_p <=> ade_c + h_c
ade_e <=> ade_p
atp_c + amp_c <=> 2.0 adp_c
gtp_c + amp_c <=> gdp_c + adp_c
itp_c + amp_c <=> adp_c + idp_c
h_c + amet_c --> ametam_c + co2_c
atp_c --> camp_c + ppi_c
adn_c + atp_c --> adp_c + amp_c + h_c
h2o_c + adn_c --> ade_c + rib_dsh_D_c
adn_p + h_p --> adn_c + h_c
adn_p + h_p <=> adn_c + h_c
adn_e <=> adn_p
adocbi_c + atp_c --> adp_c + h_c + adocbip_c
rdmbzi_c + agdpcbi_c --> h_c + adocbl_c + gmp_c
adocbl_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + adocbl_c + h_c
h_p + adocbl_e --> adocbl_p + h_c
h2o_c + adprib_c --> r5p_c + amp_c + 2.0 h_c
ade_c + prpp_c --> amp_c + ppi_c
aps_c + atp_c --> adp_c + paps_c + h_c
dcamp_c <=> fum_c + amp_c
25aics_c <=> aicar_c + fum_c
asp_dsh_L_c + gtp_c + imp_c --> gdp_c + pi_c + dcamp_c + 2.0 h_c
h2o_c + acgam6p_c --> ac_c + gam6p_c
h2o_c + anhgm3p_c --> anhgm_c + LalaDgluMdap_c
h2o_p + anhgm3p_p --> LalaDgluMdap_p + anhgm_p
h2o_c + anhgm3p_c --> acgam_c + anhm3p_c
h_p + anhgm3p_p --> anhgm3p_c + h_c
anhgm4p_c + h2o_c --> LalaDgluMdapDala_c + anhgm_c
anhgm4p_p + h2o_p --> anhgm_p + LalaDgluMdapDala_p
anhgm4p_c + h2o_c --> anhgm3p_c + ala_dsh_D_c
anhgm4p_p + h2o_p --> anhgm3p_p + ala_dsh_D_p
anhgm4p_c + h2o_c --> acgam_c + anhm4p_c
anhgm4p_p + h_p --> anhgm4p_c + h_c
anhgm_c + h2o_c --> acgam_c + anhm_c
adphep_dsh_DD_c --> adphep_dsh_LD_c
agm_c + h2o_c --> ptrc_c + urea_c
h_p + anhgm_p --> anhgm_c + h_c
agm_e <=> agm_p
ddcaACP_c + 1ddecg3p_c --> ACP_c + pa120_c
myrsACP_c + 1tdecg3p_c --> ACP_c + pa140_c
tdeACP_c + 1tdec7eg3p_c --> pa141_c + ACP_c
1hdecg3p_c + palmACP_c --> ACP_c + pa160_c
hdeACP_c + 1hdec9eg3p_c --> ACP_c + pa161_c
ocdcaACP_c + 1odecg3p_c --> pa180_c + ACP_c
1odec11eg3p_c + octeACP_c --> pa181_c + ACP_c
pi_c + nadp_c + acg5sa_c <=> h_c + nadph_c + acg5p_c
h_e + ag_c --> ag_e + h_c
h2o_c + ahcys_c --> ade_c + rhcys_c
10fthf_c + aicar_c <=> fprica_c + thf_c
air_c + atp_c + hco3_c --> adp_c + 5caiz_c + pi_c + h_c
5aizc_c <=> 5caiz_c
nad_c + akg_c + coa_c --> nadh_c + co2_c + succoa_c
h_p + akg_p <=> akg_c + h_c
akg_e <=> akg_p
alaala_c + h2o_c --> 2.0 ala_dsh_D_c
alaala_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> alaala_c + adp_c + pi_c + h_c
atp_c + 2.0 ala_dsh_D_c <=> alaala_c + adp_c + pi_c + h_c
alaala_e <=> alaala_p
LalaDglu_c <=> LalaLglu_c
ala_dsh_L_c <=> ala_dsh_D_c
pydx5p_c + ala_dsh_D_c --> pyam5p_c + pyr_c
ala_dsh_L_c + akg_c <=> glu_dsh_L_c + pyr_c
ala_dsh_L_c + pydx5p_c --> pyr_c + pyam5p_c
atp_c + ala_dsh_L_c + trnaala_c --> amp_c + alatrna_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + ala_dsh_L_p + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + ala_dsh_L_c
ala_dsh_L_p + h_p --> ala_dsh_L_c + h_c
ala_dsh_L_p + h_p <=> ala_dsh_L_c + h_c
ala_dsh_L_p + na1_p --> na1_c + ala_dsh_L_c
ala_dsh_L_e <=> ala_dsh_L_p
nadh_c + h_c + glyald_c <=> glyc_c + nad_c
etoh_c + nad_c <=> nadh_c + h_c + acald_c
nad_c + h2o_c + pacald_c <=> nadh_c + pac_c + 2.0 h_c
nad_c + acald_c + h2o_c --> nadh_c + ac_c + 2.0 h_c
h2o_c + acald_c + nadp_c --> ac_c + 2.0 h_c + nadph_c
h2o_c + ppal_c + nadp_c --> 2.0 h_c + nadph_c + ppa_c
nad_c + h2o_c + btal_c --> nadh_c + 2.0 h_c + but_c
all_dsh_D_c + atp_c --> adp_c + all6p_c + h_c
all6p_c <=> allul6p_c
alltt_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 h2o_c --> co2_c + urdglyc_c + 2.0 nh4_c
h2o_c + alltn_c --> alltt_c + h_c
h_p + alltn_p <=> h_c + alltn_c
alltn_e <=> alltn_p
allul6p_c <=> f6p_c
all_dsh_D_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> all_dsh_D_c + adp_c + pi_c + h_c
all_dsh_D_e <=> all_dsh_D_p
pe160_p + alpp_p --> 2agpe160_p + lpp_p
pg160_p + alpp_p --> 2agpg160_p + lpp_p
mthgxl_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + acetol_c
nadh_c + acetol_c + h_c --> 12ppd_dsh_R_c + nad_c
altrn_c --> 2ddglcn_c + h2o_c
h2o_c + anhm3p_c --> LalaDgluMdap_c + anhm_c
h2o_c + anhm4p_c --> LalaDgluMdapDala_c + anhm_c
h2o_c + anhm4p_c --> anhm3p_c + ala_dsh_D_c
malt_c + malttr_c --> maltttr_c + glc_dsh_D_c
malt_c + maltttr_c --> maltpt_c + glc_dsh_D_c
malt_c + maltpt_c --> malthx_c + glc_dsh_D_c
malt_c + malthx_c --> malthp_c + glc_dsh_D_c
acmanap_c <=> acgam6p_c
acmana_c + atp_c --> adp_c + acmanap_c + h_c
8aonn_c + amet_c <=> amob_c + dann_c
2dmmql8_c + amet_c --> ahcys_c + h_c + mql8_c
nad_c + air_c + h2o_c --> nadh_c + 2.0 for_c + 4ampm_c + 3.0 h_c
h2o_c + amp_c --> ade_c + r5p_c
h2o_c + cgly_c --> gly_c + cys_dsh_L_c
h2o_c + progly_c --> pro_dsh_L_c + gly_c
amp_e <=> amp_p
anhgm_e <=> anhgm_p
h2o_c + atp_c + anhm_c --> adp_c + h_c + acmum6p_c
anth_c + prpp_c --> pran_c + ppi_c
chor_c + gln_dsh_L_c --> h_c + glu_dsh_L_c + pyr_c + anth_c
2aobut_c + h_c --> aact_c + co2_c
pimACP_c + ala_dsh_L_c --> co2_c + ACP_c + 8aonn_c
h2o_c + ap4a_c --> 2.0 adp_c + 2.0 h_c
2.0 atp_c + h_c --> ap4a_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + ap5a_c --> adp_c + atp_c + 2.0 h_c
15dap_c + ametam_c --> 5mta_c + na15dap_c + h_c
ddcap_c + glyc3p_c --> pi_c + 1ddecg3p_c + h_c
ttdcap_c + glyc3p_c --> pi_c + 1tdecg3p_c + h_c
glyc3p_c + ttdceap_c --> pi_c + 1tdec7eg3p_c + h_c
glyc3p_c + hdcap_c --> 1hdecg3p_c + pi_c + h_c
hdceap_c + glyc3p_c --> pi_c + h_c + 1hdec9eg3p_c
ocdcap_c + glyc3p_c --> 1odecg3p_c + pi_c + h_c
ocdceap_c + glyc3p_c --> pi_c + h_c + 1odec11eg3p_c
ddcap_c + h2o_c --> pi_c + 2.0 h_c + ddca_c
h2o_c + ttdcap_c --> pi_c + 2.0 h_c + ttdca_c
h2o_c + ttdceap_c --> pi_c + 2.0 h_c + ttdcea_c
h2o_c + hdcap_c --> hdca_c + pi_c + 2.0 h_c
h2o_c + hdceap_c --> pi_c + 2.0 h_c + hdcea_c
h2o_c + ocdcap_c --> pi_c + 2.0 h_c + ocdca_c
h2o_c + ocdceap_c --> ocdcea_c + pi_c + 2.0 h_c
nadh_c + aact_c + h_c <=> nad_c + appl_c
5apru_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + 5aprbu_c
arab_dsh_L_c <=> rbl_dsh_L_c
2.0 arbtn_dsh_fe3_c + fadh2_c --> fad_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 arbtn_c + 2.0 fe2_c
2.0 arbtn_dsh_fe3_c + fmnh2_c --> fmn_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 arbtn_c + 2.0 fe2_c
rbflvrd_c + 2.0 arbtn_dsh_fe3_c --> ribflv_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 arbtn_c + 2.0 fe2_c
h2o_c + arbtn_dsh_fe3_p + atp_c --> adp_c + arbtn_dsh_fe3_c + h_c + pi_c
arbtn_e + fe3_e --> arbtn_dsh_fe3_e
h_p + arbtn_p --> arbtn_e + h_c
arbtn_dsh_fe3_e + h_p --> arbtn_dsh_fe3_p + h_c
h_p + arbtn_c --> h_c + arbtn_p
arbt_p + pep_c --> pyr_c + arbt6p_c
arbt_e --> arbt_p
atp_c + arab_dsh_L_p + h2o_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + arab_dsh_L_c
h_p + arab_dsh_L_p <=> arab_dsh_L_c + h_c
h_p + arab_dsh_L_c --> h_c + arab_dsh_L_p
arab_dsh_L_e <=> arab_dsh_L_p
agm_c + arg_dsh_L_p <=> agm_p + arg_dsh_L_c
arg_dsh_L_c + h_c --> agm_c + co2_c
h_p + arg_dsh_L_p --> agm_p + co2_p
orn_c + arg_dsh_L_p <=> orn_p + arg_dsh_L_c
argsuc_c <=> arg_dsh_L_c + fum_c
asp_dsh_L_c + atp_c + citr_dsh_L_c --> argsuc_c + amp_c + ppi_c + h_c
arg_dsh_L_c + trnaarg_c + atp_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + argtrna_c
h2o_c + atp_c + arg_dsh_L_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + arg_dsh_L_c
arg_dsh_L_c + h_p --> arg_dsh_L_p + h_c
arg_dsh_L_e <=> arg_dsh_L_p
pi_c + nadp_c + aspsa_c <=> h_c + nadph_c + 4pasp_c
ascb6p_c + h2o_c --> 3dhgulnp_c + h_c
ascb_dsh_L_p + pep_c --> ascb6p_c + pyr_c
ascb_dsh_L_e <=> ascb_dsh_L_p
h2o_c + asn_dsh_L_c --> nh4_c + asp_dsh_L_c
h2o_p + asn_dsh_L_p --> asp_dsh_L_p + nh4_p
asp_dsh_L_c + h2o_c + atp_c + gln_dsh_L_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + glu_dsh_L_c + asn_dsh_L_c + h_c
asp_dsh_L_c + nh4_c + atp_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + asn_dsh_L_c + h_c
trnaasn_c + atp_c + asn_dsh_L_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + asntrna_c
asn_dsh_L_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + asn_dsh_L_c
h_p + asn_dsh_L_p <=> h_c + asn_dsh_L_c
asn_dsh_L_e <=> asn_dsh_L_p
atp_c + h2o_c + aso3_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + aso3_p
aso3_e <=> aso3_p
asp_dsh_L_c + h_c --> co2_c + ala_dsh_B_c
cbp_c + asp_dsh_L_c --> pi_c + h_c + cbasp_c
atp_c + asp_dsh_L_c <=> adp_c + 4pasp_c
q8_c + asp_dsh_L_c --> q8h2_c + iasp_c + h_c
mqn8_c + asp_dsh_L_c --> iasp_c + h_c + mql8_c
fum_c + asp_dsh_L_c --> succ_c + iasp_c + h_c
o2_c + asp_dsh_L_c --> iasp_c + h2o2_c + h_c
asp_dsh_L_c --> nh4_c + fum_c
akg_c + asp_dsh_L_c <=> glu_dsh_L_c + oaa_c
trnaasp_c + asp_dsh_L_c + atp_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + asptrna_c
h2o_c + asp_dsh_L_p + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + asp_dsh_L_c + h_c
asp_dsh_L_p + 2.0 h_p --> asp_dsh_L_c + 2.0 h_c
asp_dsh_L_p + 3.0 h_p --> asp_dsh_L_c + 3.0 h_c
asp_dsh_L_p + h_p --> asp_dsh_L_c + h_c
asp_dsh_L_p + h_p <=> asp_dsh_L_c + h_c
asp_dsh_L_e <=> asp_dsh_L_p
aso4_c + 2.0 gthrd_c --> h2o_c + aso3_c + gthox_c
arg_dsh_L_c + succoa_c --> sucarg_c + coa_c + h_c
nadp_c + athr_dsh_L_c <=> 2aobut_c + nadph_c + h_c
h2o_c + atp_c + h_c --> nh4_c + itp_c
h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c
atp_c + prpp_c --> prbatp_c + ppi_c
adp_c + pi_c + 4.0 h_p <=> 3.0 h_c + h2o_c + atp_c
h_p + ala_dsh_B_p --> h_c + ala_dsh_B_c
ala_dsh_B_e <=> ala_dsh_B_p
nad_c + h2o_c + betald_c --> nadh_c + glyb_c + 2.0 h_c
h2o_c + nadp_c + betald_c --> glyb_c + 2.0 h_c + nadph_c
moco_c + mptamp_c --> bmoco_c + amp_c + cu2_c
bmoco_c + gtp_c + h_c --> bmoco1gdp_c + ppi_c
gtp_c + bmoco1gdp_c + h_c --> bmocogdp_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + pap_c --> amp_c + pi_c
btnso_c + nadh_c + h_c --> nad_c + btn_c + h2o_c
btnso_c + h_c + nadph_c --> h2o_c + btn_c + nadp_c
h_p + btn_p --> h_c + btn_c
btn_e <=> btn_p
amet_c + dtbt_c + 2fe2s_c --> 2fe1s_c + h_c + btn_c + dad_dsh_5_c + met_dsh_L_c
but_c + accoa_c --> ac_c + btcoa_c
butso3_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + butso3_c
butso3_e <=> butso3_p
h_p + but_p <=> but_c + h_c
but_e <=> but_p
gtp_c + bwco_c + h_c --> bwco1gdp_c + ppi_c
bwco1gdp_c + gtp_c + h_c --> bwcogdp_c + ppi_c
mptamp_c + wco_c --> bwco_c + amp_c + cu2_c
ca2_c + h_p --> h_c + ca2_p
ca2_e <=> ca2_p
h_p + 15dap_c + lys_dsh_L_p --> lys_dsh_L_c + h_c + 15dap_p
2.0 h2o2_c --> 2.0 h2o_c + o2_c
ca2_c + na1_p <=> na1_c + ca2_p
atp_c + cbi_c + h_c <=> pppi_c + adocbi_c
h_p + cbi_e --> h_c + cbi_p
h2o_c + atp_c + cbi_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + cbi_c
cbl1_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + cbl1_c + h_c
h_p + cbl1_e --> h_c + cbl1_p
atp_c + h_c + cbl1_c <=> pppi_c + adocbl_c
cbm_c + 2.0 h_c --> nh4_c + co2_c
nh4_c + atp_c + co2_c <=> adp_c + 2.0 h_c + cbp_c
2.0 atp_c + h2o_c + hco3_c + gln_dsh_L_c --> 2.0 adp_c + pi_c + 2.0 h_c + cbp_c + glu_dsh_L_c
cdg_c + nh4_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + preq0_c + h2o_c
h2o_c + atp_c + cd2_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + cd2_p
h_p + cd2_c --> cd2_p + h_c
cd2_e <=> cd2_p
cd2_p --> cd2_c
h2o_c + cdpdddecg_c --> cmp_c + 2.0 h_c + pa120_c
h2o_c + cdpdtdecg_c --> cmp_c + 2.0 h_c + pa140_c
h2o_c + cdpdtdec7eg_c --> pa141_c + cmp_c + 2.0 h_c
h2o_c + cdpdhdecg_c --> cmp_c + pa160_c + 2.0 h_c
h2o_c + cdpdhdec9eg_c --> cmp_c + pa161_c + 2.0 h_c
h2o_c + cdpdodecg_c --> cmp_c + 2.0 h_c + pa180_c
h2o_c + cdpdodec11eg_c --> cmp_c + pa181_c + 2.0 h_c
preq0_c + 2.0 nadph_c + 3.0 h_c --> 2.0 nadp_c + preq1_c
h_c + cph4_c --> cdg_c + nh4_c
atp_c + 4c2me_c --> 2p4c2me_c + adp_c + h_c
pe161_c + 2.0 amet_c --> 2.0 ahcys_c + 2.0 h_c + cpe160_c
2.0 amet_c + pg161_c --> 2.0 ahcys_c + 2.0 h_c + cpg160_c
pe181_c + 2.0 amet_c --> 2.0 ahcys_c + 2.0 h_c + cpe180_c
2.0 amet_c + pg181_c --> 2.0 ahcys_c + cpg180_c + 2.0 h_c
cgly_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + cgly_c + h_c + pi_c
cgly_e <=> cgly_p
h2o_c + atp_c + chol_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + chol_c
h_p + chol_p --> chol_c + h_c
chol_e <=> chol_p
chol_c + nad_c --> nadh_c + h_c + betald_c
chor_c --> pphn_c
3psme_c --> chor_c + pi_c
chor_c --> pyr_c + 4hbz_c
chtbs_p + pep_c --> chtbs6p_c + pyr_c
chtbs_e <=> chtbs_p
nadh_c + h_c + o2_c + cinnm_c --> cenchddd_c + nad_c
cit_c --> ac_c + oaa_c
h_p + cit_c --> cit_p + h_c
cit_p + succ_c --> cit_c + succ_p
cit_e <=> cit_p
lipa_cold_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + lipa_cold_e
h2o_p + clpn120_p --> pg120_p + h_p + pa120_p
h2o_p + clpn140_p --> pa140_p + h_p + pg140_p
clpn141_p + h2o_p --> h_p + pg141_p + pa141_p
clpn160_p + h2o_p --> pa160_p + h_p + pg160_p
clpn161_p + h2o_p --> pg161_p + h_p + pa161_p
clpn180_p + h2o_p --> pg180_p + h_p + pa180_p
clpn181_p + h2o_p --> pg181_p + pa181_p + h_p
2.0 pg120_p <=> glyc_p + clpn120_p
2.0 pg140_p <=> glyc_p + clpn140_p
2.0 pg141_p <=> glyc_p + clpn141_p
2.0 pg160_p <=> glyc_p + clpn160_p
2.0 pg161_p <=> clpn161_p + glyc_p
2.0 pg180_p <=> glyc_p + clpn180_p
2.0 pg181_p <=> clpn181_p + glyc_p
2.0 cl_p + h_c --> h_p + 2.0 cl_c
cl_e <=> cl_p
h2o_c + cmp_c --> csn_c + r5p_c
cmp_e <=> cmp_p
cm_e <=> cm_p
h_p + cm_p --> h_c + cm_e
co2_e <=> co2_p
co2_p <=> co2_c
h2o_c + atp_c + cobalt2_c --> adp_c + cobalt2_p + h_c + pi_c
h_p + cobalt2_c --> cobalt2_p + h_c
cobalt2_e <=> cobalt2_p
cobalt2_p --> cobalt2_c
udcpdp_p + colipa_p --> colipap_p + udcpp_p
colipap_p + atp_c + h2o_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + colipap_e
h2o_c + atp_c + colipa_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + colipa_p
colipa_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> pi_c + h_c + adp_c + colipa_e
fadh2_c + 2.0 cpgn_c --> fad_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 cpgn_dsh_un_c + 2.0 fe2_c
fmnh2_c + 2.0 cpgn_c --> fmn_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 cpgn_dsh_un_c + 2.0 fe2_c
rbflvrd_c + 2.0 cpgn_c --> ribflv_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 cpgn_dsh_un_c + 2.0 fe2_c
h_p + cpgn_dsh_un_p --> cpgn_dsh_un_e + h_c
cpgn_dsh_un_c + h_p --> h_c + cpgn_dsh_un_p
cpgn_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + cpgn_c
cpgn_dsh_un_e + fe3_e --> cpgn_e
h_p + cpgn_e --> cpgn_p + h_c
ahdt_c + h2o_c --> h_c + cph4_c + acald_c + pppi_c
h2o_c + gtp_c --> cpmp_c + ppi_c
cpppg3_c + o2_c + 2.0 h_c --> 2.0 co2_c + 2.0 h2o_c + pppg9_c
cpppg3_c + 2.0 amet_c --> 2.0 co2_c + pppg9_c + 2.0 dad_dsh_5_c + 2.0 met_dsh_L_c
crn_c + bbtcoa_c <=> crncoa_c + gbbtn_c
crn_c + atp_c + coa_c --> adp_c + pi_c + crncoa_c
crncoa_c <=> crnDcoa_c
crn_c + ctbtcoa_c <=> ctbt_c + crncoa_c
crncoa_c <=> h2o_c + ctbtcoa_c
crn_dsh_D_c + atp_c + coa_c --> crnDcoa_c + pi_c + adp_c
h2o_c + crn_dsh_D_p + atp_c --> adp_c + crn_dsh_D_c + pi_c + h_c
crn_dsh_D_p + h_p <=> crn_dsh_D_c + h_c
crn_dsh_D_e <=> crn_dsh_D_p
crn_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + crn_c + h_c
h_p + crn_p <=> crn_c + h_c
gbbtn_c + crn_p --> crn_c + gbbtn_p
crn_dsh_D_c + crn_p --> crn_dsh_D_p + crn_c
crn_e <=> crn_p
h2o_c + accoa_c + oaa_c --> cit_c + coa_c + h_c
h2o_c + h_c + csn_c --> nh4_c + ura_c
csn_p + h_p --> h_c + csn_c
csn_e <=> csn_p
ctbt_c + atp_c + coa_c --> adp_c + pi_c + ctbtcoa_c
h2o_c + ctbt_p + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + ctbt_c
ctbt_p + h_p <=> ctbt_c + h_c
tdecoa_c <=> td2coa_c
hdcoa_c <=> hdd2coa_c
odecoa_c <=> od2coa_c
utp_c + h2o_c + atp_c + gln_dsh_L_c --> adp_c + pi_c + ctp_c + glu_dsh_L_c + 2.0 h_c
4.0 h_p + 4.0 cu_p + o2_p --> 4.0 cu2_p + 2.0 h2o_p
cu_c + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + cu_p + pi_c + h_c
h2o_c + cu2_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + cu2_p
cu2_e <=> cu2_p
cu2_p --> cu2_c
cu_c + h_e --> h_c + cu_e
cu_e <=> cu_p
tsul_c + cyan_c --> so3_c + tcynt_c + h_c
tsul_p + cyan_p --> h_p + so3_p + tcynt_p
cyan_e <=> cyan_p
cynt_c + hco3_c + 3.0 h_c --> 2.0 co2_c + nh4_c
cynt_p + h_p --> cynt_c + h_c
cynt_e <=> cynt_p
h2o_c + cys_dsh_D_c --> nh4_c + h2s_c + pyr_c
h2o_c + cys_dsh_L_c --> pyr_c + nh4_c + h2s_c
cys_dsh_D_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> cys_dsh_D_c + pi_c + h_c + adp_c
cys_dsh_D_e <=> cys_dsh_D_p
acser_c + h2s_c --> cys_dsh_L_c + ac_c + h_c
3sala_c + 2.0 h_c --> so2_c + ala_dsh_L_c
h2o_c + cyst_dsh_L_c --> pyr_c + nh4_c + hcys_dsh_L_c
trnacys_c + atp_c + cys_dsh_L_c --> cystrna_c + amp_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + atp_c + cys_dsh_L_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + cys_dsh_L_p
h2o_c + atp_c + cys_dsh_L_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + cys_dsh_L_c
cys_dsh_L_e <=> cys_dsh_L_p
cys_dsh_L_c --> cys_dsh_L_p
0.5 o2_c + 2.0 h_c + mql8_c --> 2.0 h_p + mqn8_c + h2o_c
q8h2_c + 0.5 o2_c + 2.0 h_c --> 2.0 h_p + h2o_c + q8_c
q8h2_c + 0.5 o2_c + 4.0 h_c --> 4.0 h_p + h2o_c + q8_c
h2o_c + cytd_c + h_c --> uri_c + nh4_c
h2o_c + cytd_c --> rib_dsh_D_c + csn_c
gtp_c + cytd_c --> gdp_c + cmp_c + h_c
h_p + cytd_p --> cytd_c + h_c
h_p + cytd_p <=> cytd_c + h_c
cytd_e <=> cytd_p
cmp_c + atp_c <=> adp_c + cdp_c
dcmp_c + atp_c <=> adp_c + dcdp_c
h_p + lac_dsh_D_p <=> lac_dsh_D_c + h_c
lac_dsh_D_e <=> lac_dsh_D_p
h2o_c + fad_c + ala_dsh_D_c --> fadh2_c + pyr_c + nh4_c
h2o_c + h_c + dad_dsh_2_c --> din_c + nh4_c
damp_c + atp_c <=> adp_c + dadp_c
dad_dsh_2_p + h_p --> dad_dsh_2_c + h_c
dad_dsh_2_e <=> dad_dsh_2_p
atp_c + 12dgr120_c --> adp_c + h_c + pa120_c
12dgr140_c + atp_c --> adp_c + h_c + pa140_c
12dgr141_c + atp_c --> adp_c + h_c + pa141_c
atp_c + 12dgr160_c --> adp_c + h_c + pa160_c
12dgr161_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pa161_c + h_c
12dgr180_c + atp_c --> adp_c + h_c + pa180_c
atp_c + 12dgr181_c --> pa181_c + adp_c + h_c
h_p + ala_dsh_D_p --> h_c + ala_dsh_D_c
ala_dsh_D_e <=> ala_dsh_D_p
damp_e <=> damp_p
h2o_c + 23dappa_c --> pyr_c + 2.0 nh4_c
26dap_dsh_M_c + h_c --> lys_dsh_L_c + co2_c
26dap_dsh_LL_c <=> 26dap_dsh_M_c
h2o_c + atp_c + 26dap_dsh_M_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + 26dap_dsh_M_c
15dap_e <=> 15dap_p
pa120_c + h_c + ctp_c --> cdpdddecg_c + ppi_c
pa140_c + h_c + ctp_c --> cdpdtdecg_c + ppi_c
pa141_c + ctp_c + h_c --> cdpdtdec7eg_c + ppi_c
pa160_c + h_c + ctp_c --> cdpdhdecg_c + ppi_c
pa161_c + h_c + ctp_c --> cdpdhdec9eg_c + ppi_c
ctp_c + h_c + pa180_c --> cdpdodecg_c + ppi_c
pa181_c + ctp_c + h_c --> ppi_c + cdpdodec11eg_c
h2o_c + datp_c + h_c --> ditp_c + nh4_c
ru5p_dsh_D_c --> for_c + h_c + db4p_c
co2_c + dann_c + atp_c --> dtbt_c + pi_c + 3.0 h_c + adp_c
chtbs6p_c + h2o_c --> acgam_c + acgam6p_c
dca_e <=> dca_p
dcmp_e <=> dcmp_p
h2o_c + dctp_c + h_c --> nh4_c + dutp_c
h2o_c + dcyt_c + h_c --> nh4_c + duri_c
dcyt_p + h_p --> dcyt_c + h_c
dcyt_e <=> dcyt_p
ddca_e --> ddca_p
atp_c + 2dh3dgal_c --> adp_c + 2dh3dgal6p_c + h_c
h_p + 2ddglcn_p <=> 2ddglcn_c + h_c
2ddglcn_e <=> 2ddglcn_p
2ddglcn_c + atp_c --> 2ddg6p_c + adp_c + h_c
h2o_c + pep_c + e4p_c --> pi_c + 2dda7p_c
2dh3dgal6p_c <=> pyr_c + g3p_c
dgmp_c + atp_c <=> dgdp_c + adp_c
dgmp_e <=> dgmp_p
h_p + dgsn_p --> dgsn_c + h_c
dgsn_e <=> dgsn_p
23dhacoa_c + h2o_c <=> 3hadpcoa_c
23dhmb_c --> h2o_c + 3mob_c
23dhmp_c --> h2o_c + 3mop_c
dha_c + pep_c --> pyr_c + dhap_c
dha_e <=> dha_p
dha_p <=> dha_c
nad_c + 23ddhb_c <=> nadh_c + 23dhb_c + h_c
23dhb_c + atp_c + h_c --> 23dhba_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + 23dhbzs_c --> ser_dsh_L_c + 23dhb_c
cenchddd_c + nad_c --> nadh_c + dhcinnm_c + h_c
dhcinnm_c + o2_c --> hkntd_c + h_c
23dhdp_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + thdp_c
pyr_c + aspsa_c --> 23dhdp_c + h_c + 2.0 h2o_c
dhf_c + nadph_c + h_c <=> nadp_c + thf_c
dhpt_c + glu_dsh_L_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + dhf_c
h_c + nadph_c + dhmpt_c --> nadp_c + thmnp_c
octdp_c + dhna_c + h_c --> co2_c + ppi_c + 2dmmql8_c
sbzcoa_c + h_c --> h2o_c + 14dhncoa_c
h2o_c + 14dhncoa_c --> coa_c + dhna_c + h_c
dhnpt_c <=> 6hmhpt_c + gcald_c
dhnpt_c <=> dhmpt_c
q8_c + dhor_dsh_S_c --> q8h2_c + orot_c
mqn8_c + dhor_dsh_S_c --> orot_c + mql8_c
dhor_dsh_S_c + fum_c --> succ_c + orot_c
h2o_c + dhor_dsh_S_c <=> h_c + cbasp_c
nad_c + cechddd_c --> nadh_c + dhpppn_c + h_c
h2o_c + 25drapp_c + h_c --> 5apru_c + nh4_c
6hmhptpp_c + 4abz_c --> dhpt_c + ppi_c
dhptd_c --> mdhdhf_c
dhptdn_c + 3.0 h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + thptdn_c
nadh_c + dhptdn_c + 3.0 h_c --> nad_c + thptdn_c
ahdt_c <=> dhmptp_c
2dda7p_c --> 3dhq_c + pi_c
3dhq_c --> h2o_c + 3dhsk_c
dimp_e <=> dimp_p
h_p + din_p --> din_c + h_c
din_e <=> din_p
25dkglcn_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + 2dhguln_c
25dkglcn_c + nadh_c + h_c --> nad_c + 5dglcn_c
25dkglcn_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + 5dglcn_c
dmpp_c + ipdp_c --> grdp_c + ppi_c
nadh_c + h_c + h2mb4p_c --> dmpp_c + nad_c + h2o_c
2omhmbl_c + amet_c --> q8h2_c + ahcys_c + h_c
dmso_c + mql8_c --> h2o_c + dms_c + mqn8_c
dmso_p + mql8_c --> dms_p + h2o_p + mqn8_c
2dmmql8_c + dmso_c --> h2o_c + 2dmmq8_c + dms_c
dmso_p + 2dmmql8_c --> dms_p + h2o_p + 2dmmq8_c
dmso_e <=> dmso_p
dmso_p <=> dmso_c
dms_e <=> dms_p
h2o_c + dhpmp_c --> dhnpt_c + pi_c
h2o_c + ahdt_c --> dhpmp_c + h_c + ppi_c
nadh_c + h_c + 23doguln_c --> nad_c + 3dhguln_c
dopa_e <=> dopa_p
doxrbcn_e <=> doxrbcn_p
doxrbcn_p + h_p --> doxrbcn_e + h_c
dpcoa_c + atp_c --> adp_c + coa_c + h_c
h_c + 2dhp_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + pant_dsh_R_c
2dr5p_c --> g3p_c + acald_c
q8_c + dsbard_p --> q8h2_c + dsbaox_p
mqn8_c + dsbard_p --> dsbaox_p + mql8_c
dsbcox_p + 2.0 gthrd_p --> dsbcrd_p + gthox_p
trdrd_c + dsbdox_c --> dsbdrd_c + trdox_c
dsbgox_p + 2.0 gthrd_p --> dsbgrd_p + gthox_p
nadp_c + ser_dsh_D_c <=> 2amsa_c + h_c + nadph_c
h_p + ser_dsh_D_p --> ser_dsh_D_c + h_c
ser_dsh_D_e <=> ser_dsh_D_p
tartr_dsh_D_c --> h2o_c + oaa_c
atp_c + dtmp_c <=> adp_c + dtdp_c
dtmp_e <=> dtmp_p
dump_e <=> dump_p
nad_c + 56dura_c <=> nadh_c + h_c + ura_c
atp_c + duri_c --> adp_c + dump_c + h_c
duri_c + pi_c <=> 2dr1p_c + ura_c
duri_p + h_p --> duri_c + h_c
duri_e <=> duri_p
h2o_c + dutp_c --> dump_c + h_c + ppi_c
dxyl5p_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + 2me4p_c
pyr_c + g3p_c + h_c --> dxyl5p_c + co2_c
dxyl_c + atp_c --> adp_c + dxyl5p_c + h_c
nad_c + h2o_c + e4p_c <=> nadh_c + 2.0 h_c + 4per_c
nadh_c + tdec2eACP_c + h_c --> nad_c + dcaACP_c
tdec2eACP_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + dcaACP_c
nadh_c + h_c + tddec2eACP_c --> nad_c + ddcaACP_c
nadph_c + h_c + tddec2eACP_c --> nadp_c + ddcaACP_c
nadh_c + h_c + t3c5ddeceACP_c --> cddec5eACP_c + nad_c
nadph_c + h_c + t3c5ddeceACP_c --> cddec5eACP_c + nadp_c
nadh_c + tmrs2eACP_c + h_c --> nad_c + myrsACP_c
tmrs2eACP_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + myrsACP_c
nadh_c + t3c7mrseACP_c + h_c --> nad_c + tdeACP_c
t3c7mrseACP_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + tdeACP_c
nadh_c + tpalm2eACP_c + h_c --> palmACP_c + nad_c
tpalm2eACP_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + palmACP_c
nadh_c + t3c9palmeACP_c + h_c --> nad_c + hdeACP_c
t3c9palmeACP_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + hdeACP_c
nadh_c + toctd2eACP_c + h_c --> nad_c + ocdcaACP_c
toctd2eACP_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + ocdcaACP_c
nadh_c + t3c11vaceACP_c + h_c --> nad_c + octeACP_c
t3c11vaceACP_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + octeACP_c
but2eACP_c + nadh_c + h_c --> nad_c + butACP_c
but2eACP_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + butACP_c
nadh_c + thex2eACP_c + h_c --> hexACP_c + nad_c
thex2eACP_c + h_c + nadph_c --> hexACP_c + nadp_c
nadh_c + h_c + toct2eACP_c --> nad_c + ocACP_c
h_c + nadph_c + toct2eACP_c --> nadp_c + ocACP_c
atp_c + h2o_c + eca4colipa_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + eca4colipa_e
eca4und_p + colipa_p --> udcpdp_p + h_p + eca4colipa_p
2.0 unagamuf_p --> udcpdp_p + h_p + eca2und_p
eca2und_p + unagamuf_p --> udcpdp_p + h_p + eca3und_p
unagamuf_p + eca3und_p --> udcpdp_p + eca4und_p + h_p
unagamuf_c --> unagamuf_p
3hbcoa_c <=> h2o_c + b2coa_c
3hhcoa_c <=> h2o_c + hx2coa_c
3hocoa_c <=> h2o_c + oc2coa_c
3hdcoa_c <=> dc2coa_c + h2o_c
3hddcoa_c <=> h2o_c + dd2coa_c
3htdcoa_c <=> h2o_c + td2coa_c
3hhdcoa_c <=> h2o_c + hdd2coa_c
3hodcoa_c <=> h2o_c + od2coa_c
2ddg6p_c --> g3p_c + pyr_c
6pgc_c --> h2o_c + 2ddg6p_c
kdo2lipid4_c + ddcaACP_c --> ACP_c + kdo2lipid4L_c
myrsACP_c + kdo2lipid4L_c --> lipa_c + ACP_c
kdo2lipid4_c + hdeACP_c --> ACP_c + kdo2lipid4p_c
kdo2lipid4p_c + myrsACP_c --> ACP_c + lipa_cold_c
egmeACP_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + gmeACP_c
atp_c + h2o_c + enlipa_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + enlipa_e
2pg_c <=> h2o_c + pep_c
3.0 seramp_c + 3.0 23dhba_c --> 6.0 amp_c + 9.0 h_c + enter_c
3.0 h2o_c + enter_c --> 3.0 23dhbzs_c + 3.0 h_c
3.0 h2o_c + feenter_c --> 3.0 23dhbzs_c + fe3_c + 3.0 h_c
h_c + nadph_c + epmeACP_c --> nadp_c + pmeACP_c
etha_c --> nh4_c + acald_c
h_p + etha_p --> etha_c + h_c
etha_e <=> etha_p
ethso3_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> pi_c + h_c + ethso3_c + adp_c
ethso3_e <=> ethso3_p
etoh_e <=> etoh_p
etoh_p <=> etoh_c
f6p_c <=> dha_c + g3p_c
h2o_c + f6p_c --> fru_c + pi_c
2.0 pi_c + f6p_p --> 2.0 pi_p + f6p_c
f6p_e <=> f6p_p
h2o_c + dcaACP_c --> dca_c + ACP_c + h_c
h2o_c + ddcaACP_c --> ACP_c + h_c + ddca_c
h2o_c + myrsACP_c --> ACP_c + h_c + ttdca_c
h2o_c + tdeACP_c --> ACP_c + ttdcea_c + h_c
h2o_c + palmACP_c --> ACP_c + hdca_c + h_c
h2o_c + hdeACP_c --> ACP_c + h_c + hdcea_c
h2o_c + ocACP_c --> octa_c + ACP_c + h_c
h2o_c + dcacoa_c --> dca_c + coa_c + h_c
h2o_c + ddcacoa_c --> coa_c + ddca_c + h_c
h2o_c + tdcoa_c --> coa_c + h_c + ttdca_c
h2o_c + tdecoa_c --> ttdcea_c + h_c + coa_c
h2o_c + pmtcoa_c --> hdca_c + coa_c + h_c
h2o_c + hdcoa_c --> hdcea_c + h_c + coa_c
h2o_c + stcoa_c --> ocdca_c + coa_c + h_c
h2o_c + odecoa_c --> ocdcea_c + coa_c + h_c
h2o_c + hxcoa_c --> coa_c + h_c + hxa_c
h2o_c + occoa_c --> octa_c + coa_c + h_c
h_p + atp_c + dca_p + coa_c --> amp_c + h_c + ppi_c + dcacoa_c
h_p + ddca_p + atp_c + coa_c --> ddcacoa_c + ppi_c + amp_c + h_c
ttdca_p + h_p + atp_c + coa_c --> amp_c + h_c + ppi_c + tdcoa_c
h_p + atp_c + coa_c + ttdcea_p --> amp_c + h_c + ppi_c + tdecoa_c
atp_c + hdca_p + h_p + coa_c --> pmtcoa_c + amp_c + h_c + ppi_c
h_p + hdcea_p + atp_c + coa_c --> amp_c + h_c + ppi_c + hdcoa_c
h_p + atp_c + coa_c + ocdca_p --> amp_c + h_c + ppi_c + stcoa_c
h_p + atp_c + coa_c + ocdcea_p --> amp_c + h_c + ppi_c + odecoa_c
h_p + atp_c + hxa_p + coa_c --> hxcoa_c + amp_c + h_c + ppi_c
h_p + atp_c + coa_c + octa_p --> amp_c + h_c + ppi_c + occoa_c
nadh_c + h_c + fad_c --> fadh2_c + nad_c
fad_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + fadh2_c
nad_c + hmgth_c <=> nadh_c + h_c + Sfglutth_c
fald_e <=> fald_p
fald_p <=> fald_c
fald_c + gthrd_c <=> hmgth_c
fdp_c <=> g3p_c + dhap_c
s17bp_c <=> e4p_c + dhap_c
h2o_c + fdp_c --> f6p_c + pi_c
fuc_dsh_L_c <=> fcl_dsh_L_c
atp_c + fcl_dsh_L_c --> adp_c + fc1p_c + h_c
fc1p_c <=> dhap_c + lald_dsh_L_c
fe2_c + ppp9_c --> pheme_c + 2.0 h_c
2.0 h_c + q8_c + for_p --> q8h2_c + co2_p + h_p
mqn8_c + 2.0 h_c + for_p --> co2_p + mql8_c + h_p
o2_c + fmnh2_c + isetac_c --> fmn_c + h_c + h2o_c + gcald_c + so3_c
o2_c + fmnh2_c + mso3_c --> fald_c + fmn_c + h_c + h2o_c + so3_c
o2_c + fmnh2_c + ethso3_c --> fmn_c + h_c + acald_c + h2o_c + so3_c
o2_c + fmnh2_c + butso3_c --> fmn_c + h_c + h2o_c + so3_c + btal_c
o2_c + sulfac_c + fmnh2_c --> fmn_c + h_c + h2o_c + glx_c + so3_c
atp_c + h2o_c + fe2_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + fe2_c
fe2_p + h_p --> fe2_c + h_c
h_p + fe2_c --> fe2_p + h_c
fe2_e <=> fe2_p
fe2_p --> fe2_c
fe3dcit_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + 2.0 cit_c + fe3_c + h_c
fe3dcit_e + h_p --> fe3dcit_p + h_c
fe3dhbzs_c --> 23dhbzs_c + fe3_c
h2o_c + atp_c + fe3dhbzs_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + fe3dhbzs_c
h_p + fe3dhbzs_e --> h_c + fe3dhbzs_p
fadh2_c + 2.0 fe3hox_c --> fad_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 fe2_c + 2.0 fe3hox_dsh_un_c
fmnh2_c + 2.0 fe3hox_c --> fmn_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 fe2_c + 2.0 fe3hox_dsh_un_c
rbflvrd_c + 2.0 fe3hox_c --> ribflv_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 fe2_c + 2.0 fe3hox_dsh_un_c
h_p + fe3hox_dsh_un_c --> h_c + fe3hox_dsh_un_p
h_p + fe3hox_dsh_un_p --> fe3hox_dsh_un_e + h_c
fe3hox_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + fe3hox_c
fe3hox_dsh_un_e + fe3_e --> fe3hox_e
h_p + fe3hox_e --> fe3hox_p + h_c
fadh2_c + 2.0 fe3_c --> fad_c + 2.0 fe2_c + 2.0 h_c
fe3_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + fe3_c
fe3_e <=> fe3_p
2.0 fecrm_c + fadh2_c --> 2.0 fecrm_dsh_un_c + 2.0 h_c + fad_c + 2.0 fe2_c
2.0 fecrm_c + fmnh2_c --> fmn_c + 2.0 fecrm_dsh_un_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 fe2_c
rbflvrd_c + 2.0 fecrm_c --> 2.0 fecrm_dsh_un_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 fe2_c + ribflv_c
h_p + fecrm_dsh_un_p --> fecrm_dsh_un_e + h_c
h_p + fecrm_dsh_un_c --> h_c + fecrm_dsh_un_p
h2o_c + atp_c + fecrm_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + fecrm_c
fe3_e + fecrm_dsh_un_e --> fecrm_e
fecrm_e + h_p --> fecrm_p + h_c
2.0 feenter_c + fadh2_c --> fad_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 enter_c + 2.0 fe2_c
2.0 feenter_c + fmnh2_c --> fmn_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 enter_c + 2.0 fe2_c
rbflvrd_c + 2.0 feenter_c --> ribflv_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 enter_c + 2.0 fe2_c
h2o_c + feenter_p + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + feenter_c
enter_e + fe3_e --> feenter_e
enter_p + h_p --> enter_e + h_c
h_p + feenter_e --> feenter_p + h_c
h_p + enter_c --> enter_p + h_c
fadh2_c + 2.0 feoxam_c --> fad_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 fe2_c + 2.0 feoxam_dsh_un_c
fmnh2_c + 2.0 feoxam_c --> fmn_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 fe2_c + 2.0 feoxam_dsh_un_c
rbflvrd_c + 2.0 feoxam_c --> ribflv_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 fe2_c + 2.0 feoxam_dsh_un_c
h_p + feoxam_dsh_un_p --> feoxam_dsh_un_e + h_c
h_p + feoxam_dsh_un_c --> feoxam_dsh_un_p + h_c
feoxam_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> pi_c + h_c + feoxam_c + adp_c
feoxam_dsh_un_e + fe3_e --> feoxam_e
feoxam_e + h_p --> feoxam_p + h_c
4.0 fe2_p + 4.0 h_p + o2_p --> 4.0 fe3_p + 2.0 h2o_p
2.0 h_c + h2o2_c + 2.0 4fe4s_c --> 2.0 3fe4s_c + 2.0 h2o_c + 2.0 fe3_c
2.0 no_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 4fe4s_c --> 2.0 3fe4s_c + n2o_c + h2o_c + 2.0 fe3_c
3fe4s_c + fe2_c --> 4fe4s_c
h2o_c + suc6p_c --> g6p_c + fru_c
for_c + h_c --> h2_c + co2_c
2.0 flxso_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + 2.0 flxr_c + h_c
ribflv_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + rbflvrd_c
nadh_c + ribflv_c + h_c --> rbflvrd_c + nad_c
10fthf_c + mettrna_c --> h_c + thf_c + fmettrna_c
fmn_c + atp_c + h_c --> fad_c + ppi_c
nadh_c + fmn_c + h_c --> fmnh2_c + nad_c
fmn_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + fmnh2_c
5fthf_c + h_c --> h2o_c + methf_c
forcoa_c + oxa_c <=> oxalcoa_c + for_c
h_p + for_p --> for_c + h_c
for_e <=> for_p
for_c --> for_p
fum_c + mql8_c --> succ_c + mqn8_c
2dmmql8_c + fum_c --> succ_c + 2dmmq8_c
atp_c + f1p_c --> adp_c + h_c + fdp_c
h2o_c + frulysp_c <=> g6p_c + lys_dsh_L_c
psclys_c <=> frulys_c
frulys_c + atp_c --> adp_c + h_c + frulysp_c
h_p + frulys_p --> h_c + frulys_c
frulys_e <=> frulys_p
fruur_p + h_p <=> fruur_c + h_c
fruur_e <=> fruur_p
fru_p + pep_c --> pyr_c + f6p_c
pep_c + fru_p --> pyr_c + f1p_c
fru_e <=> fru_p
h2o_c + 10fthf_c --> for_c + h_c + thf_c
for_c + atp_c + thf_c --> 10fthf_c + pi_c + adp_c
fuc_dsh_L_e <=> fuc_dsh_L_p
h_p + fuc_dsh_L_p <=> fuc_dsh_L_c + h_c
h2o_c + fum_c <=> mal_dsh_L_c
2.0 h_p + fum_p --> 2.0 h_c + fum_c
3.0 h_p + fum_p --> 3.0 h_c + fum_c
fum_e <=> fum_p
fusa_e <=> fusa_p
h_p + fusa_p --> h_c + fusa_e
gam1p_c + accoa_c --> acgam1p_c + coa_c + h_c
g1p_p + h2o_p --> pi_p + glc_dsh_D_p
dttp_c + g1p_c + h_c --> dtdpglu_c + ppi_c
g1p_e <=> g1p_p
glu1sa_c <=> 5aop_c
h2o_c + glyc2p_c --> glyc_c + pi_c
glyc2p_p + h2o_p --> glyc_p + pi_p
glyc3p_c + ddcaACP_c --> ACP_c + 1ddecg3p_c
myrsACP_c + glyc3p_c --> ACP_c + 1tdecg3p_c
glyc3p_c + tdeACP_c --> ACP_c + 1tdec7eg3p_c
glyc3p_c + palmACP_c --> 1hdecg3p_c + ACP_c
glyc3p_c + hdeACP_c --> ACP_c + 1hdec9eg3p_c
ocdcaACP_c + glyc3p_c --> 1odecg3p_c + ACP_c
octeACP_c + glyc3p_c --> ACP_c + 1odec11eg3p_c
h2o_c + g3pc_p + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + g3pc_c
g3pc_e <=> g3pc_p
nadp_c + glyc3p_c <=> dhap_c + nadph_c + h_c
glyc3p_c + q8_c --> q8h2_c + dhap_c
glyc3p_c + mqn8_c --> dhap_c + mql8_c
glyc3p_c + 2dmmq8_c --> dhap_c + 2dmmql8_c
g3pe_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + g3pe_c
g3pe_e <=> g3pe_p
h2o_c + atp_c + g3pg_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + g3pg_c
g3pg_e <=> g3pg_p
h2o_c + atp_c + g3pi_p --> adp_c + g3pi_c + pi_c + h_c
g3pi_e <=> g3pi_p
h2o_c + atp_c + g3ps_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + g3ps_c
g3ps_e <=> g3ps_p
h2o_c + glyc3p_c --> glyc_c + pi_c
glu5sa_c --> h2o_c + h_c + 1pyr5c_c
h_c + nadph_c + glu5p_c --> pi_c + glu5sa_c + nadp_c
h2o_c + gam6p_c --> nh4_c + f6p_c
g6p_c + nadp_c <=> h_c + nadph_c + 6pgl_c
g6p_c + h2o_c --> pi_c + glc_dsh_D_c
2.0 pi_c + g6p_p --> g6p_c + 2.0 pi_p
g6p_e <=> g6p_p
h2o_p + gal1p_p --> pi_p + gal_p
gal1p_e <=> gal1p_p
gal_dsh_bD_e <=> gal_dsh_bD_p
galct_dsh_D_c --> 5dh4dglc_c + h2o_c
galctn_dsh_L_c + nad_c --> nadh_c + h_c + tagur_c
galctn_dsh_D_c --> h2o_c + 2dh3dgal_c
galctn_dsh_L_p + h_p --> h_c + galctn_dsh_L_c
galctn_dsh_L_e <=> galctn_dsh_L_p
h_p + galctn_dsh_D_p --> h_c + galctn_dsh_D_c
galctn_dsh_D_e <=> galctn_dsh_D_p
h_p + galct_dsh_D_p <=> galct_dsh_D_c + h_c
galct_dsh_D_e <=> galct_dsh_D_p
gal_c + atp_c <=> gal1p_c + adp_c + h_c
gal_dsh_bD_p --> gal_p
h2o_c + melib_c --> glc_dsh_D_c + gal_c
udpg_c + gicolipa_c --> udp_c + gagicolipa_c + h_c
galt_p + pep_c --> galt1p_c + pyr_c
galt_e <=> galt_p
h_p + galur_p <=> galur_c + h_c
galur_e <=> galur_p
g1p_c + utp_c + h_c --> udpg_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + atp_c + gal_p --> adp_c + gal_c + pi_c + h_c
h_p + gal_p --> gal_c + h_c
gal_e <=> gal_p
gam6p_p + 2.0 pi_c --> gam6p_c + 2.0 pi_p
gam6p_e <=> gam6p_p
gam_p + pep_c --> gam6p_c + pyr_c
gam_e <=> gam_p
g3p_c + nad_c + pi_c <=> nadh_c + 13dpg_c + h_c
10fthf_c + gar_c <=> fgam_c + thf_c + h_c
for_c + atp_c + gar_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + fgam_c
gbbtn_e <=> gbbtn_p
nad_c + h2o_c + gcald_c --> nadh_c + 2.0 h_c + glyclt_c
gdpddman_c --> gdpofuc_c
gdp_c + atp_c --> ppgpp_c + amp_c + h_c
h2o_c + gdpmann_c --> gdp_c + h_c + man_c
h2o_c + gdpmann_c --> man1p_c + 2.0 h_c + gmp_c
h2o_c + gdptp_c --> gtp_c + ppi_c
gdp_e <=> gdp_p
f6p_c + gln_dsh_L_c --> gam6p_c + glu_dsh_L_c
ggbutal_c + h2o_c + nadp_c <=> 2.0 h_c + nadph_c + gg4abut_c
h2o_c + gg4abut_c --> 4abut_c + glu_dsh_L_c
h2o_c + o2_c + ggptrc_c --> h2o2_c + ggbutal_c + nh4_c
ptrc_c + glu_dsh_L_c + atp_c --> adp_c + ggptrc_c + pi_c + h_c
nadh_c + sucsal_c + h_c <=> nad_c + ghb_c
ser_dsh_L_c + thf_c <=> h2o_c + gly_c + mlthf_c
atp_c + gmp_c <=> gdp_c + adp_c
glycogen_c --> bglycogen_c
glc_dsh_D_c + accoa_c <=> acglc_dsh_D_c + coa_c
glc_dsh_D_p + h2o_p + q8_c --> q8h2_c + h_p + glcn_p
glcn_p + h_p <=> glcn_c + h_c
glcn_e <=> glcn_p
glycogen_c + pi_c --> g1p_c
bglycogen_c + pi_c --> g1p_c
5dh4dglc_c --> pyr_c + 2h3oppan_c
glcr_c --> 5dh4dglc_c + h2o_c
glcr_p + h_p <=> h_c + glcr_c
glcr_e <=> glcr_p
adpglc_c --> adp_c + h_c + glycogen_c
icolipa_c + udpg_c --> udp_c + h_c + gicolipa_c
udpg_c + gagicolipa_c --> udp_c + h_c + ggagicolipa_c
ggagicolipa_c + udpg_c --> udp_c + gggagicolipa_c + h_c
glcur1p_e <=> glcur1p_p
h_p + glcur_p <=> glcur_c + h_c
glcur_e <=> glcur_p
glc_dsh_D_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + h_c + glc_dsh_D_c + pi_c
glc_dsh_D_p + pep_c --> g6p_c + pyr_c
h_p + glc_dsh_D_p --> glc_dsh_D_c + h_c
glc_dsh_D_e <=> glc_dsh_D_p
glc_dsh_D_e --> glc_dsh_D_p
bglycogen_c --> glycogen_c
atp_c + g1p_c + h_c --> adpglc_c + ppi_c
glu_dsh_L_c + nh4_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + gln_dsh_L_c
trnagln_c + atp_c + gln_dsh_L_c --> glntrna_c + amp_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + atp_c + gln_dsh_L_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + gln_dsh_L_c
gln_dsh_L_e <=> gln_dsh_L_p
nad_c + galt1p_c <=> nadh_c + h_c + tag6p_dsh_D_c
glu_dsh_L_c + atp_c --> adp_c + glu5p_c
4abut_c + glu_dsh_L_p <=> 4abut_p + glu_dsh_L_c
glu_dsh_L_c + atp_c + cys_dsh_L_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + glucys_c
glu_dsh_L_c + h_c --> co2_c + 4abut_c
h2o_c + nadp_c + glu_dsh_L_c <=> h_c + nadph_c + nh4_c + akg_c
h2o_c + gln_dsh_L_c --> glu_dsh_L_c + nh4_c
h2o_p + gln_dsh_L_p --> glu_dsh_L_p + nh4_p
h2o_c + prpp_c + gln_dsh_L_c --> pram_c + ppi_c + glu_dsh_L_c
glu_dsh_D_c <=> glu_dsh_L_c
h_c + nadph_c + akg_c + gln_dsh_L_c --> nadp_c + 2.0 glu_dsh_L_c
glutrna_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + trnaglu_c + glu1sa_c
trnaglu_c + glu_dsh_L_c + atp_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + glutrna_c
glu_dsh_L_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> pi_c + h_c + glu_dsh_L_c + adp_c
glu_dsh_L_p + h_p <=> glu_dsh_L_c + h_c
glu_dsh_L_p + na1_p --> na1_c + glu_dsh_L_c
glu_dsh_L_e <=> glu_dsh_L_p
2.0 glx_c + h_c --> 2h3oppan_c + co2_c
glyald_e <=> glyald_p
glyald_p <=> glyald_c
gly_c + accoa_c <=> 2aobut_c + coa_c
h2o_c + atp_c + glyb_p --> glyb_c + adp_c + pi_c + h_c
h_p + glyb_p --> glyb_c + h_c
glyb_e <=> glyb_p
glyc2p_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + glyc2p_c + h_c + pi_c
glyc2p_e <=> glyc2p_p
h2o_c + atp_c + glyc3p_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + glyc3p_c
glyc3p_p + pi_c --> pi_p + glyc3p_c
glyc3p_e <=> glyc3p_p
h_p + glyc_dsh_R_p <=> h_c + glyc_dsh_R_c
glyc_dsh_R_e <=> glyc_dsh_R_p
glyc_c + nad_c --> nadh_c + dha_c + h_c
atp_c + glyc_dsh_R_c --> 3pg_c + adp_c + h_c
atp_c + glyc_dsh_R_c --> adp_c + h_c + 2pg_c
gly_c + nad_c + thf_c --> nadh_c + mlthf_c + nh4_c + co2_c
nadh_c + glx_c + h_c --> glyclt_c + nad_c
glx_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + glyclt_c
h_p + glyclt_p <=> glyclt_c + h_c
na1_p + glyclt_p --> na1_c + glyclt_c
glyclt_e <=> glyclt_p
glyclt_c + q8_c --> q8h2_c + glx_c
glyclt_c + mqn8_c --> glx_c + mql8_c
2dmmq8_c + glyclt_c --> 2dmmql8_c + glx_c
glyc_e <=> glyc_p
glyc_c <=> glyc_p
glyc_c + atp_c --> glyc3p_c + adp_c + h_c
h2o_c + lgt_dsh_S_c --> lac_dsh_D_c + h_c + gthrd_c
h2o_c + mthgxl_c --> lac_dsh_D_c + h_c
gly_c + atp_c + trnagly_c --> glytrna_c + amp_c + ppi_c
h_p + gly_p --> gly_c + h_c
h_p + gly_p <=> gly_c + h_c
na1_p + gly_p --> na1_c + gly_c
gly_e <=> gly_p
gdpmann_c --> h2o_c + gdpddman_c
gmhep1p_c + atp_c + h_c --> adphep_dsh_DD_c + ppi_c
gmhep7p_c + atp_c --> adp_c + h_c + gmhep17bp_c
h2o_c + gmhep17bp_c --> gmhep1p_c + pi_c
2.0 h_c + nadph_c + gmp_c --> nadp_c + imp_c + nh4_c
h2o_c + xmp_c + atp_c + gln_dsh_L_c --> amp_c + 2.0 h_c + ppi_c + glu_dsh_L_c + gmp_c
gmp_e <=> gmp_p
nadp_c + 6pgc_c --> co2_c + ru5p_dsh_D_c + nadph_c
glcn_c + atp_c --> adp_c + h_c + 6pgc_c
gdpofuc_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + gdpfuc_c
h2o_c + gp4g_c --> 2.0 gdp_c + 2.0 h_c
h2o_c + g3pc_c --> glyc3p_c + h_c + chol_c
g3pc_p + h2o_p --> glyc3p_p + h_p + chol_p
h2o_c + g3pe_c --> etha_c + glyc3p_c + h_c
h2o_p + g3pe_p --> glyc3p_p + h_p + etha_p
h2o_c + g3ps_c --> glyc3p_c + h_c + ser_dsh_L_c
h2o_p + g3ps_p --> glyc3p_p + h_p + ser_dsh_L_p
h2o_c + g3pg_c --> glyc_c + glyc3p_c + h_c
h2o_p + g3pg_p --> glyc_p + glyc3p_p + h_p
h2o_c + g3pi_c --> glyc3p_c + h_c + inost_c
h2o_p + g3pi_p --> glyc3p_p + inost_p + h_p
grdp_c + ipdp_c --> frdp_c + ppi_c
grxox_c + 2.0 gthrd_c --> grxrd_c + gthox_c
atp_c + gsn_c --> adp_c + h_c + gmp_c
h_p + gsn_p --> gsn_c + h_c
gsn_e <=> gsn_p
gtspmd_c + h2o_c --> gthrd_c + spmd_c
spmd_c + atp_c + gthrd_c --> gtspmd_c + adp_c + pi_c + h_c
gthox_e <=> gthox_p
gthox_c + h_c + nadph_c <=> nadp_c + 2.0 gthrd_c
h2o2_c + 2.0 gthrd_c --> 2.0 h2o_c + gthox_c
h2o_p + gthrd_p --> cgly_p + glu_dsh_L_p
h2o_c + atp_c + gthrd_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + gthrd_p
gthrd_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + gthrd_c
gthrd_e <=> gthrd_p
gly_c + atp_c + glucys_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + gthrd_c
h2o_c + gtp_c --> for_c + h_c + ahdt_c
3.0 h2o_c + gtp_c --> for_c + 2.0 h_c + 25drapp_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + gdptp_c --> pi_c + h_c + ppgpp_c
gtp_c + atp_c --> amp_c + gdptp_c + h_c
h2o_c + gtp_c + h_c --> nh4_c + xtp_c
gtp_e <=> gtp_p
gtp_c --> 35cgmp_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + gua_c + h_c --> nh4_c + xan_c
gua_c + prpp_c --> gmp_c + ppi_c
h_p + gua_p --> gua_c + h_c
gua_e <=> gua_p
gua_p <=> gua_c
glcur_c <=> fruur_c
galur_c <=> tagur_c
h2o_p + glcur1p_p --> pi_p + glcur_p
h2o2_e <=> h2o2_p
h2o_e <=> h2o_p
h2o_p <=> h2o_c
h2s_c + 2.0 o2_c --> 2.0 h_c + so4_c
h2s_c --> h2s_p
h2s_e <=> h2s_p
h2_e <=> h2_p
h2_p <=> h2_c
nadh_c + aacoa_c + h_c <=> nad_c + 3hbcoa_c
nadh_c + 3ohcoa_c + h_c <=> nad_c + 3hhcoa_c
nadh_c + 3oocoa_c + h_c <=> nad_c + 3hocoa_c
nadh_c + 3odcoa_c + h_c <=> nad_c + 3hdcoa_c
3oddcoa_c + nadh_c + h_c <=> nad_c + 3hddcoa_c
nadh_c + h_c + 3otdcoa_c <=> nad_c + 3htdcoa_c
nadh_c + h_c + 3ohdcoa_c <=> 3hhdcoa_c + nad_c
nadh_c + 3oodcoa_c + h_c <=> 3hodcoa_c + nad_c
nad_c + 3hadpcoa_c <=> nadh_c + h_c + oxadpcoa_c
octdp_c + 4hbz_c --> 3ophb_c + ppi_c
h_p + 3hcinnm_p <=> 3hcinnm_c + h_c
3hcinnm_e <=> 3hcinnm_p
h2o_c + co2_c <=> hco3_c + h_c
amet_c + hcys_dsh_L_c --> ahcys_c + met_dsh_L_c + h_c
hcys_dsh_L_c + mmet_c --> 2.0 met_dsh_L_c + h_c
hdca_e --> hdca_p
hdcea_e --> hdcea_p
frdp_c + h2o_c + pheme_c --> ppi_c + hemeO_c
hhlipa_c + atp_c --> phhlipa_c + adp_c + h_c
atp_c + hphhlipa_c --> adp_c + h_c + phphhlipa_c
lipa_c + adphep_dsh_LD_c --> hlipa_c + adp_c + h_c
hlipa_c + adphep_dsh_LD_c --> adp_c + hhlipa_c + h_c
phhlipa_c + adphep_dsh_LD_c --> adp_c + hphhlipa_c + h_c
gggagicolipa_c + adphep_dsh_LD_c --> adp_c + colipa_c + h_c
4mhetz_c + atp_c --> adp_c + h_c + 4mpetz_c
glc_dsh_D_c + atp_c --> g6p_c + adp_c + h_c
man_c + atp_c --> adp_c + man6p_c + h_c
atp_c + fru_c --> adp_c + h_c + f6p_c
h_p + hxa_p <=> h_c + hxa_c
h2o_c + hg2_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + hg2_p
h_p + hg2_c --> hg2_p + h_c
hg2_e <=> hg2_p
h2o_c + histd_c + 2.0 nad_c --> 2.0 nadh_c + 3.0 h_c + his_dsh_L_c
h2o_c + hisp_c --> histd_c + pi_c
his_dsh_L_c + atp_c + trnahis_c --> histrna_c + amp_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + his_dsh_L_p + atp_c --> pi_c + h_c + his_dsh_L_c + adp_c
h_p + his_dsh_L_p <=> his_dsh_L_c + h_c
his_dsh_L_e <=> his_dsh_L_p
h2o_c + hkndd_c --> succ_c + op4en_c + h_c
h2o_c + hkntd_c --> fum_c + h_c + op4en_c
h2o_c + 4.0 ppbng_c --> hmbil_c + 4.0 nh4_c
4ahmmp_c + atp_c --> adp_c + h_c + 4ampm_c
hom_dsh_L_c + h_p --> hom_dsh_L_p + h_c
hom_dsh_L_e <=> hom_dsh_L_p
4h2opntn_c --> pyr_c + acald_c
6hmhpt_c + atp_c --> 6hmhptpp_c + amp_c + h_c
o2_c + dhpppn_c --> hkndd_c + h_c
h_p + 3hpppn_p <=> 3hpppn_c + h_c
3hpppn_e <=> 3hpppn_p
hpyr_c <=> 2h3oppan_c
nadh_c + hpyr_c + h_c --> nad_c + glyc_dsh_R_c
hpyr_c + nadph_c + h_c --> nadp_c + glyc_dsh_R_c
nadp_c + hom_dsh_L_c <=> aspsa_c + h_c + nadph_c
hom_dsh_L_c + atp_c --> adp_c + h_c + phom_c
hom_dsh_L_c + succoa_c --> coa_c + suchms_c
glu_dsh_L_c + imacp_c --> hisp_c + akg_c
h2o_c + nad_c + hxan_c --> nadh_c + h_c + xan_c
hxa_e <=> hxa_p
accoa_c + hxa_c --> hxcoa_c + ac_c
hxan_c + prpp_c --> imp_c + ppi_c
h2_c + q8_c + 2.0 h_c --> q8h2_c + 2.0 h_p
h2_c + mqn8_c + 2.0 h_c --> 2.0 h_p + mql8_c
h2_c + 2dmmq8_c + 2.0 h_c --> 2.0 h_p + 2dmmql8_c
h2o_c + pyam5p_c --> pi_c + pydam_c
hxan_e <=> hxan_p
hxan_p <=> hxan_c
h_e <=> h_p
iscssh_c + 2fe1s_c + iscu_c --> iscu_dsh_2fe2s_c + 4.0 h_c + iscs_c
2.0 fe2_c + 2.0 iscssh_c + fadh2_c + iscu_c --> 2.0 iscs_c + 6.0 h_c + iscu_dsh_2fe2s_c + fad_c
2.0 fe2_c + 2.0 iscssh_c + fadh2_c + iscu_dsh_2fe2s_c --> 2.0 iscs_c + 6.0 h_c + iscu_dsh_2fe2s2_c + fad_c
iscu_dsh_2fe2s_c + 4.0 h_c --> 2fe2s_c + iscu_c
iscu_dsh_2fe2s2_c + fadh2_c + 2.0 h_c --> fad_c + iscu_dsh_4fe4s_c
iscu_dsh_4fe4s_c + 4.0 h_c --> 4fe4s_c + iscu_c
nadp_c + icit_c <=> co2_c + akg_c + nadph_c
chor_c <=> ichor_c
chor_c --> ichor_c
h2o_c + ichor_c --> pyr_c + 23ddhb_c
icit_c --> succ_c + glx_c
cys_dsh_L_c + iscs_c --> iscssh_c + ala_dsh_L_c
nadh_c + 5dglcn_c + h_c <=> idon_dsh_L_c + nad_c
5dglcn_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + idon_dsh_L_c
h_p + idon_dsh_L_p <=> idon_dsh_L_c + h_c
idon_dsh_L_e <=> idon_dsh_L_p
prlp_c + gln_dsh_L_c --> eig3p_c + glu_dsh_L_c + aicar_c + h_c
eig3p_c --> h2o_c + imacp_c
2cpr5p_c + h_c --> h2o_c + co2_c + 3ig3p_c
ile_dsh_L_c + akg_c <=> glu_dsh_L_c + 3mop_c
ile_dsh_L_c + trnaile_c + atp_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + iletrna_c
ile_dsh_L_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + ile_dsh_L_c
ile_dsh_L_p + h_p <=> h_c + ile_dsh_L_c
ile_dsh_L_e <=> ile_dsh_L_p
h2o_c + imp_c <=> fprica_c
h2o_c + nad_c + imp_c --> nadh_c + h_c + xmp_c
imp_e <=> imp_p
h_c + indole_c --> h_p + indole_p
h_p + indole_p <=> h_c + indole_c
indole_e <=> indole_p
inost_p + na1_p --> na1_c + inost_c
h2o_c + ins_c --> hxan_c + rib_dsh_D_c
atp_c + ins_c --> adp_c + h_c + imp_c
inost_e <=> inost_p
h_p + ins_p --> ins_c + h_c
h_p + ins_p <=> ins_c + h_c
ins_e <=> ins_p
ipdp_c <=> dmpp_c
nadh_c + h_c + h2mb4p_c --> nad_c + h2o_c + ipdp_c
nad_c + 3c2hmp_c --> nadh_c + 3c4mop_c + h_c
3c2hmp_c <=> h2o_c + 2ippm_c
h2o_c + 2ippm_c <=> 3c3hmp_c
3mob_c + h2o_c + accoa_c --> h_c + coa_c + 3c3hmp_c
isetac_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + isetac_c
isetac_e <=> isetac_p
h2o_c + atp_c + kdo2lipid4_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + kdo2lipid4_p
h2o_c + kdo2lipid4_p + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + kdo2lipid4_e
nadp_c + 23dhmb_c <=> alac_dsh_S_c + h_c + nadph_c
h_c + nadph_c + 2ahbut_c <=> nadp_c + 23dhmp_c
h_c + malACP_c + acACP_c --> co2_c + ACP_c + actACP_c
h_c + malACP_c + accoa_c --> co2_c + actACP_c + coa_c
kdo_c + ctp_c --> ckdo_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + kdo8p_c --> pi_c + kdo_c
h2o_c + ara5p_c + pep_c --> kdo8p_c + pi_c
3dhgulnp_c + h_c --> co2_c + xu5p_dsh_L_c
h2o_c + k_p + atp_c --> k_c + adp_c + pi_c + h_c
k_p + h_p --> k_c + h_c
k_c + h_p --> k_p + h_c
k_e <=> k_p
lac_dsh_L_c + q8_c --> q8h2_c + pyr_c
lac_dsh_L_c + mqn8_c --> pyr_c + mql8_c
lac_dsh_L_p + h_p <=> lac_dsh_L_c + h_c
lac_dsh_L_e <=> lac_dsh_L_p
colipa_p + uLa4n_p --> udcpp_p + acolipa_p
h2o_c + lcts_c --> gal_c + glc_dsh_D_c
lcts_p + h2o_p --> gal_p + glc_dsh_D_p
h2o_c + LalaDgluMdap_c --> LalaDglu_c + 26dap_dsh_M_c
LalaDglu_e <=> LalaDglu_p
h_p + LalaDglu_p --> LalaDglu_c + h_c
LalaLglu_e <=> LalaLglu_p
h_p + LalaLglu_p --> h_c + LalaLglu_c
nadh_c + h_c + mthgxl_c --> nad_c + lald_dsh_D_c
mthgxl_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + lald_dsh_L_c
h2o_c + LalaLglu_c --> ala_dsh_L_c + glu_dsh_L_c
nad_c + h2o_c + lald_dsh_L_c --> nadh_c + 2.0 h_c + lac_dsh_L_c
nadh_c + h_c + lald_dsh_D_c <=> 12ppd_dsh_R_c + nad_c
nadh_c + h_c + lald_dsh_L_c <=> nad_c + 12ppd_dsh_S_c
lcts_c + h_p --> lcts_p + h_c
lcts_e <=> lcts_p
lcts_p + h_p <=> lcts_c + h_c
nad_c + lac_dsh_D_c <=> nadh_c + pyr_c + h_c
lac_dsh_D_c + q8_c --> q8h2_c + pyr_c
glu_dsh_L_c + 4mop_c --> akg_c + leu_dsh_L_c
trnaleu_c + atp_c + leu_dsh_L_c --> leutrna_c + amp_c + ppi_c
leu_dsh_L_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> pi_c + h_c + adp_c + leu_dsh_L_c
h_p + leu_dsh_L_p <=> h_c + leu_dsh_L_c
leu_dsh_L_e <=> leu_dsh_L_p
mthgxl_c + gthrd_c --> lgt_dsh_S_c
lipa_cold_c + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + lipa_cold_p
h_e + hdca_e + colipa_e --> h2o_e + hacolipa_e
h_e + hdca_e + lipa_e --> h2o_e + halipa_e
lipoamp_c --> lipopb_c + amp_c
atp_c + lipoate_c --> lipoamp_c + ppi_c
lipa_c + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + lipa_p
h2o_c + lipa_p + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + lipa_e
ocACP_c + h_c --> ACP_c + octapb_c
nad_c + h_c + 2.0 amet_c + 4fe4s_c + octapb_c --> lipopb_c + nadh_c + 2.0 dad_dsh_5_c + 2.0 met_dsh_L_c + 2.0 fe2_c + 2fe2s_c
lipoate_p + h_p --> lipoate_c + h_c
lipoate_e <=> lipoate_p
lipidX_c + u23ga_c --> udp_c + h_c + lipidAds_c
h2o_p + 1ddecg3p_p --> glyc3p_p + ddca_p + h_p
1tdecg3p_p + h2o_p --> glyc3p_p + h_p + ttdca_p
h2o_p + 1tdec7eg3p_p --> glyc3p_p + h_p + ttdcea_p
h2o_p + 1hdecg3p_p --> glyc3p_p + h_p + hdca_p
h2o_p + 1hdec9eg3p_p --> glyc3p_p + h_p + hdcea_p
1odecg3p_p + h2o_p --> glyc3p_p + h_p + ocdca_p
h2o_p + 1odec11eg3p_p --> glyc3p_p + h_p + ocdcea_p
1agpe120_p + h2o_p --> ddca_p + h_p + g3pe_p
1agpe140_p + h2o_p --> ttdca_p + h_p + g3pe_p
1agpe141_p + h2o_p --> h_p + ttdcea_p + g3pe_p
1agpe160_p + h2o_p --> hdca_p + h_p + g3pe_p
h2o_p + 1agpe161_p --> h_p + hdcea_p + g3pe_p
1agpe180_p + h2o_p --> ocdca_p + h_p + g3pe_p
h2o_p + 1agpe181_p --> g3pe_p + h_p + ocdcea_p
h2o_p + 1agpg120_p --> ddca_p + h_p + g3pg_p
h2o_p + 1agpg140_p --> ttdca_p + h_p + g3pg_p
1agpg141_p + h2o_p --> h_p + ttdcea_p + g3pg_p
h2o_p + 1agpg160_p --> hdca_p + h_p + g3pg_p
h2o_p + 1agpg161_p --> h_p + hdcea_p + g3pg_p
1agpg180_p + h2o_p --> ocdca_p + h_p + g3pg_p
1agpg181_p + h2o_p --> g3pg_p + h_p + ocdcea_p
h2o_c + 2ddecg3p_c --> glyc3p_c + 2.0 h_c + ddca_c
h2o_c + 2tdecg3p_c --> glyc3p_c + 2.0 h_c + ttdca_c
h2o_c + 2tdec7eg3p_c --> glyc3p_c + 2.0 h_c + ttdcea_c
h2o_c + 2hdecg3p_c --> glyc3p_c + hdca_c + 2.0 h_c
2hdec9eg3p_c + h2o_c --> glyc3p_c + 2.0 h_c + hdcea_c
h2o_c + 2odecg3p_c --> ocdca_c + glyc3p_c + 2.0 h_c
h2o_c + 2odec11eg3p_c --> ocdcea_c + glyc3p_c + 2.0 h_c
2agpe120_c + pg120_c --> apg120_c + g3pe_c
pg140_c + 2agpe140_c --> g3pe_c + apg140_c
pg141_c + 2agpe141_c --> apg141_c + g3pe_c
pg160_c + 2agpe160_c --> apg160_c + g3pe_c
2agpe161_c + pg161_c --> apg161_c + g3pe_c
2agpe180_c + pg180_c --> apg180_c + g3pe_c
2agpe181_c + pg181_c --> apg181_c + g3pe_c
2agpg120_c + pg120_c --> apg120_c + g3pg_c
2agpg140_c + pg140_c --> apg140_c + g3pg_c
pg141_c + 2agpg141_c --> apg141_c + g3pg_c
2agpg160_c + pg160_c --> apg160_c + g3pg_c
2agpg161_c + pg161_c --> apg161_c + g3pg_c
2agpg180_c + pg180_c --> apg180_c + g3pg_c
2agpg181_c + pg181_c --> apg181_c + g3pg_c
2agpe120_c + h2o_c --> g3pe_c + ddca_c + h_c
h2o_c + 2agpe140_c --> g3pe_c + h_c + ttdca_c
h2o_c + 2agpe141_c --> ttdcea_c + h_c + g3pe_c
h2o_c + 2agpe160_c --> hdca_c + g3pe_c + h_c
h2o_c + 2agpe161_c --> hdcea_c + h_c + g3pe_c
h2o_c + 2agpe180_c --> ocdca_c + g3pe_c + h_c
h2o_c + 2agpe181_c --> ocdcea_c + g3pe_c + h_c
h2o_c + 2agpg120_c --> g3pg_c + h_c + ddca_c
h2o_c + 2agpg140_c --> g3pg_c + h_c + ttdca_c
h2o_c + 2agpg141_c --> g3pg_c + ttdcea_c + h_c
2agpg160_c + h2o_c --> hdca_c + h_c + g3pg_c
h2o_c + 2agpg161_c --> hdcea_c + h_c + g3pg_c
h2o_c + 2agpg180_c --> ocdca_c + h_c + g3pg_c
h2o_c + 2agpg181_c --> ocdcea_c + h_c + g3pg_c
nadp_c + ser_dsh_L_c <=> h_c + nadph_c + 2amsa_c
lys_dsh_L_c + h_c --> 15dap_c + co2_c
lys_dsh_L_c + trnalys_c + atp_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + lystrna_c
lys_dsh_L_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + lys_dsh_L_c + pi_c + h_c
h_p + lys_dsh_L_p --> lys_dsh_L_c + h_c
h_p + lys_dsh_L_c --> h_c + lys_dsh_L_p
lys_dsh_L_e <=> lys_dsh_L_p
lyx_dsh_L_c --> xylu_dsh_L_c
lyx_dsh_L_p + h_p --> h_c + lyx_dsh_L_c
lyx_dsh_L_e <=> lyx_dsh_L_p
nad_c + mnl1p_c <=> nadh_c + h_c + f6p_c
malACP_c + h_c --> co2_c + acACP_c
amet_c + malcoa_c --> ahcys_c + malcoame_c
mal_dsh_D_c + nad_c --> nadh_c + co2_c + pyr_c
2.0 h_p + mal_dsh_D_p --> mal_dsh_D_c + 2.0 h_c
mal_dsh_D_e <=> mal_dsh_D_p
h2o_c + glx_c + accoa_c --> coa_c + h_c + mal_dsh_L_c
malt_c + accoa_c <=> acmalt_c + coa_c
malthx_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + malthx_c
malthx_e --> malthx_p
atp_c + h2o_c + maltpt_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + maltpt_c
maltpt_e --> maltpt_p
malttr_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + malttr_c
malttr_e --> malttr_p
h2o_c + atp_c + maltttr_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + maltttr_c
maltttr_e --> maltttr_p
h2o_c + malt_p + atp_c --> malt_c + adp_c + pi_c + h_c
malt_p + pep_c --> pyr_c + malt6p_c
malt_e --> malt_p
2.0 h_p + mal_dsh_L_p --> 2.0 h_c + mal_dsh_L_c
3.0 h_p + mal_dsh_L_p --> 3.0 h_c + mal_dsh_L_c
h_p + mal_dsh_L_c --> mal_dsh_L_p + h_c
mal_dsh_L_e <=> mal_dsh_L_p
gdp_c + man1p_c + h_c --> pi_c + gdpmann_c
man6p_c <=> f6p_c
man6p_p + 2.0 pi_c --> 2.0 pi_p + man6p_c
man6p_e <=> man6p_p
mana_c + nad_c <=> nadh_c + fruur_c + h_c
manglyc_p + pep_c --> pyr_c + man6pglyc_c
manglyc_e <=> manglyc_p
h2o_c + man6pglyc_c --> man6p_c + glyc_dsh_R_c
man_p + pep_c --> pyr_c + man6p_c
man_e <=> man_p
2mcit_c --> h2o_c + 2mcacn_c
micit_c <=> pyr_c + succ_c
ppcoa_c + h2o_c + oaa_c --> 2mcit_c + h_c + coa_c
ACP_c + malcoa_c <=> malACP_c + coa_c
mercppyr_c + cyan_c --> pyr_c + tcynt_c + h_c
murein5p5p_p --> murein5px4p_p + ala_dsh_D_p
murein5p5p_p --> alaala_p + murein5px3p_p
murein5p5p5p_p --> 2.0 ala_dsh_D_p + murein5px4px4p_p
h2o_p + murein5px4p_p --> ala_dsh_D_p + murein4px4p_p
h2o_p + murein5px4px4p_p --> ala_dsh_D_p + murein4px4px4p_p
murein5p5p_p + h2o_p --> ala_dsh_D_p + murein5p4p_p
murein5p4p_p + h2o_p --> murein4p4p_p + ala_dsh_D_p
murein5p3p_p + h2o_p --> murein4p3p_p + ala_dsh_D_p
h2o_p + murein4px4p_p --> murein4p4p_p
h2o_p + murein3px4p_p --> murein4p3p_p
h2o_p + murein5px4p_p --> murein5p4p_p
h2o_p + murein4px4px4p_p --> murein4px4p4p_p
nad_c + mal_dsh_L_c <=> nadh_c + h_c + oaa_c
q8_c + mal_dsh_L_c --> q8h2_c + oaa_c
mqn8_c + mal_dsh_L_c --> oaa_c + mql8_c
nad_c + mal_dsh_L_c --> nadh_c + pyr_c + co2_c
nadp_c + mal_dsh_L_c --> pyr_c + co2_c + nadph_c
2mecdp_c + h_c + 2.0 flxr_c --> h2mb4p_c + h2o_c + 2.0 flxso_c
2p4c2me_c --> cmp_c + 2mecdp_c
h_p + melib_p --> melib_c + h_c
h_p + melib_c --> h_c + melib_p
melib_e <=> melib_p
meoh_e <=> meoh_p
meoh_p <=> meoh_c
2me4p_c + h_c + ctp_c --> 4c2me_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + met_dsh_L_c + atp_c --> pi_c + ppi_c + amet_c
met_dsh_D_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + met_dsh_D_c + h_c + pi_c
met_dsh_D_e <=> met_dsh_D_p
met_dsh_L_c + h2o2_c --> h2o_c + metsox_dsh_S_dsh_L_c
met_dsh_L_c + h2o2_c --> h2o_c + metsox_dsh_R_dsh_L_c
5mthf_c + hcys_dsh_L_c --> met_dsh_L_c + h_c + thf_c
metsox_dsh_S_dsh_L_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + metsox_dsh_S_dsh_L_c
metsox_dsh_S_dsh_L_e <=> metsox_dsh_S_dsh_L_p
h2o_c + metsox_dsh_R_dsh_L_p + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + metsox_dsh_R_dsh_L_c + h_c
metsox_dsh_R_dsh_L_e <=> metsox_dsh_R_dsh_L_p
trdrd_c + metsox_dsh_S_dsh_L_c --> h2o_c + met_dsh_L_c + trdox_c
metsox_dsh_R_dsh_L_c + trdrd_c --> met_dsh_L_c + h2o_c + trdox_c
met_dsh_L_c + atp_c + trnamet_c --> mettrna_c + amp_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + met_dsh_L_p + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + met_dsh_L_c
met_dsh_L_e <=> met_dsh_L_p
mg2_p + 2.0 h_c <=> 2.0 h_p + mg2_c
mg2_e <=> mg2_p
mg2_p --> mg2_c
h2o_c + atp_c + mg2_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + mg2_c
dhap_c --> pi_c + mthgxl_c
h2o_c + mi1p_dsh_D_c --> pi_c + inost_c
h2o_c + 2mcacn_c <=> micit_c
mincyc_e <=> mincyc_p
mincyc_p + h_p --> h_c + mincyc_e
minohp_e --> minohp_p
h2o_p + murein5px4p_p --> alaala_p + murein3px4p_p
murein4p4p_p + h2o_p --> murein4p3p_p + ala_dsh_D_p
murein5p5p_p + h2o_p --> alaala_p + murein5p3p_p
h2o_p + murein4p3p_p --> ala_dsh_D_p + murein3p3p_p
h2o_p + murein5px3p_p --> murein3px3p_p + alaala_p
murein3px3p_p + h2o_p --> murein3p3p_p
h2o_p + murein5px3p_p --> murein5p3p_p
h2o_c + malttr_c --> glc_dsh_D_c + malt_c
h2o_c + maltttr_c --> glc_dsh_D_c + malttr_c
h2o_c + maltpt_c --> glc_dsh_D_c + maltttr_c
h2o_c + malthx_c --> glc_dsh_D_c + maltpt_c
h2o_c + malthp_c --> glc_dsh_D_c + malthx_c
murein4p4p_p --> 2.0 anhgm4p_p
murein4p3p_p --> anhgm4p_p + anhgm3p_p
murein3p3p_p --> 2.0 anhgm3p_p
murein4px4p4p_p --> anhgm4p_p + murein4px4p_p
maltpt_c + pi_c <=> maltttr_c + g1p_c
malthx_c + pi_c <=> maltpt_c + g1p_c
malthp_c + pi_c <=> malthx_c + g1p_c
mmcoa_dsh_S_c + h_c --> co2_c + ppcoa_c
mmet_p + h_p --> h_c + mmet_c
mmet_e <=> mmet_p
succoa_c --> mmcoa_dsh_S_c
mn2_c + h_p --> mn2_p + h_c
mn2_p --> mn2_c
h2o_c + man6p_c --> pi_c + man_c
mnl_p + pep_c --> pyr_c + mnl1p_c
mnl_e <=> mnl_p
mana_c --> 2ddglcn_c + h2o_c
h_p + mn2_p --> h_c + mn2_c
mn2_e <=> mn2_p
nadh_c + iscssh_c + moadamp_c --> nad_c + iscs_c + moadcosh_c + amp_c
ckdo_c + lipidA_c --> cmp_c + h_c + kdolipid4_c
ckdo_c + kdolipid4_c --> cmp_c + kdo2lipid4_c + h_c
phphhlipa_c + ckdo_c --> cmp_c + kphphhlipa_c + h_c
h2o_c + atp_c + mobd_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + mobd_c
mobd_e <=> mobd_p
moco_c + h_c + ctp_c --> mococdp_c + ppi_c
2.0 h_c + mptamp_c + mobd_c --> amp_c + h2o_c + cu2_c + moco_c
gtp_c + h_c + moco_c --> mocogdp_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + mlthf_c + 3mob_c --> 2dhp_c + thf_c
o2_c + mal_dsh_L_c <=> h2o2_c + oaa_c
mpt_c + atp_c + h_c --> mptamp_c + ppi_c
2.0 uaagmda_c --> 2.0 udcpdp_c + murein5p5p_p + 2.0 h_c
murein5p5p_p + uaagmda_c --> udcpdp_c + murein5p5p5p_p + h_c
2.0 moadcosh_c + cu2_c + cpmp_c --> 5.0 h_c + 2.0 moadcoo_c + mpt_c
moadcoo_c + atp_c + h_c --> moadamp_c + ppi_c
msa_c + nadph_c + h_c --> nadp_c + 3hpp_c
mso3_p + atp_c + h2o_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + mso3_c
mso3_e <=> mso3_p
5mta_c + h2o_c --> 5mtr_c + ade_c
h2o_c + methf_c <=> 10fthf_c + h_c
mlthf_c + nadp_c <=> methf_c + nadph_c
mlthf_c + nadh_c + 2.0 h_c --> nad_c + 5mthf_c
h2o_c + mdhdhf_c --> mththf_c
h2o_c + o2_c + Nmtrp_c --> h2o2_c + fald_c + trp_dsh_L_c
n2o_e <=> n2o_p
n2o_p <=> n2o_c
h2o_c + acg5sa_c --> ac_c + glu5sa_c
nac_e <=> nac_p
nac_p --> nac_c
h2o_c + nad_c --> nmn_c + amp_c + 2.0 h_c
nadh_c + mqn8_c + h_c --> nad_c + mql8_c
nadh_c + 4.0 h_c + q8_c --> q8h2_c + 3.0 h_p + nad_c
nadh_c + mqn8_c + 4.0 h_c --> 3.0 h_p + nad_c + mql8_c
nadh_c + 4.0 h_c + 2dmmq8_c --> 3.0 h_p + nad_c + 2dmmql8_c
nadh_c + q8_c + h_c --> q8h2_c + nad_c
nadh_c + 2dmmq8_c + h_c --> nad_c + 2dmmql8_c
nad_c + atp_c --> nadp_c + adp_c + h_c
h2o_c + nad_c --> adprib_c + ncam_c + h_c
q8_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + q8h2_c
mqn8_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + mql8_c
2dmmq8_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + 2dmmql8_c
h2o_c + nadp_c --> nad_c + pi_c
nh4_c + atp_c + dnad_c --> nad_c + amp_c + h_c + ppi_c
nad_c + nadph_c --> nadh_c + nadp_c
h2o_c + nac_c + atp_c + prpp_c --> adp_c + ppi_c + nicrnt_c + pi_c
2.0 na1_c + 3.0 h_p --> 3.0 h_c + 2.0 na1_p
na1_c + 2.0 h_p --> 2.0 h_c + na1_p
na1_c + h_p --> h_c + na1_p
na1_e <=> na1_p
gdp_c + atp_c <=> gtp_c + adp_c
udp_c + atp_c <=> adp_c + utp_c
atp_c + cdp_c <=> adp_c + ctp_c
atp_c + dtdp_c <=> dttp_c + adp_c
atp_c + dgdp_c <=> adp_c + dgtp_c
atp_c + dudp_c <=> adp_c + dutp_c
atp_c + dcdp_c <=> adp_c + dctp_c
dadp_c + atp_c <=> datp_c + adp_c
nh4_e <=> nh4_p
nh4_p <=> nh4_c
nadh_c + 2.0 no_c + h_c --> nad_c + n2o_c + h2o_c
ni2_c + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + ni2_p
ni2_c + h_p --> ni2_p + h_c
ni2_e <=> ni2_p
ni2_p --> ni2_c
ni2_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> ni2_c + adp_c + pi_c + h_c
nmn_c + h_c + atp_c --> ppi_c + nad_c
h2o_c + nmn_c --> nh4_c + nicrnt_c
h2o_c + nmn_c --> r5p_c + ncam_c + h_c
nmn_p --> nmn_c
h2o_c + nmn_p --> r5p_c + ncam_c + h_c
nmn_e <=> nmn_p
h2o_c + ncam_c --> nh4_c + nac_c
nicrnt_c + atp_c + h_c <=> dnad_c + ppi_c
nicrnt_c + dmbzid_c --> nac_c + h_c + 5prdmbz_c
2.0 h_c + prpp_c + quln_c --> co2_c + ppi_c + nicrnt_c
no2_p + h_p <=> h_c + no2_c
no2_e <=> no2_p
q8h2_c + no3_p --> no2_p + h2o_p + q8_c
q8h2_c + 2.0 h_c + no3_c --> 2.0 h_p + h2o_c + q8_c + no2_c
no3_p + mql8_c --> no2_p + h2o_p + mqn8_c
2.0 h_c + no3_c + mql8_c --> 2.0 h_p + mqn8_c + h2o_c + no2_c
no3_p + no2_c --> no2_p + no3_c
no3_e <=> no3_p
nadh_c + 2.0 no_c + 2.0 o2_c --> h_c + 2.0 no3_c + nad_c
2.0 no_c + 2.0 o2_c + nadph_c --> h_c + 2.0 no3_c + nadp_c
novbcn_e <=> novbcn_p
h_p + novbcn_p --> h_c + novbcn_e
no_e <=> no_p
no_p <=> no_c
h2o_c + dump_c --> duri_c + pi_c
h2o_c + xmp_c --> pi_c + xtsn_c
h2o_p + xmp_p --> pi_p + xtsn_p
h2o_c + imp_c --> ins_c + pi_c
h2o_p + imp_p --> pi_p + ins_p
h2o_c + dimp_c --> din_c + pi_c
dimp_p + h2o_p --> pi_p + din_p
dump_p + h2o_p --> pi_p + duri_p
h2o_c + ump_c --> uri_c + pi_c
h2o_p + ump_p --> pi_p + uri_p
h2o_c + dcmp_c --> pi_c + dcyt_c
h2o_p + dcmp_p --> pi_p + dcyt_p
h2o_c + cmp_c --> cytd_c + pi_c
h2o_p + cmp_p --> pi_p + cytd_p
h2o_c + dtmp_c --> thymd_c + pi_c
h2o_p + dtmp_p --> pi_p + thymd_p
h2o_c + damp_c --> pi_c + dad_dsh_2_c
h2o_p + damp_p --> pi_p + dad_dsh_2_p
h2o_c + amp_c --> adn_c + pi_c
h2o_p + amp_p --> adn_p + pi_p
h2o_c + dgmp_c --> dgsn_c + pi_c
h2o_p + dgmp_p --> pi_p + dgsn_p
h2o_c + gmp_c --> pi_c + gsn_c
h2o_p + gmp_p --> pi_p + gsn_p
h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c
h2o_c + itp_c --> idp_c + h_c + pi_c
ditp_c + h2o_c --> pi_c + didp_c + h_c
h2o_c + xtp_c --> pi_c + h_c + xdp_c
h2o_c + gtp_c --> gdp_c + pi_c + h_c
gtp_p + h2o_p --> pi_p + gdp_p + h_p
h2o_c + ctp_c --> cdp_c + pi_c + h_c
h2o_c + dgtp_c --> dgmp_c + h_c + ppi_c
ditp_c + h2o_c --> dimp_c + h_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + xtp_c --> xmp_c + h_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + gtp_c --> gmp_c + h_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + dctp_c --> dcmp_c + h_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + ctp_c --> cmp_c + h_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + datp_c --> damp_c + h_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + atp_c --> amp_c + h_c + ppi_c
dttp_c + h2o_c --> dtmp_c + h_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + utp_c --> h_c + ump_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + itp_c --> imp_c + h_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + dgtp_c --> dgsn_c + pppi_c
h2o_c + gtp_c --> pppi_c + gsn_c
3.0 nadh_c + 5.0 h_c + no2_c --> 3.0 nad_c + 2.0 h2o_c + nh4_c
3.0 q8h2_c + 2.0 h_p + no2_p --> nh4_p + 2.0 h2o_p + 3.0 q8_c
2.0 h_p + no2_p + 3.0 mql8_c --> 3.0 mqn8_c + nh4_p + 2.0 h2o_p
h2o_c + atp_c + o16a4colipa_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + o16a4colipa_e
colipa_p + o16a4und_p --> udcpdp_p + h_p + o16a4colipa_p
2.0 o16aund_p --> udcpdp_p + h_p + o16a2und_p
o16aund_p + o16a2und_p --> o16a3und_p + udcpdp_p + h_p
o16a3und_p + o16aund_p --> udcpdp_p + h_p + o16a4und_p
ragund_c + accoa_c --> aragund_c + coa_c
o16aund_c --> o16aund_p
garagund_c + udpgalfur_c --> udp_c + h_c + gfgaragund_c
aragund_c + udpg_c --> garagund_c + udp_c + h_c
udpg_c + gfgaragund_c --> udp_c + h_c + o16aund_c
o2s_e <=> o2s_p
o2_e <=> o2_p
o2_p <=> o2_c
oaa_c + h_c --> pyr_c + co2_c
2obut_c + coa_c --> for_c + ppcoa_c
cbp_c + orn_c <=> citr_dsh_L_c + pi_c + h_c
ocdca_e --> ocdca_p
ocdcea_e --> ocdcea_p
octa_e <=> octa_p
frdp_c + 5.0 ipdp_c --> octdp_c + 5.0 ppi_c
octa_c + h_c + atp_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + octapb_c
hgmeACP_c --> h2o_c + egmeACP_c
nadph_c + h_c + ogmeACP_c --> nadp_c + hgmeACP_c
h_c + malACP_c + malcoame_c --> co2_c + coa_c + ogmeACP_c
glu_dsh_L_c + ohpb_c <=> akg_c + phthr_c
2ohph_c + amet_c --> ahcys_c + h_c + 2omph_c
2ombzl_c + amet_c --> ahcys_c + 2ommbl_c + h_c
3c4mop_c + h_c --> co2_c + 4mop_c
2ommbl_c + 0.5 o2_c --> 2omhmbl_c
2ommbl_c + nad_c + 3.0 h2o_c + 2.0 atp_c --> nadh_c + 2.0 adp_c + 2.0 pi_c + 3.0 h_c + 2omhmbl_c
orot5p_c + h_c --> co2_c + ump_c
0.5 o2_c + 2omph_c --> 2ombzl_c
nad_c + 3.0 h2o_c + 2.0 atp_c + 2omph_c --> nadh_c + 2.0 adp_c + 2.0 pi_c + 3.0 h_c + 2ombzl_c
h2o_c + op4en_c --> 4h2opntn_c
3ophb_c + h_c --> 2oph_c + co2_c
2oph_c + 0.5 o2_c --> 2ohph_c
nad_c + 3.0 h2o_c + 2oph_c + 2.0 atp_c --> nadh_c + 2ohph_c + 2.0 adp_c + 2.0 pi_c + 3.0 h_c
hpmeACP_c --> h2o_c + epmeACP_c
nadph_c + h_c + opmeACP_c --> nadp_c + hpmeACP_c
h_c + gmeACP_c + malACP_c --> co2_c + ACP_c + opmeACP_c
h_c + orn_c --> co2_c + ptrc_c
h2o_c + orn_p + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + orn_c
orn_e <=> orn_p
2.0 h_p + orot_p --> orot_c + 2.0 h_c
orot_e <=> orot_p
orot5p_c + ppi_c <=> orot_c + prpp_c
oxur_c + pi_c --> oxam_c + cbp_c
oxalcoa_c + h_c --> co2_c + forcoa_c
2.0 h2o_c + nadp_c + 2oxpaccoa_c --> 3oxdhscoa_c + 2.0 h_c + nadph_c
3oxdhscoa_c + coa_c --> 23dhacoa_c + accoa_c
nad_c + 2.0 h2o_c + 1pyr5c_c --> nadh_c + h_c + glu_dsh_L_c
2.0 h_c + nadph_c + 1pyr5c_c --> nadp_c + pro_dsh_L_c
pa120_c + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + pa120_p + h_c
h2o_c + atp_c + pa140_c --> pa140_p + adp_c + pi_c + h_c
pa141_c + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pa141_p
pa160_c + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + pa160_p + h_c
h2o_c + atp_c + pa161_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pa161_p
pa180_c + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pa180_p
h2o_c + pa181_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pa181_p
h_p + pacald_p <=> pacald_c + h_c
pacald_e <=> pacald_p
o2_c + h_c + nadph_c + phaccoa_c --> h2o_c + rephaccoa_c + nadp_c
pac_c + atp_c + coa_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + phaccoa_c
pant_dsh_R_c + atp_c + ala_dsh_B_c --> amp_c + h_c + ppi_c + pnto_dsh_R_c
h2o_c + pa120_c --> pi_c + 12dgr120_c
h2o_p + pa120_p --> pi_p + 12dgr120_p
h2o_c + pa140_c --> 12dgr140_c + pi_c
pa140_p + h2o_p --> pi_p + 12dgr140_p
h2o_c + pa141_c --> pi_c + 12dgr141_c
h2o_p + pa141_p --> pi_p + 12dgr141_p
h2o_c + pa160_c --> pi_c + 12dgr160_c
h2o_p + pa160_p --> pi_p + 12dgr160_p
h2o_c + pa161_c --> 12dgr161_c + pi_c
h2o_p + pa161_p --> 12dgr161_p + pi_p
h2o_c + pa180_c --> pi_c + 12dgr180_c
h2o_p + pa180_p --> pi_p + 12dgr180_p
h2o_c + pa181_c --> pi_c + 12dgr181_c
h2o_p + pa181_p --> pi_p + 12dgr181_p
ugmda_c + udcpp_c --> uagmda_c + ump_c
trdrd_c + paps_c --> pap_c + trdox_c + 2.0 h_c + so3_c
grxrd_c + paps_c --> pap_c + grxox_c + 2.0 h_c + so3_c
h2o_c + camp_c --> amp_c + h_c
h2o_c + 35cgmp_c --> h_c + gmp_c
nad_c + pyr_c + coa_c --> nadh_c + co2_c + accoa_c
pdx5p_c + nad_c --> nadh_c + h_c + pydx5p_c
pdx5p_c + o2_c --> h2o2_c + pydx5p_c
nad_c + dxyl5p_c + phthr_c --> nadh_c + pdx5p_c + co2_c + pi_c + 2.0 h2o_c + h_c
h2o_c + pdx5p_c --> pydxn_c + pi_c
h2o_c + atp_c + pe120_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pe120_p
h2o_c + pe140_c + atp_c --> pe140_p + adp_c + pi_c + h_c
pe141_c + h2o_c + atp_c --> pi_c + h_c + adp_c + pe141_p
pe160_c + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pe160_p
h2o_c + pe161_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pe161_p + h_c + pi_c
pe180_c + atp_c + h2o_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pe180_p
h2o_c + pe181_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pe181_p
o2_p + peamn_p + h2o_p --> pacald_p + nh4_p + h2o2_p
peamn_e <=> peamn_p
nad_c + 4per_c <=> nadh_c + h_c + ohpb_c
lipa_p + pe161_p --> 12dgr161_p + enlipa_p
lipa_p + pe181_p --> enlipa_p + 12dgr181_p
atp_c + f6p_c --> adp_c + h_c + fdp_c
atp_c + tag6p_dsh_D_c --> adp_c + h_c + tagdp_dsh_D_c
atp_c + s7p_c --> s17bp_c + adp_c + h_c
pyr_c + coa_c --> for_c + accoa_c
pg120_c + h2o_c + atp_c --> pg120_p + adp_c + pi_c + h_c
h2o_c + atp_c + pg140_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pg140_p
h2o_c + pg141_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pg141_p
atp_c + h2o_c + pg160_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pg160_p
h2o_c + atp_c + pg161_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pg161_p
pg180_c + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pg180_p
h2o_c + atp_c + pg181_c --> adp_c + pg181_p + pi_c + h_c
gam1p_c <=> gam6p_c
3pg_c + nad_c --> nadh_c + h_c + 3php_c
g6p_c <=> f6p_c
3pg_c + atp_c <=> 13dpg_c + adp_c
h2o_c + 6pgl_c --> h_c + 6pgc_c
h2o_c + 2pglyc_c --> glyclt_c + pi_c
2pg_c <=> 3pg_c
g1p_c <=> g6p_c
h2o_c + pgp120_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pgp120_p
atp_c + h2o_c + pgp140_c --> pgp140_p + adp_c + pi_c + h_c
h2o_c + pgp141_c + atp_c --> pi_c + h_c + pgp141_p + adp_c
pgp160_c + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pgp160_p
h2o_c + pgp161_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pgp161_p
pgp180_c + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pgp180_p
pgp181_c + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pgp181_p
h2o_c + pgp120_c --> pi_c + pg120_c
h2o_p + pgp120_p --> pg120_p + pi_p
h2o_c + pgp140_c --> pi_c + pg140_c
pgp140_p + h2o_p --> pi_p + pg140_p
h2o_c + pgp141_c --> pg141_c + pi_c
pgp141_p + h2o_p --> pi_p + pg141_p
h2o_c + pgp160_c --> pg160_c + pi_c
h2o_p + pgp160_p --> pi_p + pg160_p
h2o_c + pgp161_c --> pi_c + pg161_c
h2o_p + pgp161_p --> pg161_p + pi_p
h2o_c + pgp180_c --> pi_c + pg180_c
h2o_p + pgp180_p --> pi_p + pg180_p
h2o_c + pgp181_c --> pi_c + pg181_c
h2o_p + pgp181_p --> pi_p + pg181_p
cdpdddecg_c + glyc3p_c --> pgp120_c + cmp_c + h_c
cdpdtdecg_c + glyc3p_c --> pgp140_c + cmp_c + h_c
glyc3p_c + cdpdtdec7eg_c --> pgp141_c + cmp_c + h_c
glyc3p_c + cdpdhdecg_c --> pgp160_c + cmp_c + h_c
glyc3p_c + cdpdhdec9eg_c --> pgp161_c + cmp_c + h_c
cdpdodecg_c + glyc3p_c --> cmp_c + h_c + pgp180_c
cdpdodec11eg_c + glyc3p_c --> cmp_c + h_c + pgp181_c
pheme_c + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pheme_p
pheme_p --> pheme_e
akg_c + phe_dsh_L_c <=> glu_dsh_L_c + phpyr_c
trnaphe_c + atp_c + phe_dsh_L_c --> amp_c + phetrna_c + ppi_c
phe_dsh_L_p + h_p <=> h_c + phe_dsh_L_c
phe_dsh_L_e <=> phe_dsh_L_p
6.0 h2o_p + minohp_p --> inost_p + 6.0 pi_p
pi_p + h_p <=> pi_c + h_c
pi_e <=> pi_p
h2o_c + pi_p + atp_c --> adp_c + 2.0 pi_c + h_c
h2o_p + pa120_p --> 2ddecg3p_p + ddca_p
pa140_p + h2o_p --> ttdca_p + 2tdecg3p_p
h2o_p + pa141_p --> ttdcea_p + 2tdec7eg3p_p
h2o_p + pa160_p --> hdca_p + 2hdecg3p_p
h2o_p + pa161_p --> 2hdec9eg3p_p + hdcea_p
h2o_p + pa180_p --> 2odecg3p_p + ocdca_p
h2o_p + pa181_p --> 2odec11eg3p_p + ocdcea_p
h2o_p + pe120_p --> 2agpe120_p + h_p + ddca_p
pe140_p + h2o_p --> 2agpe140_p + h_p + ttdca_p
h2o_p + pe141_p --> 2agpe141_p + h_p + ttdcea_p
pe160_p + h2o_p --> 2agpe160_p + hdca_p + h_p
h2o_p + pe161_p --> h_p + hdcea_p + 2agpe161_p
h2o_p + pe180_p --> ocdca_p + h_p + 2agpe180_p
pe181_p + h2o_p --> h_p + 2agpe181_p + ocdcea_p
pg120_p + h2o_p --> 2agpg120_p + h_p + ddca_p
h2o_p + pg140_p --> ttdca_p + 2agpg140_p + h_p
h2o_p + pg141_p --> 2agpg141_p + h_p + ttdcea_p
pg160_p + h2o_p --> hdca_p + 2agpg160_p + h_p
pg161_p + h2o_p --> 2agpg161_p + h_p + hdcea_p
h2o_p + pg180_p --> 2agpg180_p + h_p + ocdca_p
h2o_p + pg181_p --> 2agpg181_p + h_p + ocdcea_p
h2o_p + pa120_p --> h_p + 1ddecg3p_p + ddca_p
pa140_p + h2o_p --> 1tdecg3p_p + h_p + ttdca_p
h2o_p + pa141_p --> h_p + ttdcea_p + 1tdec7eg3p_p
pa160_p + h2o_p --> 1hdecg3p_p + h_p + hdca_p
h2o_p + pa161_p --> 1hdec9eg3p_p + h_p + hdcea_p
h2o_p + pa180_p --> ocdca_p + 1odecg3p_p + h_p
h2o_p + pa181_p --> h_p + 1odec11eg3p_p + ocdcea_p
h2o_p + pe120_p --> 1agpe120_p + h_p + ddca_p
pe140_p + h2o_p --> 1agpe140_p + h_p + ttdca_p
h2o_p + pe141_p --> 1agpe141_p + h_p + ttdcea_p
pe160_p + h2o_p --> hdca_p + h_p + 1agpe160_p
h2o_p + pe161_p --> h_p + 1agpe161_p + hdcea_p
h2o_p + pe180_p --> 1agpe180_p + h_p + ocdca_p
h2o_p + pe181_p --> 1agpe181_p + h_p + ocdcea_p
pg120_p + h2o_p --> 1agpg120_p + ddca_p + h_p
h2o_p + pg140_p --> ttdca_p + h_p + 1agpg140_p
pg141_p + h2o_p --> 1agpg141_p + h_p + ttdcea_p
pg160_p + h2o_p --> hdca_p + h_p + 1agpg160_p
pg161_p + h2o_p --> h_p + 1agpg161_p + hdcea_p
h2o_p + pg180_p --> 1agpg180_p + h_p + ocdca_p
h2o_p + pg181_p --> 1agpg181_p + h_p + ocdcea_p
man1p_c <=> man6p_c
h2o_c + 5aprbu_c --> pi_c + 4r5au_c
h2o_c + pmeACP_c --> pimACP_c + meoh_c
atp_c + 4ampm_c --> 2mahmp_c + adp_c
atp_c + pnto_dsh_R_c --> adp_c + 4ppan_c + h_c
pnto_dsh_R_p + na1_p --> na1_c + pnto_dsh_R_c
pnto_dsh_R_e <=> pnto_dsh_R_p
nadh_c + poaac_c --> h2o_c + nad_c + 3amac_c
2.0 flxso_c + pyr_c + coa_c <=> co2_c + h_c + 2.0 flxr_c + accoa_c
h2o_c + pyr_c + q8_c --> q8h2_c + co2_c + ac_c
h2o_c + ppi_c --> 2.0 pi_c + h_c
h2o_c + pppi_c --> pi_c + h_c + ppi_c
ppap_c + adp_c <=> ppa_c + atp_c
ppal_e <=> ppal_p
ppal_c <=> ppal_p
na1_p + ppa_p --> na1_c + ppa_c
ppa_e <=> ppa_p
2.0 5aop_c --> 2.0 h2o_c + ppbng_c + h_c
co2_c + h2o_c + pep_c --> pi_c + h_c + oaa_c
4ppcys_c + h_c --> pan4p_c + co2_c
atp_c + oaa_c --> adp_c + co2_c + pep_c
ppcoa_c + succ_c --> ppa_c + succoa_c
h2o_c + ppgpp_c --> gdp_c + ppi_c
atp_c + ppi_c <=> adp_c + pppi_c
atp_c + pi_c <=> adp_c + ppi_c
r1p_c <=> r5p_c
2dr1p_c <=> 2dr5p_c
4ppan_c + ctp_c + cys_dsh_L_c --> h_c + ppi_c + 4ppcys_c + cmp_c
nad_c + pphn_c --> nadh_c + 34hpp_c + co2_c
pphn_c + h_c --> h2o_c + co2_c + phpyr_c
1.5 o2_c + pppg9_c --> 3.0 h2o_c + ppp9_c
3.0 fum_c + pppg9_c --> 3.0 succ_c + ppp9_c
nadh_c + pppn_c + h_c + o2_c --> nad_c + cechddd_c
h_p + pppn_p <=> pppn_c + h_c
pppn_e <=> pppn_p
h2o_c + pyr_c + atp_c --> amp_c + 2.0 h_c + pi_c + pep_c
h2o_p + ppt_p --> pi_p + h2_p
ppt_e <=> ppt_p
gly_c + pram_c + atp_c <=> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + gar_c
fpram_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + 2.0 h_c + air_c
pran_c --> 2cpr5p_c
h2o_c + prbamp_c --> prfp_c
5aizc_c + asp_dsh_L_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + 25aics_c + h_c
h2o_c + prbatp_c --> prbamp_c + h_c + ppi_c
fgam_c + h2o_c + atp_c + gln_dsh_L_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + fpram_c + glu_dsh_L_c
prfp_c <=> prlp_c
pro_dsh_L_c + fad_c --> fadh2_c + h_c + 1pyr5c_c
progly_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> progly_c + adp_c + pi_c + h_c
progly_e <=> progly_p
trnapro_c + pro_dsh_L_c + atp_c --> protrna_c + ppi_c + amp_c
atp_c + h2o_c + pro_dsh_L_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + pro_dsh_L_c
h_p + pro_dsh_L_p <=> h_c + pro_dsh_L_c
pro_dsh_L_p + na1_p --> na1_c + pro_dsh_L_c
pro_dsh_L_e <=> pro_dsh_L_p
atp_c + r5p_c <=> amp_c + prpp_c + h_c
h_p + psclys_p --> psclys_c + h_c
psclys_e <=> psclys_p
skm5p_c + pep_c <=> pi_c + 3psme_c
h_c + ps120_c --> co2_c + pe120_c
ps140_c + h_c --> pe140_c + co2_c
ps141_c + h_c --> co2_c + pe141_c
ps160_c + h_c --> pe160_c + co2_c
ps161_c + h_c --> pe161_c + co2_c
ps180_c + h_c --> pe180_c + co2_c
ps181_c + h_c --> pe181_c + co2_c
glu_dsh_L_c + 3php_c --> pser_dsh_L_c + akg_c
pser_dsh_L_e <=> pser_dsh_L_p
h2o_c + pser_dsh_L_c --> pi_c + ser_dsh_L_c
h2o_p + pser_dsh_L_p --> pi_p + ser_dsh_L_p
ser_dsh_L_c + cdpdddecg_c --> cmp_c + h_c + ps120_c
cdpdtdecg_c + ser_dsh_L_c --> cmp_c + h_c + ps140_c
ser_dsh_L_c + cdpdtdec7eg_c --> cmp_c + h_c + ps141_c
ser_dsh_L_c + cdpdhdecg_c --> ps160_c + cmp_c + h_c
ser_dsh_L_c + cdpdhdec9eg_c --> cmp_c + ps161_c + h_c
cdpdodecg_c + ser_dsh_L_c --> cmp_c + h_c + ps180_c
ser_dsh_L_c + cdpdodec11eg_c --> cmp_c + ps181_c + h_c
pi_c + ppcoa_c --> ppap_c + coa_c
pi_c + accoa_c <=> actp_c + coa_c
thrp_p + h2o_p --> pi_p + thr_dsh_L_p
pan4p_c + atp_c + h_c --> dpcoa_c + ppi_c
ptrc_p + orn_c <=> ptrc_c + orn_p
ptrc_c + akg_c --> glu_dsh_L_c + 4abutn_c
atp_c + h2o_c + ptrc_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + ptrc_c
ptrc_p + h_p --> ptrc_c + h_c
ptrc_e <=> ptrc_p
adn_c + pi_c <=> ade_c + r1p_c
pi_c + dad_dsh_2_c <=> ade_c + 2dr1p_c
pi_c + gsn_c <=> r1p_c + gua_c
dgsn_c + pi_c <=> gua_c + 2dr1p_c
ins_c + pi_c <=> hxan_c + r1p_c
din_c + pi_c <=> hxan_c + 2dr1p_c
pi_c + xtsn_c <=> xan_c + r1p_c
o2_c + h2o_c + pyam5p_c --> h2o2_c + pydx5p_c + nh4_c
atp_c + pydam_c --> pyam5p_c + adp_c + h_c
pydam_e <=> pydam_p
pydam_p --> pydam_c
pydx_c + atp_c --> adp_c + h_c + pydx5p_c
pydxn_c + atp_c --> pdx5p_c + adp_c + h_c
pydxn_e <=> pydxn_p
pydxn_p --> pydxn_c
h2o_c + pydx5p_c --> pydx_c + pi_c
pydx_e <=> pydx_p
pydx_p --> pydx_c
adp_c + h_c + pep_c --> pyr_c + atp_c
uri_c + pi_c <=> r1p_c + ura_c
nadh_c + h_c + o2_c + ura_c --> nad_c + uracp_c
h_p + pyr_p <=> pyr_c + h_c
pyr_e <=> pyr_p
q8h2_c + 2.0 o2_c --> 2.0 o2s_c + q8_c + 2.0 h_c
2.0 o2_c + mql8_c --> mqn8_c + 2.0 o2s_c + 2.0 h_c
quin_e <=> quin_p
quin_p <=> quin_c
quin_c + nad_c <=> nadh_c + 3dhq_c + 2.0 h_c
iasp_c + dhap_c --> 2.0 h2o_c + pi_c + quln_c
atp_c + r15bp_c --> adp_c + prpp_c
r1p_c + atp_c --> adp_c + h_c + r15bp_c
h2o_c + r5p_c --> rib_dsh_D_c + pi_c
h2o_p + r5p_p --> pi_p + rib_dsh_D_p
r5p_e <=> r5p_p
atp_c + ribflv_c --> adp_c + fmn_c + h_c
4r5au_c + db4p_c --> 2.0 h2o_c + pi_c + dmlz_c
2.0 dmlz_c --> ribflv_c + 4r5au_c
rib_dsh_D_c + atp_c --> adp_c + h_c + r5p_c
atp_c + rbl_dsh_L_c --> adp_c + h_c + ru5p_dsh_L_c
ru5p_dsh_L_c <=> xu5p_dsh_D_c
rephaccoa_c <=> 2oxpaccoa_c
rfamp_e <=> rfamp_p
h_p + rfamp_p --> rfamp_e + h_c
dtdprmn_c + kphphhlipa_c --> icolipa_c + h_c + dtdp_c
rhcys_c --> hcys_dsh_L_c + dhptd_c
h2o_c + rib_dsh_D_p + atp_c --> rib_dsh_D_c + adp_c + pi_c + h_c
rib_dsh_D_e <=> rib_dsh_D_p
rmn_c <=> rml_c
rml_c + atp_c --> adp_c + rml1p_c + h_c
rmn_e <=> rmn_p
h_p + rmn_p --> h_c + rmn_c
rml1p_c <=> dhap_c + lald_dsh_L_c
trdrd_c + adp_c --> h2o_c + trdox_c + dadp_c
grxrd_c + adp_c --> h2o_c + grxox_c + dadp_c
gdp_c + trdrd_c --> dgdp_c + h2o_c + trdox_c
gdp_c + grxrd_c --> grxox_c + h2o_c + dgdp_c
trdrd_c + cdp_c --> dcdp_c + h2o_c + trdox_c
grxrd_c + cdp_c --> h2o_c + grxox_c + dcdp_c
trdrd_c + udp_c --> h2o_c + dudp_c + trdox_c
grxrd_c + udp_c --> h2o_c + dudp_c + grxox_c
atp_c + 2.0 h_c + 2.0 flxr_c --> datp_c + h2o_c + 2.0 flxso_c
2.0 h_c + gtp_c + 2.0 flxr_c --> 2.0 flxso_c + h2o_c + dgtp_c
2.0 h_c + ctp_c + 2.0 flxr_c --> dctp_c + 2.0 flxso_c + h2o_c
utp_c + 2.0 flxr_c + 2.0 h_c --> 2.0 flxso_c + h2o_c + dutp_c
ru5p_dsh_D_c <=> xu5p_dsh_D_c
r5p_c <=> ru5p_dsh_D_c
h2o_c + 5prdmbz_c --> pi_c + rdmbzi_c
2fe1s_c + atp_c + h2o_c + sufsesh_c + sufbcd_c --> adp_c + sufbcd_dsh_2fe2s_c + pi_c + 5.0 h_c + sufse_c
sufbcd_c + 2.0 sufsesh_c + 2.0 fe2_c + atp_c + h2o_c + fadh2_c --> fad_c + pi_c + sufbcd_dsh_2fe2s_c + adp_c + 7.0 h_c + 2.0 sufse_c
sufbcd_dsh_2fe2s_c + 2.0 sufsesh_c + 2.0 fe2_c + atp_c + h2o_c + fadh2_c --> pi_c + fad_c + adp_c + 7.0 h_c + sufbcd_dsh_2fe2s2_c + 2.0 sufse_c
sufbcd_dsh_2fe2s_c + 4.0 h_c --> sufbcd_c + 2fe2s_c
fadh2_c + 2.0 h_c + sufbcd_dsh_2fe2s2_c --> sufbcd_dsh_4fe4s_c + fad_c
sufbcd_dsh_4fe4s_c + 4.0 h_c --> sufbcd_c + 4fe4s_c
s7p_c --> gmhep7p_c
2.0 h2o_c + 2.0 h_c + sucarg_c --> co2_c + 2.0 nh4_c + sucorn_c
atp_c + so4_c + h2o_c + gtp_c --> gdp_c + pi_c + aps_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + o2_c + sarcs_c --> gly_c + h2o2_c + fald_c
nad_c + sbt6p_c <=> nadh_c + h_c + f6p_c
sbt_dsh_D_p + pep_c --> pyr_c + sbt6p_c
sbt_dsh_D_e <=> sbt_dsh_D_p
cys_dsh_L_c + sufse_c --> ala_dsh_L_c + sufsesh_c
h2o_c + sl26da_c --> succ_c + 26dap_dsh_LL_c
sl26da_c + akg_c <=> glu_dsh_L_c + sl2a6o_c
selnp_c + sertrna_lb_sec_rb__c --> sectrna_c + pi_c + h_c
2.0 h_c + slnt_c + 4.0 gthrd_c --> gthox_c + dgslnt_c + 3.0 h2o_c
h_c + dgslnt_c + nadph_c --> gslnt_c + nadp_c + gthrd_c
gslnt_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + seln_c + gthrd_c
h2o_c + atp_c + seln_c --> selnp_c + amp_c + pi_c
sel_c + mql8_c --> h2o_c + mqn8_c + slnt_c
sel_e <=> sel_p
2.0 h_p + sel_p --> sel_c + 2.0 h_c
ichor_c + h_c + akg_c --> 2sephchc_c + co2_c
ser_dsh_L_c + h_c + atp_c <=> ppi_c + seramp_c
ser_dsh_L_c + accoa_c <=> acser_c + coa_c
ser_dsh_D_c --> pyr_c + nh4_c
ser_dsh_L_c --> nh4_c + pyr_c
atp_c + ser_dsh_L_c + trnaser_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + sertrna_c
trnasecys_c + ser_dsh_L_c + atp_c --> amp_c + sertrna_lb_sec_rb__c + ppi_c
h_p + ser_dsh_L_p <=> ser_dsh_L_c + h_c
na1_p + ser_dsh_L_p --> na1_c + ser_dsh_L_c
ser_dsh_L_e <=> ser_dsh_L_p
h2o_c + Sfglutth_c --> for_c + h_c + gthrd_c
h2o_c + sucglu_c --> glu_dsh_L_c + succ_c
nad_c + sucgsa_c + h2o_c --> nadh_c + 2.0 h_c + sucglu_c
2sephchc_c --> 2shchc_c + pyr_c
nad_c + dscl_c --> nadh_c + scl_c + h_c
scl_c + fe2_c --> sheme_c + 3.0 h_c
3dhsk_c + nadph_c + h_c <=> nadp_c + skm_c
atp_c + skm_c --> adp_c + skm5p_c + h_c
suchms_c + cys_dsh_L_c --> succ_c + cyst_dsh_L_c + h_c
skm_p + h_p --> h_c + skm_c
skm_e <=> skm_p
slnt_e <=> slnt_p
h_p + slnt_p --> h_c + slnt_c
so2_e <=> so2_p
so2_p <=> so2_c
so3_e <=> so3_p
so4_p + h_p --> h_c + so4_c
so4_e <=> so4_p
akg_c + sucorn_c --> glu_dsh_L_c + sucgsa_c
spmd_c + accoa_c --> N1aspmd_c + coa_c + h_c
spmd_c + accoa_c --> coa_c + h_c + n8aspmd_c
h2o_c + atp_c + spmd_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + spmd_c
spmd_c + h_p --> h_c + spmd_p
spmd_e <=> spmd_p
ametam_c + ptrc_c --> 5mta_c + spmd_c + h_c
2.0 o2s_c + 2.0 h_c --> o2_c + h2o2_c
2.0 h_p + 2.0 o2s_p --> h2o2_p + o2_p
sucsal_c + nad_c + h2o_c --> nadh_c + 2.0 h_c + succ_c
h2o_c + sucsal_c + nadp_c --> 2.0 h_c + nadph_c + succ_c
asp_dsh_L_p + succ_c --> asp_dsh_L_c + succ_p
sucbz_c + atp_c + coa_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + sbzcoa_c
2shchc_c --> h2o_c + sucbz_c
2.0 h_p + succ_p --> succ_c + 2.0 h_c
3.0 h_p + succ_p --> succ_c + 3.0 h_c
succ_c + h_p --> succ_p + h_c
succ_e <=> succ_p
succ_c + q8_c --> q8h2_c + fum_c
succ_c + fum_p --> succ_p + fum_c
succ_c + mal_dsh_L_p --> mal_dsh_L_c + succ_p
atp_c + succ_c + coa_c <=> adp_c + pi_c + succoa_c
sucr_e <=> sucr_p
succ_c + tartr_dsh_D_p --> succ_p + tartr_dsh_D_c
sucr_p + pep_c --> pyr_c + suc6p_c
h2o_c + atp_c + sulfac_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + sulfac_c
sulfac_e <=> sulfac_p
5.0 h_c + 3.0 nadph_c + so3_c --> 3.0 h2o_c + h2s_c + 3.0 nadp_c
so4_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + so4_c
tdec2eACP_c <=> cdec3eACP_c
altrn_c + nad_c <=> nadh_c + tagur_c + h_c
g3p_c + s7p_c <=> e4p_c + f6p_c
tartr_dsh_L_c --> h2o_c + oaa_c
tartr_dsh_D_e <=> tartr_dsh_D_p
succ_c + tartr_dsh_L_p <=> tartr_dsh_L_c + succ_p
tartr_dsh_L_e <=> tartr_dsh_L_p
3.0 h_p + tartr_dsh_D_p --> 3.0 h_c + tartr_dsh_D_c
o2_c + akg_c + taur_c --> aacald_c + h_c + succ_c + co2_c + so3_c
h2o_c + atp_c + taur_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + taur_c
taur_e <=> taur_p
tcynt_e <=> tcynt_p
h2o_c + thmpp_c --> thmmp_c + pi_c + h_c
dtdp4addg_c + accoa_c --> coa_c + dtdp4aaddg_c + h_c
glu_dsh_L_c + dtdp4d6dg_c --> dtdp4addg_c + akg_c
dtdp4d6dg_c --> dtdp4d6dm_c
dtdp4d6dm_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + dtdprmn_c
dtdpglu_c --> h2o_c + dtdp4d6dg_c
atp_c + lipidAds_c --> adp_c + lipidA_c + h_c
dsbdrd_c + dsbcox_p --> dsbcrd_p + dsbdox_c
dsbdrd_c + dsbgox_p --> dsbgrd_p + dsbdox_c
tagdp_dsh_D_c <=> g3p_c + dhap_c
nadh_c + 2.0 h_p + nadp_c --> nad_c + 2.0 h_c + nadph_c
h2o_c + succoa_c + thdp_c --> coa_c + sl2a6o_c
h2o_c + methf_c --> 5fthf_c + h_c
trdrd_c + h2o2_c --> 2.0 h2o_c + trdox_c
h_p + thymd_p --> h_c + thymd_c
h_p + thymd_p <=> h_c + thymd_c
thymd_e <=> thymd_p
h2o_c + thm_p + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + thm_c
thm_e <=> thm_p
athr_dsh_L_c --> gly_c + acald_c
thr_dsh_L_c --> gly_c + acald_c
nad_c + thr_dsh_L_c --> nadh_c + 2aobut_c + h_c
thr_dsh_L_c --> 2obut_c + nh4_c
thrp_e <=> thrp_p
h2o_c + phom_c --> pi_c + thr_dsh_L_c
thr_dsh_L_c + atp_c + trnathr_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + thrtrna_c
thr_dsh_L_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> pi_c + h_c + adp_c + thr_dsh_L_c
h_p + thr_dsh_L_c --> thr_dsh_L_p + h_c
h_p + thr_dsh_L_p <=> h_c + thr_dsh_L_c
thr_dsh_L_p + na1_p --> na1_c + thr_dsh_L_c
thr_dsh_L_e <=> thr_dsh_L_p
thym_c + h_p --> h_c + thym_p
thym_e <=> thym_p
dxyl5p_c + nadph_c + atp_c + h_c + iscssh_c + dhgly_c --> co2_c + amp_c + ppi_c + 2.0 h2o_c + 4mpetz_c + nadp_c + iscs_c
xu5p_dsh_D_c + r5p_c <=> g3p_c + s7p_c
e4p_c + xu5p_dsh_D_c <=> g3p_c + f6p_c
h_c + tmao_c + mql8_c --> mqn8_c + h2o_c + tma_c
h_p + tmao_p + mql8_c --> mqn8_c + h2o_p + tma_p
2dmmql8_c + h_c + tmao_c --> h2o_c + tma_c + 2dmmq8_c
h_p + 2dmmql8_c + tmao_p --> h2o_p + 2dmmq8_c + tma_p
tmao_e <=> tmao_p
tma_e <=> tma_p
atp_c + thymd_c --> adp_c + dtmp_c + h_c
thymd_c + pi_c <=> thym_c + 2dr1p_c
mlthf_c + dump_c --> dtmp_c + dhf_c
atp_c + thm_c --> thmmp_c + adp_c + h_c
thmmp_c + atp_c --> thmpp_c + adp_c
2mahmp_c + h_c + 4mpetz_c --> thmmp_c + ppi_c
dhap_c <=> g3p_c
dpcoa_c + atp_c --> ade_c + 2tpr3dpcoa_c
trdox_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + trdrd_c
h2o_c + tre6p_c --> g6p_c + glc_dsh_D_c
h2o_c + tre6p_c --> pi_c + tre_c
g6p_c + udpg_c --> udp_c + h_c + tre6p_c
h2o_c + tre_c --> 2.0 glc_dsh_D_c
h2o_p + tre_p --> 2.0 glc_dsh_D_p
tre_p + pep_c --> pyr_c + tre6p_c
tre_e <=> tre_p
h2o_c + trp_dsh_L_c <=> pyr_c + nh4_c + indole_c
ser_dsh_L_c + 3ig3p_c --> h2o_c + g3p_c + trp_dsh_L_c
ser_dsh_L_c + indole_c --> h2o_c + trp_dsh_L_c
3ig3p_c --> g3p_c + indole_c
trnatrp_c + atp_c + trp_dsh_L_c --> trptrna_c + amp_c + ppi_c
trp_dsh_L_p + h_p <=> h_c + trp_dsh_L_c
trp_dsh_L_e <=> trp_dsh_L_p
nadh_c + 2h3oppan_c + h_c <=> nad_c + glyc_dsh_R_c
tsul_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + tsul_c
tsul_e <=> tsul_p
ttdca_e --> ttdca_p
ttdcea_e --> ttdcea_p
ttrcyc_e <=> ttrcyc_p
ttrcyc_p + h_p --> ttrcyc_e + h_c
tungs_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + tungs_c + pi_c + h_c
tungs_e <=> tungs_p
tym_e <=> tym_p
nadph_c + tyr_dsh_L_c + amet_c --> dad_dsh_5_c + h_c + dhgly_c + 4crsol_c + met_dsh_L_c + nadp_c
o2_p + h2o_p + tym_p --> nh4_p + 4hoxpacd_p + h2o2_p
h2o_p + tyrp_p --> pi_p + tyr_dsh_L_p
tyrp_e <=> tyrp_p
tyr_dsh_L_c + akg_c <=> glu_dsh_L_c + 34hpp_c
trnatyr_c + atp_c + tyr_dsh_L_c --> amp_c + tyrtrna_c + ppi_c
h_p + tyr_dsh_L_p <=> tyr_dsh_L_c + h_c
tyr_dsh_L_e <=> tyr_dsh_L_p
thmpp_c + adp_c + h_c --> athtp_c + pi_c
3hmrsACP_c + u3hga_c --> h_c + ACP_c + u23ga_c
uamag_c + atp_c + 26dap_dsh_M_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + ugmd_c
udpacgal_p + h2o_p --> ump_p + acgal1p_p + 2.0 h_p
h2o_p + uacgam_p --> 2.0 h_p + ump_p + acgam1p_p
uacgam_e <=> uacgam_p
2.0 nad_c + h2o_c + uacmam_c --> 2.0 nadh_c + 3.0 h_c + uacmamu_c
uacgam_c <=> uacmam_c
uacgam_c + 3hmrsACP_c <=> u3aga_c + ACP_c
uacgam_c + pep_c --> pi_c + uaccg_c
acgam1p_c + utp_c + h_c --> uacgam_c + ppi_c
uacgam_c + uagmda_c --> udp_c + h_c + uaagmda_c
glu_dsh_D_c + atp_c + uama_c --> uamag_c + pi_c + h_c + adp_c
uamr_c + ala_dsh_L_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + uama_c
uaccg_c + h_c + nadph_c --> nadp_c + uamr_c
h2o_c + udcpdp_c --> pi_c + h_c + udcpp_c
frdp_c + 8.0 ipdp_c --> udcpdp_c + 8.0 ppi_c
udcpdp_p + h2o_p --> pi_p + h_p + udcpp_p
udcpp_p --> udcpp_c
udpacgal_e <=> udpacgal_p
udpg_c <=> udpgal_c
udpgal_c --> udpgalfur_c
h2o_p + udpgal_p --> ump_p + 2.0 h_p + gal1p_p
udpgal_e <=> udpgal_p
2.0 nad_c + h2o_c + udpg_c --> 2.0 nadh_c + udpglcur_c + 3.0 h_c
nad_c + udpglcur_c --> nadh_c + co2_c + udpLa4o_c
udpglcur_e <=> udpglcur_p
h2o_p + udpg_p --> g1p_p + ump_p + 2.0 h_p
udpg_e <=> udpg_p
glu_dsh_L_c + udpLa4o_c <=> udpLa4n_c + akg_c
udpglcur_p + h2o_p --> glcur1p_p + ump_p + 2.0 h_p
gal1p_c + udpg_c <=> udpgal_c + g1p_c
2.0 h_c + urdglyc_c + h2o_c --> co2_c + 2.0 nh4_c + glx_c
alaala_c + ugmd_c + atp_c --> ugmda_c + adp_c + pi_c + h_c
h2o_c + u3aga_c --> ac_c + u3hga_c
10fthf_c + udpLa4n_c --> udpLa4fn_c + h_c + thf_c
uLa4n_c --> uLa4n_p
LalaDgluMdap_c + uamr_c + atp_c --> pi_c + h_c + ugmd_c + adp_c
h2o_c + um4p_c --> ugmd_c + ala_dsh_D_c
uamr_c + LalaDgluMdapDala_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + um4p_c
atp_c + ump_c <=> adp_c + udp_c
ump_e <=> ump_p
h2o_c + uLa4fn_c --> uLa4n_c + for_c
udpLa4fn_c + udcpp_c --> udp_c + uLa4fn_c
uppg3_c + 2.0 amet_c --> 2.0 ahcys_c + dscl_c + h_c
hmbil_c --> h2o_c + uppg3_c
uppg3_c + 4.0 h_c --> 4.0 co2_c + cpppg3_c
ura_c + prpp_c --> ump_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + uracp_c --> cbm_c + poaac_c + h_c
h_p + ura_p --> h_c + ura_c
h_p + ura_p <=> h_c + ura_c
ura_e <=> ura_p
nad_c + urdglyc_c --> nadh_c + oxur_c + h_c
urea_e <=> urea_p
urea_p <=> urea_c
o2_c + urate_c + 2.0 h2o_c --> co2_c + h2o2_c + alltn_c
h2o_c + uri_c --> rib_dsh_D_c + ura_c
gtp_c + uri_c --> gdp_c + h_c + ump_c
uri_p + h_p --> uri_c + h_c
uri_p + h_p <=> uri_c + h_c
uri_e <=> uri_p
h2o_c + u23ga_c --> lipidX_c + 2.0 h_c + ump_c
akg_c + val_dsh_L_c <=> glu_dsh_L_c + 3mob_c
trnaval_c + atp_c + val_dsh_L_c --> amp_c + ppi_c + valtrna_c
val_dsh_L_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + val_dsh_L_c
h_p + val_dsh_L_p <=> h_c + val_dsh_L_c
val_dsh_L_e <=> val_dsh_L_p
ala_dsh_L_c + 3mob_c <=> pyr_c + val_dsh_L_c
tungs_c + 2.0 h_c + mptamp_c --> wco_c + amp_c + h2o_c + cu2_c
xu5p_dsh_L_c --> ru5p_dsh_L_c
nad_c + h2o_c + xan_c --> nadh_c + h_c + urate_c
xan_p + h_p --> xan_c + h_c
xan_e <=> xan_p
xan_p <=> xan_c
xmp_e <=> xmp_p
xan_c + prpp_c --> xmp_c + ppi_c
h2o_c + xtsn_c --> rib_dsh_D_c + xan_c
h_p + xtsn_p <=> xtsn_c + h_c
xtsn_e <=> xtsn_p
xyl_dsh_D_c <=> xylu_dsh_D_c
glc_dsh_D_c <=> fru_c
xylu_dsh_D_c + atp_c --> adp_c + h_c + xu5p_dsh_D_c
atp_c + xylu_dsh_L_c --> adp_c + h_c + xu5p_dsh_L_c
h_p + xylu_dsh_L_p --> h_c + xylu_dsh_L_c
xylu_dsh_L_e <=> xylu_dsh_L_p
xyl_dsh_D_p + h2o_c + atp_c --> adp_c + h_c + xyl_dsh_D_c + pi_c
h_p + xyl_dsh_D_p --> xyl_dsh_D_c + h_c
xyl_dsh_D_e <=> xyl_dsh_D_p
atp_c + zn2_c + h2o_c --> adp_c + pi_c + zn2_p + h_c
h_p + zn2_c --> zn2_p + h_c
zn2_p --> zn2_c
atp_c + h2o_c + zn2_p --> adp_c + pi_c + h_c + zn2_c
zn2_e <=> zn2_p

Step 2: Simulate a model

The model can be simulated by executing model.solve().

solution = model.solve()

A quick overview of the solution can be obtained in form of a pandas DataFrame (all solution objects in cameo provide access to data frames through a data_frame attribute).

fluxes reduced_costs
DM_4CRSOL 0.000219 0.000219
DM_5DRIB 0.000221 0.000221
DM_AACALD 0.000000 0.000000
DM_AMOB 0.000002 0.000002
... ... ...
ZN2t3pp 0.000000 0.000000
ZN2tpp 0.000335 0.000335
ZNabcpp 0.000000 0.000000
Zn2tex 0.000335 0.000335

2583 rows × 2 columns

The data frame is accessible through solution.data_frame.

fluxes reduced_costs
DM_4CRSOL 0.000219 0.000219
DM_5DRIB 0.000221 0.000221
DM_AACALD 0.000000 0.000000
DM_AMOB 0.000002 0.000002
... ... ...
ZN2t3pp 0.000000 0.000000
ZN2tpp 0.000335 0.000335
ZNabcpp 0.000000 0.000000
Zn2tex 0.000335 0.000335

2583 rows × 2 columns

Data frames make it very easy to process results. For example, let’s take a look at reactions with flux != 0

solution.data_frame.query('fluxes != 0')
fluxes reduced_costs
DM_4CRSOL 0.000219 0.000219
DM_5DRIB 0.000221 0.000221
DM_AMOB 0.000002 0.000002
DM_MTHTHF 0.000440 0.000440
... ... ...
USHD 0.019113 0.019113
VALTA -0.415702 -0.415702
ZN2tpp 0.000335 0.000335
Zn2tex 0.000335 0.000335

446 rows × 2 columns

Step 3: Exploring a model

Objects—models, reactions, metabolites, genes—can easily be explored in the Jupyter notebook, taking advantage of tab completion. For example, place your cursor after the period in model.reactions. and press the TAB key. A dialog will appear that allows you to navigate the list of reactions encoded in the model.

model.reactions. # place your cursor after the period and press the TAB key.

For example, you can access the E4PD (Erythrose 4-phosphate dehydrogenase) reaction in the model.

NameErythrose 4-phosphate dehydrogenase
Stoichiometrynad_c + h2o_c + e4p_c <=> nadh_c + 2.0 h_c + 4per_c
Lower bound-1000.000000
Upper bound1000.000000

Be aware though that due variable naming restrictions in Python dot notation access to reactions (and other objects) might not work in some cases.

  File "<ipython-input-11-fa7ea4193315>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

In these cases you need to use the model.reactions.get_by_id.

Name1,2 diacylglycerol transport via flipping (periplasm to cytoplasm, n-C12:0)
Stoichiometry12dgr120_p --> 12dgr120_c
Lower bound0.000000
Upper bound1000.000000

Metabolites are accessible through model.metabolites. For example, D-glucose in the cytosolic compartment.

<Metabolite glc_dsh_D_c at 0x112a22f98>

A list of the genes encoded in the model can be accessed via model.genes.

[<Gene b1377 at 0x112b65208>,
 <Gene b2215 at 0x112b65240>,
 <Gene b0929 at 0x112b651d0>,
 <Gene b0241 at 0x112b65278>,
 <Gene b4033 at 0x112b65588>,
 <Gene b4034 at 0x112b65630>,
 <Gene b4032 at 0x112b655c0>,
 <Gene b4035 at 0x112b655f8>,
 <Gene b4036 at 0x112b65518>,
 <Gene b4213 at 0x112b65cc0>,
 <Gene b2835 at 0x112b65f98>,
 <Gene b2836 at 0x112b6ea58>,
 <Gene b3553 at 0x112b78898>,
 <Gene b1134 at 0x112b78c88>,
 <Gene b0446 at 0x112b78cc0>,
 <Gene b1009 at 0x112b78e48>,
 <Gene b0954 at 0x112b7f400>,
 <Gene b0180 at 0x112b7f3c8>,
 <Gene b0347 at 0x112b7fe48>,
 <Gene b3580 at 0x112b88240>,
 <Gene b1093 at 0x112b886a0>,
 <Gene b2323 at 0x112b8e240>,
 <Gene b1095 at 0x112b8e278>,
 <Gene b1397 at 0x112b8eba8>,
 <Gene b1246 at 0x112b8ee80>,
 <Gene b1247 at 0x112b8ef28>,
 <Gene b1329 at 0x112b8eeb8>,
 <Gene b1244 at 0x112b8ef60>,
 <Gene b1245 at 0x112b8eef0>,
 <Gene b1386 at 0x112b96208>,
 <Gene b0004 at 0x112b96400>,
 <Gene b1192 at 0x112b964e0>,
 <Gene b1243 at 0x112b96748>,
 <Gene b4266 at 0x112b96908>,
 <Gene b4265 at 0x112b96a20>,
 <Gene b0159 at 0x112b96c50>,
 <Gene b3197 at 0x112b96f98>,
 <Gene b2708 at 0x112b96f60>,
 <Gene b1094 at 0x112b9d128>,
 <Gene b4481 at 0x112b9d908>,
 <Gene b1927 at 0x112b9da20>,
 <Gene b3571 at 0x112b9db38>,
 <Gene b2901 at 0x112b9dc88>,
 <Gene b2662 at 0x112b9de10>,
 <Gene b1302 at 0x112b9ddd8>,
 <Gene b1444 at 0x112b9deb8>,
 <Gene b2663 at 0x112b9dfd0>,
 <Gene b2222 at 0x112ba5320>,
 <Gene b2221 at 0x112ba52e8>,
 <Gene b2224 at 0x112ba5518>,
 <Gene b2342 at 0x112ba5550>,
 <Gene b3845 at 0x112ba54e0>,
 <Gene b2223 at 0x112ba5b70>,
 <Gene b1241 at 0x112ba5e10>,
 <Gene b0351 at 0x112ba5e48>,
 <Gene s0001 at 0x112ba5ef0>,
 <Gene b1463 at 0x112bae128>,
 <Gene b1993 at 0x112bae240>,
 <Gene b2316 at 0x112bae588>,
 <Gene b0185 at 0x112bae518>,
 <Gene b3255 at 0x112bae550>,
 <Gene b3256 at 0x112bae4e0>,
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 <Gene b2415 at 0x112baef28>,
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 <Gene b3959 at 0x112bb30b8>,
 <Gene b2818 at 0x112bb31d0>,
 <Gene b0078 at 0x112bb3518>,
 <Gene b3671 at 0x112bb34a8>,
 <Gene b0077 at 0x112bb34e0>,
 <Gene b3670 at 0x112bb3470>,
 <Gene b2296 at 0x112bb3630>,
 <Gene b1849 at 0x112bb3668>,
 <Gene b3115 at 0x112bb35f8>,
 <Gene b2428 at 0x112bb36d8>,
 <Gene b3794 at 0x112bb38d0>,
 <Gene b1817 at 0x112bb3ba8>,
 <Gene b1819 at 0x112bb3b38>,
 <Gene b1818 at 0x112bb3b70>,
 <Gene b2429 at 0x112bb3da0>,
 <Gene b3224 at 0x112bb3f60>,
 <Gene b4311 at 0x112bbe0b8>,
 <Gene b3225 at 0x112bbe208>,
 <Gene b0221 at 0x112bbe2b0>,
 <Gene b1091 at 0x112bbea58>,
 <Gene b3957 at 0x112bbeb38>,
 <Gene b4261 at 0x112bbee80>,
 <Gene b3200 at 0x112bbee10>,
 <Gene b3201 at 0x112bbeda0>,
 <Gene b3199 at 0x112bbee48>,
 <Gene b4262 at 0x112bbedd8>,
 <Gene b1519 at 0x112bbef60>,
 <Gene b1276 at 0x112bc3198>,
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 <Gene b3359 at 0x112bc3358>,
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 <Gene b2563 at 0x112bc39e8>,
 <Gene b1533 at 0x112bc3c88>,
 <Gene b2578 at 0x112bc3cc0>,
 <Gene b4067 at 0x112bc3e10>,
 <Gene b1623 at 0x112bca0f0>,
 <Gene b1096 at 0x112bca1d0>,
 <Gene b3360 at 0x112bca320>,
 <Gene b1812 at 0x112bca358>,
 <Gene b3665 at 0x112bca470>,
 <Gene b3714 at 0x112bca588>,
 <Gene b3654 at 0x112bca5c0>,
 <Gene b0474 at 0x112bca7f0>,
 <Gene b0120 at 0x112bcaa90>,
 <Gene b3806 at 0x112bcabe0>,
 <Gene b0030 at 0x112bcada0>,
 <Gene b2393 at 0x112bcaf28>,
 <Gene b2964 at 0x112bcaf60>,
 <Gene b2406 at 0x112bcafd0>,
 <Gene b0411 at 0x112bd1128>,
 <Gene b1992 at 0x112bd1320>,
 <Gene b0158 at 0x112bd1518>,
 <Gene b1709 at 0x112bd1550>,
 <Gene b1711 at 0x112bd14e0>,
 <Gene b3006 at 0x112bd1780>,
 <Gene b3005 at 0x112bd1710>,
 <Gene b1252 at 0x112bd1748>,
 <Gene b3966 at 0x112bd16d8>,
 <Gene b3034 at 0x112bd1828>,
 <Gene b3397 at 0x112bd1860>,
 <Gene b0469 at 0x112bd1940>,
 <Gene b2750 at 0x112bd19e8>,
 <Gene b1131 at 0x112bd1b70>,
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 <Gene b0110 at 0x112bd1f28>,
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 <Gene b2435 at 0x112bd7128>,
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 <Gene b0433 at 0x112bd7320>,
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 <Gene b0573 at 0x112bdf5f8>,
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 <Gene b0727 at 0x112bdfb00>,
 <Gene b0116 at 0x112bdfb38>,
 <Gene b0726 at 0x112bdfb70>,
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 <Gene b1488 at 0x112bdfd30>,
 <Gene b3541 at 0x112be5400>,
 <Gene b1485 at 0x112be5438>,
 <Gene b1484 at 0x112be5470>,
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 <Gene b3540 at 0x112be54e0>,
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 <Gene b3543 at 0x112be5550>,
 <Gene b1483 at 0x112be5588>,
 <Gene b3544 at 0x112be53c8>,
 <Gene b1487 at 0x112be55c0>,
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 <Gene b4053 at 0x112be5828>,
 <Gene b1190 at 0x112be5860>,
 <Gene b2551 at 0x112be5940>,
 <Gene b0870 at 0x112be5978>,
 <Gene b2379 at 0x112be5b00>,
 <Gene b2290 at 0x112be5ac8>,
 <Gene b2697 at 0x112be5c50>,
 <Gene b3457 at 0x112be5f98>,
 <Gene b3454 at 0x112be5f28>,
 <Gene b3460 at 0x112be5eb8>,
 <Gene b3455 at 0x112be5f60>,
 <Gene b3456 at 0x112be5ef0>,
 <Gene b4208 at 0x112be5e80>,
 <Gene b0007 at 0x112bea128>,
 <Gene b0356 at 0x112bea3c8>,
 <Gene b1478 at 0x112bea550>,
 <Gene b1385 at 0x112bea5c0>,
 <Gene b1300 at 0x112bea6d8>,
 <Gene b3588 at 0x112bea7f0>,
 <Gene b4084 at 0x112beaa58>,
 <Gene b4090 at 0x112beab38>,
 <Gene b0516 at 0x112beac88>,
 <Gene b0512 at 0x112beadd8>,
 <Gene b0511 at 0x112beae80>,
 <Gene b4085 at 0x112bf20f0>,
 <Gene b4086 at 0x112bf2320>,
 <Gene b4088 at 0x112bf22b0>,
 <Gene b4087 at 0x112bf22e8>,
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 <Gene b3059 at 0x112bfe6d8>,
 <Gene b0968 at 0x112bfec18>,
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 <Gene b0062 at 0x114856470>,
 <Gene b0153 at 0x114856780>,
 <Gene b0151 at 0x1148567b8>,
 <Gene b0152 at 0x1148567f0>,
 <Gene b3722 at 0x114856b38>,
 <Gene b2715 at 0x114856be0>,
 <Gene b1901 at 0x114856da0>,
 <Gene b1900 at 0x114856d30>,
 <Gene b4460 at 0x114856d68>,
 <Gene b2841 at 0x114856dd8>,
 <Gene b1528 at 0x114856e80>,
 <Gene b4115 at 0x11485f128>,
 <Gene b4117 at 0x11485f240>,
 <Gene b2938 at 0x11485f358>,
 <Gene b1605 at 0x11485f438>,
 <Gene b3960 at 0x11485f588>,
 <Gene b3172 at 0x11485f6a0>,
 <Gene b1876 at 0x11485f780>,
 <Gene b2308 at 0x11485fe10>,
 <Gene b0860 at 0x11485fc50>,
 <Gene b0862 at 0x11485fc88>,
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 <Gene b2310 at 0x11485fd30>,
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 <Gene b2307 at 0x11485fdd8>,
 <Gene b2923 at 0x11485fa90>,
 <Gene b3433 at 0x11485fef0>,
 <Gene b4192 at 0x114865080>,
 <Gene b4194 at 0x114865390>,
 <Gene b4195 at 0x114865320>,
 <Gene b4193 at 0x1148652b0>,
 <Gene b1767 at 0x114865588>,
 <Gene b0828 at 0x1148655c0>,
 <Gene b2957 at 0x114865668>,
 <Gene b0674 at 0x114865780>,
 <Gene b3744 at 0x114865898>,
 <Gene b0930 at 0x114865978>,
 <Gene b1453 at 0x114865a90>,
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 <Gene b0928 at 0x11486c898>,
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 <Gene b3915 at 0x1148883c8>,
 <Gene b3040 at 0x1148885f8>,
 <Gene b3918 at 0x1148886a0>,
 <Gene b2794 at 0x114888ba8>,
 <Gene b1208 at 0x114888d68>,
 <Gene b1661 at 0x114888e48>,
 <Gene b2128 at 0x114890588>,
 <Gene b2131 at 0x1148905c0>,
 <Gene b2129 at 0x114890550>,
 <Gene b2130 at 0x1148905f8>,
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 <Gene b1801 at 0x1148906d8>,
 <Gene b0311 at 0x114890898>,
 <Gene b2600 at 0x114890a20>,
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 <Gene b2329 at 0x114890b70>,
 <Gene b4039 at 0x114890c50>,
 <Gene b2542 at 0x1148a8128>,
 <Gene b2538 at 0x1148a80b8>,
 <Gene b2539 at 0x1148a8160>,
 <Gene b2540 at 0x1148a80f0>,
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 <Gene b0615 at 0x1148a83c8>,
 <Gene b0616 at 0x1148a8358>,
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 <Gene b0336 at 0x1148bea90>,
 <Gene b3846 at 0x1148beef0>,
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 <Gene b2421 at 0x1148ce550>,
 <Gene b2810 at 0x1148ce630>,
 <Gene b1622 at 0x1148ce7f0>,
 <Gene b0526 at 0x1148ce860>,
 <Gene b0887 at 0x1148ce9b0>,
 <Gene b0886 at 0x1148ce978>,
 <Gene b0978 at 0x1148ced30>,
 <Gene b0979 at 0x1148ced68>,
 <Gene b0734 at 0x1148d5048>,
 <Gene b0733 at 0x1148cef60>,
 <Gene b0432 at 0x1148d5198>,
 <Gene b0430 at 0x1148d5128>,
 <Gene b0429 at 0x1148d51d0>,
 <Gene b0431 at 0x1148d5160>,
 <Gene b2143 at 0x1148d5240>,
 <Gene b2162 at 0x1148d5438>,
 <Gene b0651 at 0x1148d53c8>,
 <Gene b2066 at 0x1148d54a8>,
 <Gene b0910 at 0x1148d5860>,
 <Gene b3603 at 0x1148d5a90>,
 <Gene b2975 at 0x1148d5a58>,
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 <Gene b3526 at 0x1148ea320>,
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 <Gene b2601 at 0x1148ea518>,
 <Gene b0754 at 0x1148ea550>,
 <Gene b4477 at 0x1148ea5f8>,
 <Gene b3648 at 0x1148ea710>,
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 <Gene b3771 at 0x1148eacc0>,
 <Gene b1200 at 0x1148f10b8>,
 <Gene b1199 at 0x1148f1048>,
 <Gene b1198 at 0x1148eafd0>,
 <Gene b0596 at 0x1148f1278>,
 <Gene b0594 at 0x1148f13c8>,
 <Gene b2541 at 0x1148f1518>,
 <Gene b0348 at 0x1148f1630>,
 <Gene b0031 at 0x1148f1748>,
 <Gene b2478 at 0x1148f1898>,
 <Gene b1606 at 0x1148f1a90>,
 <Gene b0048 at 0x1148f1a58>,
 <Gene b2315 at 0x1148f1b00>,
 <Gene b3930 at 0x1148f1cf8>,
 <Gene b2262 at 0x1148f1e10>,
 <Gene b0736 at 0x1148f1f28>,
 <Gene b3058 at 0x1148f7048>,
 <Gene b0945 at 0x1148f7278>,
 <Gene b1062 at 0x1148f74e0>,
 <Gene b3177 at 0x1148f7780>,
 <Gene b0578 at 0x1148f7908>,
 <Gene b2303 at 0x1148f7ac8>,
 <Gene b3389 at 0x1148f7c50>,
 <Gene b1693 at 0x1148f7d30>,
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 <Gene b0896 at 0x1148ff9e8>,
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 <Gene b1872 at 0x1148ff978>,
 <Gene b1865 at 0x114906208>,
 <Gene b0099 at 0x114906240>,
 <Gene b3575 at 0x1149062e8>,
 <Gene b0103 at 0x1149066a0>,
 <Gene b3774 at 0x114906908>,
 <Gene b0425 at 0x1149068d0>,
 <Gene b4381 at 0x114906a20>,
 <Gene b3860 at 0x114906b38>,
 <Gene b1185 at 0x114906b70>,
 <Gene b2893 at 0x114906cf8>,
 <Gene b4136 at 0x114906f98>,
 <Gene b2582 at 0x11490c048>,
 <Gene b3781 at 0x114906fd0>,
 <Gene b0604 at 0x114906f28>,
 <Gene b4122 at 0x11490c438>,
 <Gene b1098 at 0x11490c550>,
 <Gene b2147 at 0x11490c9b0>,
 <Gene b2146 at 0x11490c9e8>,
 <Gene b1238 at 0x11490ca58>,
 <Gene b4382 at 0x11490cc18>,
 <Gene b4384 at 0x11490cbe0>,
 <Gene b2251 at 0x11490ceb8>,
 <Gene b3640 at 0x11490cef0>,
 <Gene b0173 at 0x11490cf60>,
 <Gene b0420 at 0x1149140b8>,
 <Gene b3564 at 0x114914208>,
 <Gene b1779 at 0x114914390>,
 <Gene b2927 at 0x114914358>,
 <Gene b1288 at 0x1149144a8>,
 <Gene b3622 at 0x11491a9b0>,
 <Gene b3785 at 0x11491ac88>,
 <Gene b3793 at 0x11491ac50>,
 <Gene b3792 at 0x11491aef0>,
 <Gene b2341 at 0x1149210f0>,
 <Gene b1850 at 0x1149217b8>,
 <Gene b1851 at 0x1149218d0>,
 <Gene b1054 at 0x1149219b0>,
 <Gene b1855 at 0x114921ac8>,
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 <Gene b2424 at 0x114a8b470>,
 <Gene b2425 at 0x114a8b2e8>,
 <Gene b0763 at 0x114a8b320>,
 <Gene b3917 at 0x114a8b358>,
 <Gene b2422 at 0x114a8b390>,
 <Gene b0765 at 0x114a8b3c8>,
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 <Gene b0134 at 0x114a8b6a0>,
 <Gene b0009 at 0x114a8b828>,
 <Gene b2519 at 0x114a8bb00>,
 <Gene b1069 at 0x114a8bba8>,
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 <Gene b1008 at 0x114a8be80>,
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 <Gene b3996 at 0x114a91d30>,
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 <Gene b2283 at 0x114a9a668>,
 <Gene b2284 at 0x114a9a470>,
 <Gene b2286 at 0x114a9a4a8>,
 <Gene b2288 at 0x114a9a6a0>,
 <Gene b2279 at 0x114a9a6d8>,
 <Gene b2285 at 0x114a9a4e0>,
 <Gene b2282 at 0x114a9a518>,
 <Gene b2281 at 0x114a9a710>,
 <Gene b2276 at 0x114a9a550>,
 <Gene b2277 at 0x114a9a588>,
 <Gene b2287 at 0x114a9a5c0>,
 <Gene b2278 at 0x114a9a5f8>,
 <Gene b2615 at 0x114a9a438>,
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 <Gene b1740 at 0x114a9f198>,
 <Gene b3962 at 0x114a9f390>,
 <Gene b1603 at 0x114a9f3c8>,
 <Gene b1602 at 0x114a9f358>,
 <Gene b0931 at 0x114a9f438>,
 <Gene b1186 at 0x114a9f518>,
 <Gene b0019 at 0x114a9f5f8>,
 <Gene b2518 at 0x114a9f9e8>,
 <Gene b0451 at 0x114aa8278>,
 <Gene b2710 at 0x114aa8390>,
 <Gene b2711 at 0x114aa83c8>,
 <Gene b3479 at 0x114aa8a58>,
 <Gene b3478 at 0x114aa8a90>,
 <Gene b3480 at 0x114aa8ac8>,
 <Gene b3476 at 0x114aa8b00>,
 <Gene b3477 at 0x114aa8b38>,
 <Gene b0639 at 0x114aa8ba8>,
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 <Gene b0751 at 0x114aa8cf8>,
 <Gene b1768 at 0x114aa8fd0>,
 <Gene b1991 at 0x114aaf208>,
 <Gene b0109 at 0x114aaf320>,
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 <Gene b2202 at 0x114aaf898>,
 <Gene b2203 at 0x114aaf940>,
 <Gene b2204 at 0x114aaf8d0>,

A few additional attributes have been added that are not available in a cobrapy model. For example, exchange reactions that allow certain metabolites to enter or leave the model can be accessed through model.exchanges.

[<Reaction DM_4CRSOL at 0x112d5a4e0>,
 <Reaction DM_5DRIB at 0x112d5a518>,
 <Reaction DM_AACALD at 0x112d5a550>,
 <Reaction DM_AMOB at 0x112d5a358>,
 <Reaction DM_MTHTHF at 0x112d5a390>,
 <Reaction DM_OXAM at 0x112d5a3c8>,
 <Reaction EX_12ppd_dsh_R_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112d5a240>,
 <Reaction EX_12ppd_dsh_S_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112d5a278>,
 <Reaction EX_14glucan_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112d5a2b0>,
 <Reaction EX_15dap_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112d5a2e8>,
 <Reaction EX_23camp_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112d5a320>,
 <Reaction EX_23ccmp_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112d5a048>,
 <Reaction EX_23cgmp_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112d5a0f0>,
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 <Reaction EX_val_dsh_L_lp_e_rp_ at 0x114841780>,
 <Reaction EX_xan_lp_e_rp_ at 0x1148412e8>,
 <Reaction EX_xmp_lp_e_rp_ at 0x114841a58>,
 <Reaction EX_xtsn_lp_e_rp_ at 0x114841630>,
 <Reaction EX_xyl_dsh_D_lp_e_rp_ at 0x114841208>,
 <Reaction EX_xylu_dsh_L_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112a53710>,
 <Reaction EX_zn2_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112a53fd0>]

Or, the current medium can be accessed through model.medium.

reaction_id reaction_name lower_bound upper_bound
0 EX_ca2_lp_e_rp_ Calcium exchange -1000.00 1000
1 EX_cbl1_lp_e_rp_ Cob(I)alamin exchange -0.01 1000
2 EX_cl_lp_e_rp_ Chloride exchange -1000.00 1000
3 EX_co2_lp_e_rp_ CO2 exchange -1000.00 1000
... ... ... ... ...
21 EX_slnt_lp_e_rp_ selenite exchange -1000.00 1000
22 EX_so4_lp_e_rp_ Sulfate exchange -1000.00 1000
23 EX_tungs_lp_e_rp_ tungstate exchange -1000.00 1000
24 EX_zn2_lp_e_rp_ Zinc exchange -1000.00 1000

25 rows × 4 columns

It is also possible to get a list of essential reactions ...

[<Reaction DM_4CRSOL at 0x112d5a4e0>,
 <Reaction DM_5DRIB at 0x112d5a518>,
 <Reaction DM_AMOB at 0x112d5a358>,
 <Reaction DM_MTHTHF at 0x112d5a390>,
 <Reaction Ec_biomass_iJO1366_core_53p95M at 0x112d5a438>,
 <Reaction EX_ca2_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112a9b278>,
 <Reaction EX_cl_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112a3b358>,
 <Reaction EX_cobalt2_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112a04a58>,
 <Reaction EX_cu2_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112aaea90>,
 <Reaction EX_glc_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112ae2940>,
 <Reaction EX_k_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112af10f0>,
 <Reaction EX_meoh_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112aa0f60>,
 <Reaction EX_mg2_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112a90ba8>,
 <Reaction EX_mn2_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112a90898>,
 <Reaction EX_mobd_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112a420f0>,
 <Reaction EX_nh4_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112aaada0>,
 <Reaction EX_ni2_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112aaa128>,
 <Reaction EX_pi_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112a22f28>,
 <Reaction EX_so4_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112b07320>,
 <Reaction EX_zn2_lp_e_rp_ at 0x112a53fd0>,
 <Reaction 3OAR140 at 0x114bed630>,
 <Reaction 3OAS140 at 0x114be5da0>,
 <Reaction 5DOAN at 0x114bdf0b8>,
 <Reaction A5PISO at 0x114bdfe10>,
 <Reaction ACCOAC at 0x114bc8080>,
 <Reaction ACGK at 0x114bc8748>,
 <Reaction ACGS at 0x114bc8780>,
 <Reaction ACHBS at 0x114bc87b8>,
 <Reaction ACLS at 0x114bc8518>,
 <Reaction ACODA at 0x114bc0da0>,
 <Reaction ACONTa at 0x114bc0ba8>,
 <Reaction ACONTb at 0x114bc0b38>,
 <Reaction ACOTA at 0x114bc0be0>,
 <Reaction ADCL at 0x114bc0400>,
 <Reaction ADCS at 0x114bc0390>,
 <Reaction ADSK at 0x114bb2ba8>,
 <Reaction ADSL1r at 0x114bb2be0>,
 <Reaction ADSL2r at 0x114bb2a58>,
 <Reaction ADSS at 0x114bb2908>,
 <Reaction AGPAT160 at 0x114bb2390>,
 <Reaction AGPAT161 at 0x114bab080>,
 <Reaction AGPR at 0x114babe10>,
 <Reaction AHCYSNS at 0x114babcf8>,
 <Reaction AICART at 0x114babc88>,
 <Reaction AIRC2 at 0x114babd30>,
 <Reaction AIRC3 at 0x114babcc0>,
 <Reaction ALAALAr at 0x114bab898>,
 <Reaction ALAR at 0x114bab630>,
 <Reaction AMAOTr at 0x114b9d828>,
 <Reaction AMPMS2 at 0x114b9d4e0>,
 <Reaction ANPRT at 0x114b9d390>,
 <Reaction ANS at 0x114b9d3c8>,
 <Reaction AOXSr2 at 0x114b9d0b8>,
 <Reaction APRAUR at 0x114b95940>,
 <Reaction ARGSL at 0x114b8db00>,
 <Reaction ARGSS at 0x114b8db38>,
 <Reaction ASAD at 0x114b8d4a8>,
 <Reaction ASP1DC at 0x114b84da0>,
 <Reaction ASPCT at 0x114b84dd8>,
 <Reaction ASPK at 0x114b84b70>,
 <Reaction ASPTA at 0x114b84908>,
 <Reaction ATPPRT at 0x114b84518>,
 <Reaction BMOCOS at 0x114b7c828>,
 <Reaction BMOGDS1 at 0x114b7c860>,
 <Reaction BMOGDS2 at 0x114b7c438>,
 <Reaction BPNT at 0x114b78198>,
 <Reaction BTS5 at 0x114b78b70>,
 <Reaction CA2tex at 0x114b78320>,
 <Reaction CAt6pp at 0x114b78240>,
 <Reaction CDPMEK at 0x114b724a8>,
 <Reaction CHORM at 0x114b66d30>,
 <Reaction CHORS at 0x114b66cc0>,
 <Reaction CHRPL at 0x114b66d68>,
 <Reaction CLt3_2pp at 0x114b66588>,
 <Reaction CLtex at 0x114b665c0>,
 <Reaction COBALT2tex at 0x114b66320>,
 <Reaction COBALT2tpp at 0x114b5feb8>,
 <Reaction CPMPS at 0x114b5f630>,
 <Reaction CS at 0x114b5bcc0>,
 <Reaction CTPS2 at 0x114b54ac8>,
 <Reaction CU2tex at 0x114b54978>,
 <Reaction CU2tpp at 0x114b547f0>,
 <Reaction CYSS at 0x114b4bf60>,
 <Reaction CYSTL at 0x114b4bcc0>,
 <Reaction DAPDC at 0x114b3da20>,
 <Reaction DAPE at 0x114b3d940>,
 <Reaction DASYN160 at 0x114b3d278>,
 <Reaction DASYN161 at 0x114b3d2b0>,
 <Reaction DB4PS at 0x114b37ef0>,
 <Reaction DBTS at 0x114b37f98>,
 <Reaction DDPA at 0x114b37908>,
 <Reaction DHAD1 at 0x114b31ef0>,
 <Reaction DHAD2 at 0x114b31e80>,
 <Reaction DHDPRy at 0x114b31940>,
 <Reaction DHDPS at 0x114b318d0>,
 <Reaction DHFR at 0x114b31748>,
 <Reaction DHFS at 0x114b31518>,
 <Reaction DHNPA2r at 0x114b2ae80>,
 <Reaction DHORTS at 0x114b2a550>,
 <Reaction DHPPDA2 at 0x114b2a518>,
 <Reaction DHPS2 at 0x114b2a5c0>,
 <Reaction DHPTDCs2 at 0x114b2a400>,
 <Reaction DHQS at 0x114b2a0b8>,
 <Reaction DHQTi at 0x114b230b8>,
 <Reaction DMATT at 0x114b23550>,
 <Reaction DNMPPA at 0x114b19e80>,
 <Reaction DNTPPA at 0x114b19dd8>,
 <Reaction DPCOAK at 0x114b19a90>,
 <Reaction DPR at 0x114b199e8>,
 <Reaction DTMPK at 0x114b19278>,
 <Reaction DXPRIi at 0x114b11c50>,
 <Reaction DXPS at 0x114b11ba8>,
 <Reaction E4PD at 0x114b117f0>,
 <Reaction EGMEACPR at 0x114b02c18>,
 <Reaction EPMEACPR at 0x114b02748>,
 <Reaction FCLT at 0x114ae2e10>,
 <Reaction FMNAT at 0x114ace748>,
 <Reaction G1PACT at 0x114abf9e8>,
 <Reaction G1SAT at 0x114abf898>,
 <Reaction G3PD2 at 0x114abf320>,
 <Reaction G5SADs at 0x114ab7c50>,
 <Reaction GCALDD at 0x114aa8a20>,
 <Reaction GF6PTA at 0x114aa8518>,
 <Reaction GK1 at 0x114a9ffd0>,
 <Reaction GLNS at 0x114a9ac18>,
 <Reaction GLUPRT at 0x114a9a7f0>,
 <Reaction GLUR at 0x114a9aa20>,
 <Reaction GLUTRR at 0x114a9a898>,
 <Reaction GLUTRS at 0x114a9a8d0>,
 <Reaction GMPS2 at 0x114a84978>,
 <Reaction GRTT at 0x114a7dfd0>,
 <Reaction GTPCI at 0x114a7d898>,
 <Reaction GTPCII2 at 0x114a7d8d0>,
 <Reaction HBZOPT at 0x114a73278>,
 <Reaction HCO3E at 0x114a73048>,
 <Reaction HISTD at 0x114a6b278>,
 <Reaction HISTP at 0x114a6b208>,
 <Reaction HMBS at 0x114a63f28>,
 <Reaction HPPK2 at 0x114a636a0>,
 <Reaction HSDy at 0x114a634a8>,
 <Reaction HSK at 0x114a633c8>,
 <Reaction HSST at 0x114a63278>,
 <Reaction HSTPT at 0x114a63320>,
 <Reaction ICDHyr at 0x114a5cc50>,
 <Reaction ICYSDS at 0x114a5c390>,
 <Reaction IG3PS at 0x114a5c240>,
 <Reaction IGPDH at 0x114a5c1d0>,
 <Reaction IGPS at 0x114a54198>,
 <Reaction ILETA at 0x114a54ef0>,
 <Reaction IMPC at 0x114a54e48>,
 <Reaction IPMD at 0x114a54400>,
 <Reaction IPPMIa at 0x114a544a8>,
 <Reaction IPPMIb at 0x114a54438>,
 <Reaction IPPS at 0x114a542e8>,
 <Reaction K2L4Aabcpp at 0x114a54358>,
 <Reaction K2L4Aabctex at 0x114a54080>,
 <Reaction KARA1 at 0x114a54160>,
 <Reaction KARA2 at 0x114a54128>,
 <Reaction KDOCT2 at 0x114a4ce80>,
 <Reaction KDOPP at 0x114a4cf60>,
 <Reaction KDOPS at 0x114a4cf98>,
 <Reaction Ktex at 0x114a4ce10>,
 <Reaction LEUTAi at 0x114a43b70>,
 <Reaction LPADSS at 0x114a3bf60>,
 <Reaction MALCOAMT at 0x114a24c18>,
 <Reaction MCOATA at 0x114a16828>,
 <Reaction MCTP1App at 0x114a16780>,
 <Reaction MECDPDH5 at 0x114a16320>,
 <Reaction MECDPS at 0x114a0f080>,
 <Reaction MEOHtex at 0x114a0f978>,
 <Reaction MEOHtrpp at 0x114a0f898>,
 <Reaction MEPCT at 0x114a0f7f0>,
 <Reaction METAT at 0x114a0f748>,
 <Reaction METS at 0x114a0f4e0>,
 <Reaction MG2tex at 0x114a07cf8>,
 <Reaction MNtex at 0x1149f9f60>,
 <Reaction MOADSUx at 0x1149f9f98>,
 <Reaction MOAT at 0x1149f9b70>,
 <Reaction MOAT2 at 0x1149f9e80>,
 <Reaction MOBDabcpp at 0x1149f9eb8>,
 <Reaction MOBDtex at 0x1149f9ac8>,
 <Reaction MOCOS at 0x1149f9b38>,
 <Reaction MOHMT at 0x1149f9c18>,
 <Reaction MPTAT at 0x1149f9cc0>,
 <Reaction MPTG at 0x1149f9d68>,
 <Reaction MPTS at 0x1149f9668>,
 <Reaction MPTSS at 0x1149f96a0>,
 <Reaction MTHFR2 at 0x1149f2dd8>,
 <Reaction MTHTHFSs at 0x1149f2e10>,
 <Reaction NADK at 0x1149eb438>,
 <Reaction NADS1 at 0x1149ebbe0>,
 <Reaction NDPK2 at 0x1149eb4e0>,
 <Reaction NDPK4 at 0x1149e57b8>,
 <Reaction NH4tex at 0x1149e53c8>,
 <Reaction NH4tpp at 0x1149db400>,
 <Reaction NI2tex at 0x1149dbe80>,
 <Reaction NNATr at 0x1149dba20>,
 <Reaction NNDPR at 0x1149db940>,
 <Reaction OCBT at 0x1149bf198>,
 <Reaction OCTDPS at 0x1149b6080>,
 <Reaction OGMEACPD at 0x1149b6da0>,
 <Reaction OGMEACPR at 0x1149b6d30>,
 <Reaction OGMEACPS at 0x1149b6d68>,
 <Reaction OHPBAT at 0x1149b6be0>,
 <Reaction OMCDC at 0x1149b6ac8>,
 <Reaction OMPDC at 0x1149b69e8>,
 <Reaction OPHBDC at 0x1149b64a8>,
 <Reaction OPMEACPD at 0x1149b6320>,
 <Reaction OPMEACPR at 0x1149b6278>,
 <Reaction OPMEACPS at 0x1149b62b0>,
 <Reaction ORPT at 0x1149b0320>,
 <Reaction P5CR at 0x1149b0e80>,
 <Reaction PANTS at 0x1149b0b38>,
 <Reaction PAPPT3 at 0x1149a9b70>,
 <Reaction PDX5PS at 0x1149a4908>,
 <Reaction PE160abcpp at 0x1149a4a20>,
 <Reaction PE161abcpp at 0x1149a4a58>,
 <Reaction PERD at 0x1149a4668>,
 <Reaction PGAMT at 0x11499be10>,
 <Reaction PHETA1 at 0x11498ea20>,
 <Reaction PItex at 0x11498e8d0>,
 <Reaction PMDPHT at 0x11497e208>,
 <Reaction PMEACPE at 0x11497e240>,
 <Reaction PMPK at 0x11497e1d0>,
 <Reaction PNTK at 0x11497e0f0>,
 <Reaction PPBNGS at 0x114977d30>,
 <Reaction PPCDC at 0x114977d68>,
 <Reaction PPNCL2 at 0x114977ac8>,
 <Reaction PPND at 0x114977978>,
 <Reaction PPNDH at 0x114977908>,
 <Reaction PRAGSr at 0x1149770b8>,
 <Reaction PRAIS at 0x11496f128>,
 <Reaction PRAIi at 0x11496ffd0>,
 <Reaction PRAMPC at 0x11496ff98>,
 <Reaction PRASCSi at 0x11496fef0>,
 <Reaction PRATPP at 0x11496ff28>,
 <Reaction PRFGS at 0x11496fe48>,
 <Reaction PRMICI at 0x11496fe80>,
 <Reaction PSCVT at 0x11496f4a8>,
 <Reaction PSD160 at 0x11496f240>,
 <Reaction PSD161 at 0x11496f1d0>,
 <Reaction PSSA160 at 0x114967b00>,
 <Reaction PSSA161 at 0x114967a90>,
 <Reaction PTPATi at 0x1149676d8>,
 <Reaction QULNS at 0x114950fd0>,
 <Reaction RBFK at 0x114950dd8>,
 <Reaction RBFSa at 0x114950b38>,
 <Reaction RBFSb at 0x114950be0>,
 <Reaction RHCCE at 0x114950588>,
 <Reaction SADT2 at 0x114947438>,
 <Reaction SDPDS at 0x114940e10>,
 <Reaction SDPTA at 0x114940b38>,
 <Reaction SERAT at 0x11493a860>,
 <Reaction SHCHD2 at 0x11493a198>,
 <Reaction SHCHF at 0x11493a0f0>,
 <Reaction SHK3Dr at 0x11493a0b8>,
 <Reaction SHKK at 0x11493a048>,
 <Reaction SHSL1 at 0x11492f080>,
 <Reaction SO4tex at 0x11492fb00>,
 <Reaction SULRi at 0x1149287f0>,
 <Reaction TDSK at 0x1149214e0>,
 <Reaction THDPS at 0x114921390>,
 <Reaction THRD_L at 0x11491ab00>,
 <Reaction THRS at 0x11491aa20>,
 <Reaction THZPSN3 at 0x11491a2b0>,
 <Reaction TMDS at 0x114914898>,
 <Reaction TMPK at 0x1149146d8>,
 <Reaction TMPPP at 0x114914668>,
 <Reaction TYRL at 0x114906550>,
 <Reaction TYRTA at 0x1149064e0>,
 <Reaction U23GAAT at 0x1148ffd68>,
 <Reaction UAAGDS at 0x1148ffdd8>,
 <Reaction UAGAAT at 0x1148ffbe0>,
 <Reaction UAGCVT at 0x1148ffc18>,
 <Reaction UAGDP at 0x1148ffc50>,
 <Reaction UAGPT3 at 0x1148ff278>,
 <Reaction UAMAGS at 0x1148ff208>,
 <Reaction UAMAS at 0x1148ff0b8>,
 <Reaction UAPGR at 0x1148ff080>,
 <Reaction UDCPDP at 0x1148ff0f0>,
 <Reaction UDCPDPS at 0x1148ff128>,
 <Reaction UGMDDS at 0x1148f1198>,
 <Reaction UHGADA at 0x1148f11d0>,
 <Reaction UMPK at 0x1148eaa90>,
 <Reaction UPP3MT at 0x1148ea908>,
 <Reaction UPP3S at 0x1148ea898>,
 <Reaction UPPDC1 at 0x1148ea8d0>,
 <Reaction USHD at 0x1148e3940>,
 <Reaction Zn2tex at 0x1148d5e10>]

... and essential genes.

[<Gene b0420 at 0x1149140b8>,
 <Gene b2400 at 0x1149b0160>,
 <Gene b2153 at 0x1149d4160>,
 <Gene b0475 at 0x114940198>,
 <Gene b4245 at 0x11486c1d0>,
 <Gene b3939 at 0x114b84208>,
 <Gene b1277 at 0x1149d4278>,
 <Gene b2574 at 0x11486c2b0>,
 <Gene b0774 at 0x112bf8358>,
 <Gene b1281 at 0x114adc3c8>,
 <Gene b2530 at 0x114a00400>,
 <Gene b2472 at 0x114b78400>,
 <Gene b1288 at 0x1149144a8>,
 <Gene b0777 at 0x114a4c4e0>,
 <Gene b3807 at 0x114a00518>,
 <Gene b1098 at 0x11490c550>,
 <Gene b3994 at 0x112bf8588>,
 <Gene b2019 at 0x1148705f8>,
 <Gene b3040 at 0x1148885f8>,
 <Gene b1093 at 0x112b886a0>,
 <Gene b1092 at 0x114a5c710>,
 <Gene b3843 at 0x114adc7f0>,
 <Gene b2311 at 0x114adc828>,
 <Gene b0928 at 0x11486c898>,
 <Gene b3634 at 0x114b44898>,
 <Gene b1136 at 0x114a009b0>,
 <Gene b0179 at 0x114bc89b0>,
 <Gene b2600 at 0x114890a20>,
 <Gene b2599 at 0x114890a58>,
 <Gene b0784 at 0x114a84a90>,
 <Gene b0085 at 0x114bc8ac8>,
 <Gene b3633 at 0x114a84b38>,
 <Gene b2329 at 0x114890b70>,
 <Gene b0639 at 0x114aa8ba8>,
 <Gene b4039 at 0x114890c50>,
 <Gene b0750 at 0x114b54cc0>,
 <Gene b0827 at 0x114870cf8>,
 <Gene b1208 at 0x114888d68>,
 <Gene b3368 at 0x114b7cda0>,
 <Gene b1263 at 0x112bf8e48>,
 <Gene b3607 at 0x114b78f28>,
 <Gene b0173 at 0x11490cf60>,
 <Gene b3991 at 0x114bc0f98>,
 <Gene b1264 at 0x112bf8fd0>,
 <Gene b0417 at 0x114bb9048>,
 <Gene b2320 at 0x114af90b8>,
 <Gene b1094 at 0x112b9d128>,
 <Gene b2021 at 0x1149f9128>,
 <Gene b0182 at 0x114a31128>,
 <Gene b4040 at 0x1149e5160>,
 <Gene b2762 at 0x114af1160>,
 <Gene b1415 at 0x114995198>,
 <Gene b0915 at 0x114ba51d0>,
 <Gene b3993 at 0x114bb9198>,
 <Gene b0908 at 0x114b3d320>,
 <Gene b4160 at 0x114b3d400>,
 <Gene b3941 at 0x114a914e0>,
 <Gene b3850 at 0x114b31668>,
 <Gene b0031 at 0x1148f1748>,
 <Gene b0524 at 0x114be5748>,
 <Gene b0166 at 0x114ba57b8>,
 <Gene b2478 at 0x1148f1898>,
 <Gene b3729 at 0x114995898>,
 <Gene b0052 at 0x114af1898>,
 <Gene b2564 at 0x114af1860>,
 <Gene b2750 at 0x112bd19e8>,
 <Gene b0086 at 0x114bd9a90>,
 <Gene b2315 at 0x1148f1b00>,
 <Gene b1131 at 0x112bd1b70>,
 <Gene b0096 at 0x114bd9ba8>,
 <Gene b0088 at 0x114bd2518>,
 <Gene b2312 at 0x1149a9c50>,
 <Gene b3176 at 0x114af9d30>,
 <Gene b4177 at 0x112bd1d68>,
 <Gene b3967 at 0x1149a9da0>,
 <Gene b2585 at 0x114b3deb8>,
 <Gene s0001 at 0x112ba5ef0>,
 <Gene b0131 at 0x114865f28>,
 <Gene b1260 at 0x114bb9f28>,
 <Gene b4005 at 0x114b31f60>,
 <Gene b1261 at 0x114bb9f60>,
 <Gene b0025 at 0x114959f98>,
 <Gene b1210 at 0x1149a9fd0>,
 <Gene b3990 at 0x114bb20f0>,
 <Gene b0181 at 0x114bd20f0>,
 <Gene b0423 at 0x114bb2128>,
 <Gene b3857 at 0x11487a160>,
 <Gene b3805 at 0x1149f2160>,
 <Gene b3992 at 0x114bb2160>,
 <Gene b4407 at 0x114bb2198>,
 <Gene b1096 at 0x112bca1d0>,
 <Gene b0776 at 0x112bfe1d0>,
 <Gene b3642 at 0x114ae2208>,
 <Gene b3189 at 0x114bd2208>,
 <Gene b2323 at 0x112b8e240>,
 <Gene b4214 at 0x11487a2b0>,
 <Gene b0133 at 0x114aea2e8>,
 <Gene b2103 at 0x1149f22e8>,
 <Gene b3360 at 0x112bca320>,
 <Gene b0414 at 0x114856320>,
 <Gene b1812 at 0x112bca358>,
 <Gene b0004 at 0x112b96400>,
 <Gene b0090 at 0x114bd2400>,
 <Gene b2615 at 0x114a9a438>,
 <Gene b3256 at 0x112bae4e0>,
 <Gene b2764 at 0x11493a4e0>,
 <Gene b0185 at 0x112bae518>,
 <Gene b2763 at 0x11493a518>,
 <Gene b3255 at 0x112bae550>,
 <Gene b2316 at 0x112bae588>,
 <Gene b3196 at 0x114882630>,
 <Gene b0091 at 0x114bd2630>,
 <Gene b0103 at 0x1149066a0>,
 <Gene b0775 at 0x11487a710>,
 <Gene b3648 at 0x1148ea710>,
 <Gene b3972 at 0x114bd2710>,
 <Gene b0142 at 0x1149f2780>,
 <Gene b0386 at 0x114ae27b8>,
 <Gene b0369 at 0x114b2a7f0>,
 <Gene b0720 at 0x1148be860>,
 <Gene b3774 at 0x114906908>,
 <Gene b0918 at 0x114a16940>,
 <Gene b0174 at 0x114bd29b0>,
 <Gene b3198 at 0x114a16a58>,
 <Gene b1091 at 0x112bbea58>,
 <Gene b3187 at 0x114ad6a90>,
 <Gene b3639 at 0x114b2ab00>,
 <Gene b3957 at 0x112bbeb38>,
 <Gene b1215 at 0x114a16b70>,
 <Gene b2838 at 0x1148deba8>,
 <Gene b0159 at 0x112b96c50>,
 <Gene b3771 at 0x1148eacc0>,
 <Gene b3809 at 0x1148decf8>,
 <Gene b2752 at 0x114b72cf8>,
 <Gene b2751 at 0x114b72d30>,
 <Gene b3201 at 0x112bbeda0>,
 <Gene b4262 at 0x112bbedd8>,
 <Gene b2827 at 0x114bb2dd8>,
 <Gene b3200 at 0x112bbee10>,
 <Gene b3199 at 0x112bbee48>,
 <Gene b0907 at 0x114ad6e48>,
 <Gene b4261 at 0x112bbee80>,
 <Gene b0003 at 0x1149f2e80>,
 <Gene b0087 at 0x114aeaeb8>,
 <Gene b0175 at 0x1148def60>,
 <Gene b4013 at 0x1149f2f98>,
 <Gene b3058 at 0x1148f7048>,
 <Gene b3959 at 0x112bb30b8>,
 <Gene b2499 at 0x114b370f0>,
 <Gene b2507 at 0x1149c7160>,
 <Gene b1740 at 0x114a9f198>,
 <Gene b2818 at 0x112bb31d0>,
 <Gene b2780 at 0x1148c71d0>,
 <Gene b2026 at 0x114b37278>,
 <Gene b3958 at 0x112bdf2b0>,
 <Gene b0109 at 0x114aaf320>,
 <Gene b3359 at 0x112bc3358>,
 <Gene b3730 at 0x11496f358>,
 <Gene b0180 at 0x112b7f3c8>,
 <Gene b2747 at 0x114a6b3c8>,
 <Gene b0421 at 0x1148ff400>,
 <Gene b2476 at 0x114b37400>,
 <Gene b1662 at 0x114b5b400>,
 <Gene b3608 at 0x114977470>,
 <Gene b2023 at 0x114a074e0>,
 <Gene b1062 at 0x1148f74e0>,
 <Gene b0029 at 0x1148ff4e0>,
 <Gene b2025 at 0x114a07518>,
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